SEU RFP To Be Released Before New Oversight Board is Seated

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008

I spoke to the Energy Office this morning. The word is that the new board will not be seated before the RFP goes out. This is sad. Apparently, Gov. Minner has signed the bill into law, but she has not yet appointed the new board. Whether or not the SEU Task Force is legal and whether or not they are acting in the best interest of the people of Delaware, the appearance that this RFP is being rushed out to the market is disappointing.

The new oversight board will either be stuck with the previous board’s RFP or they will frustrate the bidders by issuing a revamped RFP during the process.  We have another chance to talk to the SEU at the end of the month.  I’ll keep you posted.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    The SEU and ‘RFP’s have pork-barrel written all over.

    What, exactly, is the purpose the proponents of SEU are saying makes them and it necessary?

  2. jason330 says:

    The “Harris McDowell Sinecure Protection Act of 2008” grinds on.

  3. Disbelief says:

    Shouldn’t that read “Harris McDowell & Family Retirement Act of 2008 – ?”.

  4. cassandra m says:

    Since the winner of this contract gets to basically set the terms of performance by which they get evaluated, it worries me that the board oversight terms get cast in concrete before there is a real board. Perhaps the message in this rush to market is that whatever the permanent board is, it was always meant to be a rubber stamp.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    What, exactly, is the purpose the proponents of SEU are saying makes them and it necessary?

    Not sure I understand the question. Are you asking why they feel they have to release the RFP? The reason given for that was that the long RFP process will necessitate the earliest start date in January. The Energy Office is genuinely concerned that this winter is going to be very difficult for many people with the cost of fossil fuels today. They have a number of “quick-start” programs that they want to use to help ease that burden.

  6. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    That effer McDowell will never retire!

  7. Disbelief says:

    No, I mean what exactly is the purpose of SEU?

  8. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Disbelief read all about here..

    Much room for discussion here. Some of it laughable.
    IEEE Spectrum: The Rise of the Energy Efficiency Utility- 3:32pmThe Delaware SEU’s efforts are to be funded by a 36 cents per month electric bill surcharge and a $30 million private bond issue. …

    click on
    or just google “Delaware SEU”

  9. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Disbelief read all about here..

    Much room for discussion here. Some of it laughable.
    IEEE Spectrum: The Rise of the Energy Efficiency Utility- 3:32pmThe Delaware SEU’s efforts are to be funded by a 36 cents per month electric bill surcharge and a $30 million private bond issue. …VERY INTERESTING

    click on
    or just google “Delaware SEU”

  10. Frieda Berryhill says:

    sorry for posting twice, meent to correct…shorten

  11. Disbelief says:

    So Frieda, after reading their ‘mission’ statement, it looks like they want to do what ‘green’ activists are already doing for free, only they want to pay themselves $30 million plus an additional tax on our utility bills?

    Who the hell thinks this scam is going to float?

  12. Frieda Berryhill says:

    DITTO Disbelief you’re catching on, You are getting an A for homework !!! It IS floating all right nobody does the research……….What a GRAND scam……. Hahaha nobody pays me for doing all the reaseach and for sustaining a weekly e mail list that reaches every state and some foreign countries …..It is costing nothing but my time which, due to my age I have plenty of. There are millions of us, YOU ARE RIGHT all doing it for free, while the paid goons stand in the way

  13. Hey =) Just check this out: Tila Tequila is naked uhhhh…. hot bitch: