here comes the WAAAAHHHHMBULANCE….

Filed in National by on July 19, 2008

Christopher J. Tigani, who owns a liquor distributing business, has filed two civil actions in state court against car dealer John Hynansky.

Both are in response to an April civil lawsuit that Hynansky filed alleging that Tigani walked away from a handshake agreement to buy Hynansky’s $5 million, stone Tudor-style home after renovations had started, leaving it in disarray.

Tigani, 37, has denied those claims and has since filed a civil suit over a business arrangement the two men had involving an airplane and, in a second legal action filed this month, charged Hynansky, 65, with defamation and libel in his comments to the newspaper about the failed house deal.

Looks like an Italian is trying to stick it to a Pollock to me….just sayin. I wonder if Tigani knows Cindy McCain

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hiding in the open

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  1. arthur says:

    must be nice to inherit a multi-million dollar business from daddy.

  2. Art Downs says:

    It must be even nicer to have a faux-populist daddy cut deals with a KGB money launderer and then make millions hawking ‘environmental indulgences’ in the style of Pope Leo X.

  3. Andy says:

    must be nice to inherit a multi-million dollar business from daddy.

    That has a built in monopoly there is no realcompetition among beer and liquor distributors
    In other words NKS sells all of the Budweiser beer to Liquor stores in the state no one else sells Bud and so on with every other brand of beer wine or liquor a distributer has exclusive rights to that brand. If you sell miller or coors you better hope more want to drink those and that the beer maker have good ad campaigns

  4. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    Lovely people from lovely families only have their names in the newspaper twice: birth and death (not so much birth at this point)….and only in the NYT or WAPO. ‘Nough said.

  5. arthur says:

    the miller distributor is owned by chris’ uncle. he started the distributor to get back at his brother years ago after a falling out.

  6. jason330 says:

    This is going in the “small state” file for me. I knew Chris when he was 6 yrs old and I was 11.

    All I know about him is that he has brown hair and is missing a front tooth.

  7. Art Downs says:

    Note that a certain ‘black activist’ squeezed a beer distributorship out of A-B.

    I suppose that it is too much to expect that the self-styled king of beer will begin to make more than rice-based swill under the new management.

    Wasn’t Dr. Evil Belgian?

  8. CJO says:

    The beginning of the end of the big breweries. Pretty soon there will be one big brewery brewing shitty domestic beer. The microbrew revolution is upon us.Has been for quite some time, but the big guys are now starting to pay attention.

  9. X Stryker says:

    They’re called “Poles”, buddy. The singular would be “Pole”. The word you used describes a artist who splashed paint on canvas a lot.

  10. RSmitty says:

    Little late to the party, but on the ride in today, it came to me…is Hynansky the Winner Auto guy?

  11. BigWave says:

    Go get’em Chris….!!!