Another Senior Moment?

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008

Photo by SoggyDanToday McCain announced at a Republican fundraiser that his opponent, Barack Obama was going to Iraq this weekend. Here’s the rub, this wasn’t public knowledge. The announcement could be considered a security breach.

Don’t you think a guy that claims to be strong on national defense would know better than to leak that sort of information?  Perhaps McCain, swayed by his own successful trip, considers Iraq just like a trip to Germany.  A walk in the park.  Or perhaps he is hoping to improve one of the few chances he has of winning.

Kudos to HuffPo for pointing out that McCain was furious when the press leaked the fact that his son was going there, for fear that he would be targeted.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I can only imagine the traditional press reaction if Obama leaked that McCain was going.

    It would be loud and long.

  2. Truth Teller says:

    Why is everyone so surprised when it comes to national secrets the Repuks have no respect for them. McCain gave information to the enemy when he was captured and this White House exposed a undercover CIA agent during war time. Nothing is ever done the Dem’s shake their heads and sit on their hands and the MSM makes it a one day story if at that.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    The traditional press and their wingnut handlers would be going berserk if Obama was leaking McCain’s whereabouts.

    But, funnily enough, McCain even leaked the wrong info — Obama went to Afghanistan this weekend. So not only did they leak embargoed information, they didn’t even have the correct information.

    Another preview of the third term of GWB, ladies and gentlemen.

  4. Dana says:

    Considering that Mr McCain’s son is an ordinary Marine, while Barack Hussein Obama will have all the protection possible — and that the Muslims want him to win anyway — Mr Obama wouldn’t be in any danger.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Dana, you are a punk of the highest order.

    What is your middle name. I’d like to use it whenever I address you from now on.

  6. RAH says:

    Considering that Obama got to Afghanistan today and his schedule is pretty set in order to give his big speech in Europe,the time frame was pretty obvious. Not a big deal.

  7. David says:

    Not public knowledge? The three anchors are going. I guess this is another leftist twitch.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Considering that the only person that revealed any detail (that Obama was to be in Iraq this weekend) was McCain, it is pretty clear that even the press traveling with him honored the embargo.

    But I guess that it is a wingnut twtich to toss off the expensive intent of Secret Service security arrangements when the person whose safety is at risk is, you know, not a wingnut. No matter though — McCain’s information was wrong (go figure) and tomorrow is Sunday so you’ll have plenty of time to remind yourself that the cavalier treatment of another’s safety is really the Christian Thing To Do.

  9. RAH says:

    Like I said with anouncements that he was going to Afghanistan ,the next stop is Iraq. He left on Thursday Friday meets and greets and next day or so goes to Iraq. Since our Thursday is Iraq Wednesday with the time change, then expected arrival is Iraq Friday or Sat time .

    Not a big deal. Any person could have figured that out. If he had said what airport and exact expected time then a security breach.

  10. Sticks 'n Twigs says:


    You guessed it Dana’s middle name IS Punk or is it Puke? Either way his parents understood at birth what a loser he would be.