A few photo’s from the BBQ

Filed in National by on July 27, 2008

 I think the BBQ went pretty damn well. The weather was absolutely beautiful and we had a pretty good showing of people. The guests of the blogosphere included Jason, Liberalgeek, Deldem, Karmicjay, Joe M and Dana Garrett. We also had a few loyal readers amongst the crowd as well.  About 50 lbs of meat was devoured, 6 cases of beer and 6 bottles of wine was consumed over the course of 9 hours. I have a few pictures I’d like to share from the evening/day.

The first photo I will display is of Liberal geek. He had fun and people wouldn’t stop feeding him all night. He hung around the entire day and he only left after the food was gone. So all of you wondering what LG looks like, judge for yourself…


The man, the myth the guy that started it all and who I owe well, nothing really, but I still appreciate him.  His 8 year old son beat someont that thinks he is DHB in a game of horse

The flower chair is Liberalgeeks…just sayin

This 20lb monster had people lining up to get a piece.  A nice stuffed pork loin baby, just another reason why I am DHB. I know how handle a grill baby. 

Keep this man away from fire

Joe, DD and Karmic Jay keeping it real, notice the American Flag that’s my chair.  (no flowers)

I think we all know the goofy bastard in this picture below, he scared the kids and the women…oh and the guy in blue is Dana

and this picture sums up the end of the evening, a little out of focus…

good times people, good times.  Hope you can make next year’s!

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hiding in the open

Comments (7)

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  1. Pandora says:

    I’m so sorry I missed it! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. Tyler Nixon says:

    I am sorry I couldn’t make this gathering, DV. I hope another one is in the works soon. (Sooner than next year!)

  3. cassandra m says:

    Sorry I missed this, DV — I am glad that you all had such a great time!

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    It was a great time. One thing bugged me, though. I found out DV really is the hottest blogger in DE. Damn, and here I thought I had an outside chance.

  5. Joe M says:

    Sorry, Dana, but you had about as much chance as me 🙂

    I mean, geez, look at the second to the last picture… Even the camera thought there was two people there.

  6. One thing bugged me, though. I found out DV really is the hottest blogger in DE. Damn, and here I thought I had an outside chance.

    PUT THAT IN YOUR SHORTS LG! If there is one guy out there that knows hot, it is Dana!

    awwwwwwwwww….sookie, sookie, byotch!

  7. NO worries Cas and Tyler

    You guys name the next time you want a BBQ and we can make sure we really throw down an all blogging BBQ.

    I enjoy manning the grill