Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

I’m trying to get my head around this radio ad that the DELAWARE STATE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE is running on WDEL.

It seems John Carney and Tony DeLuca are 100% responsible from making the Blue Water Wind Deal happen and are single handed bringing “thousands” of jobs to Delaware. (Huh?)

How much more juice is Carney going to try to squeeze out of his “Johnny come lately” marginal role in the wind park?

How F’ed up is it that the state Democratic Committee has basically said “Fuck it, we work for Carney now”?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Down with Absolutes! » Blog Archive » The fight of the millennium? | July 28, 2008
  1. liberalgeek says:

    Hold on, J. I have sent a WAHHHHHmbulance to your location.

  2. anon says:

    Didn’t the Democratic State Party endorse Carney? If so, then campaigning from him is not too much of a surprise is it.

  3. ActiveX says:

    “Johnny come lately” — taken right from the Markell talking points on this.

    Your getting lazy Jason.

  4. Al Mascitti says:

    My question is about the “thousands” of jobs. I thought it was 150.

  5. Anon says:

    I will enjoy getting out of bed on Sept. 10th knowing that the union and minority special interests in the Democratic Party have elected the lesser candidate, the candidate that will actually hurt Delaware.

    I will enjoy it because finally the more intelligent, professional & progressive Democrats will finally know what it feels like to be a Republican the day after a Delaware election.

  6. Dist says:

    They’ll be state appointed jobs. They can make 150 relatives cost as much as ‘thousands’.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I believe that the thousands comes from centralizing the east coast operations being based here. If we end up rolling these farms out in NJ, MD and VA, we could easily be looking at 4 digits of jobs, no? BTW, I’m guessing.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    So they are planning on centralizing the turbine manufacturing here? That is the only way I can imagine that you get thousands of jobs.

  9. jason330 says:

    You have been busted Geek, you Carney bootblack.

    No “thoudsands” of jobs are being moved here. What next from Carney, his healing touch can cure cancer?

  10. Badmon3333 says:

    Carney strikes me as very stick-up-his-a** (not to be crude). He just comes off as not very personable and a little too businesslike for my taste.

    Markell is a genuinely approachable guy. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because I’ve had more conversations with him, but it just seems as though he’s more in tune with the average Delawarean than Carney.

    Not to mention he hit every single town in Sussex, the only gubernatorial candidate thus far to do so. Bill Lee was in Georgetown for like, an hour on Monday, and that was his sole Sussex campaign stop. I guess he thinks he has slower lower sewn up already.

  11. June says:

    Wonder how much money other Dem. Party endorsed candidates will get for this election. Will there be any leftovers from spending to get Carney elected?

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, I’m the guy in the bag for a candidate, eh? I’m just trying to prepare your for a soft landing when you get beat upside the head in September.

  13. PBaumbach says:

    Jack Markell is hosting a press conference at his Riverfront campaign office (920 S Justison, Wilmington, DE 19801) on Friday at 11am, to present his disappointment with the actions of the Delaware Democratic Party in directing resources against Democrats rather than Republicans.

    If you agree with Jack that this is a poor use of Delaware Democratic money, and/or if you agree that the fact-checking in the ad is atrocious, and a dis-service to the Delaware voters and to the DelDems Party, then try to attend the press conference.

  14. Al Mascitti says:

    “I believe that the thousands comes from centralizing the east coast operations being based here.”

    If that’s the case, it ranks pretty high on the Fib-o-Meter. Those jobs wouldn’t be created by the time Carney leaves office even if he wins two terms.

  15. RSmitty says:

    Damnnnn…J, getting dissed by your own now!

    Just remember, in the end, they don’t appreciate you like I appreciate you.

    BTW, get your names right, is he a bootlicker, or Carney’s lickspittle?

  16. RickJ19958 says:

    Somebody call me?

  17. RSmitty says:

    Whoa to #13…

    I’m totally reading into that and enjoying my interpretation much better. Time will tell if I am right. I’m thinking the ripples in the water may be more like rip-currents.

  18. RSmitty says:

    RickJ19958 –
    Keep quiet, you bootlicker.

  19. selander says:

    June makes the crucial point. Party dollars should be used to support Democratic candidates against Republicans.

    Every dollar the party uses to prop up the Carney campaign against another democrat are dollars that aren’t available to help candidates for local and county office against GOP foes.

    We have great legislative candidates that haven’t seen a dime from the party.

  20. selander says:

    Actually, interesting question for perhaps a separate thread –

    What should the party and John Carney do for democratic candidates who lose close races in November because the party blew resources in July propping up one Democrat against another?

    Hand-written apologies? Gift certificates to Dunkin’ Donuts? Free tugboat ride out to the windfarm?

  21. ActiveX says:

    Oh, Selander…

    Jack’s been working the contribution teat longer than anyone. Did you ever think that ever dollar that Jack Markell has squirreled away could have gone to these legislative candidates as well?

    It just like anything else, people only have so much disposable income to contribute to candidates, and Markell has been none to shy about asking people for it. Do you think this makes it easier for legislative candidates to raise money?

    Give me a break!

  22. ActiveX says:

    Or is your conscience clear because Jack has raised so much money from out of state?

    Just asking…

  23. jason330 says:

    That is some defense of the Delaware Dems. Let me see…Jack has his own money. Do I have that right?

  24. selander says:

    My conscience is clear because everybody who donated to Jack Markell over the years did so knowing how those contributions would be used.

    At what point during the party’s JJ dinner did party folks tell the hundreds of people who donated “so much of their disposable income” that, despite all the talk that night about winning the House, expanding democratic seats on county council, winning the White House and keeping our statewide offices, the money was going to be funneled against one of those statewides on the stage?

  25. RSmitty says:

    Hand-written apologies? Gift certificates to Dunkin’ Donuts? Free tugboat ride out to the windfarm?

    How about guaranteed BWW employment that Sts. Carney and DeLuca created all by their lonesome(s) from their own sweat with the BWW deal?

  26. jason330 says:

    The whole thing reeks. It is only defensible if John Carney’s career ambitions are more important to you than electing more and better Democrats.

  27. Mad Wet Hen says:

    I’ll be there on Fri. morning…….with bells on.

    The question for all registered Dems is: “Who’s zoomin’ Who(m)”? or more to the point (pun intended): It’s who you know and who you blow.

    My last cliché: Something IS rotten in Denmark. However, that smell does not begin compare with the stench wafting from Basin Road and engulfing every Dem in the entire state.