Good For Hockessin

Filed in National by on July 22, 2008

Thomas Simpson is my hero.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    At once people complain about the price of gasoline and protest more shops built in their neighborhood. Doesn’t anyone want to live within a short walk on bicycle ride to a market, pharmacy, liquor store, coffee shop, etc.? I guess not.

    I look at these stories exactly the other way round. I live in Newark and supported the Acierno proposal for a “Town Center” at the corner of Kirkwood Hwy and Polly Drummond Hill Rd. The more stuff I can walk or bike to the better.

  2. anon says:

    I just heard this story on WHYY radio (91FM).

  3. jason330 says:

    My take is that this a part of Hockessin getting the kind of development they want – and not the car centered ugly strip mall that was going to be forced upon them.

    Remember this reliable rule of thumb. If it can be built nice and well thought out or stupid and ugly – Delaware will always build the stupid and ungly unless people push hard against it.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    How naive….You think 33 acres of PRIVATELY OWNED property, already in talks w/ a Pittsburgh developer is going to yield to 1000 signatures of residents who don’t want a change of landscape, and THINK they can decide what to do with your land? I’m sure the landowner is more than willing to forgo retirement plans, some sense of financial security, and the priveledge(sp) of ownership just to be a good neighbor and avoid that “contention”…..NOT!!!Sure, they will “consider” it….but financial consideration can silence any contention they may hear from what will probably be far away Hockessin. The real hero is the landowner if they do the park alternative. Everyone else….self serving….but Jason…extra credit is being awarded in your DHB column for wearing rose-colored glasses.