People Who Talk About Politics in Delaware: A Hierarchy

Filed in Delaware by on July 27, 2008

Slightly Updated 11/26/08: This is an imperfect and rough take on the concept, but I think it maps out some of the main points.

  • Tom Carper’s Staffers feel superior to everyone.
  • Biden Staffers feel superior to Mike Castle staffers.
  • Mike Castle staffers feel superior to the News Journal Editorial Board.
  • News Journal Editorial Board feels superior to News Journal Reporters.
  • News Journal Reports feel superior to Delaware State News Reporters.
  • Delaware State News Reporters feel superior to radio talk show hosts.
  • Radio talk show hosts feel superior to bloggers.
  • Bloggers feel superior to named blog commenters.
  • Named blog commenters feel superior to Anon commenters.
  • Anon commenters feel superior to Liz Allen.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Doesn’t this mean that Liz Allen is superior to all?

    No, it can’t be, because I do not see four horsemen riding across the sky yet.

  2. Dist says:

    The feeling of superiority is a subjective thing. Like, for example, geek and Jason probably think they are as or better looking than DV. They’re allowed to feel that way. That’s what psychoanalysis is for.

  3. RickJ19958 says:

    Tom Carper’s staffers should feel superior to everyone. They perform miracles making him appear coherent.

  4. jason330 says:

    DelawareDem is right.

    It reads better if

    Anon commenters feel superior to Liz Allen.

    is the last line.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I disagree. These things have to have an ironic punchline. You could change it to “Liz Allen feels superior to everyone” but I prefer the current wording.

  6. Come to think of it, I think Liz Allen actually IS superior to Tom Carper staffers. She does a pretty mean takedown of his BS constituent letters.

  7. TooGoodForAName says:

    It gets stuck in an endless loop though:

    – Mike Protack feels superior to anon commenters.
    – Anon commenters ARE Mike Protack.

  8. RickJ19958 says:

    It gets stuck in an endless loop though:

    – Mike Protack feels superior to anon commenters.
    – Anon commenters ARE Mike Protack.


  9. liz allen says:

    Truth is I don’t feel personally “superior” to anyone. I have my facts, I stand on them, and I submit them on blogs under my own name.

    The anons of the world should be challenged. If they don’t have the courage to make statements under their own names, I call them “zealots and demonizers”.

    And to Jason, I send you a multitude of emails supporting my positions, how many of the anon’s do that? Just asking for fairness here.

  10. delawaredem says:

    As for the DHB competition, from seeing the competition last night, LG gets points for actually making up campaign stickers, and DV gets points for cooking some great BBQ and for the variety of beer available. JS must be in some way hot, which is not immediately visible to the human eye, for somehow got his wonderful and funny wife to marry him.

  11. Dist says:

    So Liz’s position is that she doesn’t feel superior to anyone, just that she’s always right and they’re always wrong.

    That’s easy.

  12. Dist says:

    I kind of figured Jason’s wife had to have an incredible sense of humor.

  13. delawaredem says:

    These are just jokes, Liz. Don’t be insulted.

  14. Dist says:

    I am joking, Liz. But don’t crawl up my ass so quickly in the future.

  15. jason330 says:


    It was a cheap shot, but it needed some spice that only mentioning you could add.

  16. Tom Carper says:

    Who’s Liz Allen?

  17. delawaredem says:

    Who is Tom Carper?

    There is no more invisible Senator than Tom Carper.

  18. George says:

    You’ve obviously never met Joe Biden’s staffers.

  19. jason330 says:

    They can’t be worse that Carper staffers.

  20. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “Tom Carper’s staffers should feel superior to everyone. They perform miracles making him appear coherent.”
    Indeed, especially in today’s “Perspective” (Sunday) in the News Journal. They know nothing about nuclear power. what a piece of pompous writing

  21. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Liz said
    “I have my facts, I stand on them, and I submit them on blogs under my own name………”giving
    her own name, as I do means that , at least , we are not afraid to defend our position, anytime, anywhere.

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    Liz doesn’t defend her positions. She shouts, she bullies, she insults, but she never engages in debate, because that would entail reading and understanding a viewpoint in opposition to her own. She doesn’t have the intellectual chops for it, and covers by spewing bile.

  23. snark says:

    George :
    You’ve obviously never met Joe Biden’s staffers.
    jason330 :
    They can’t be worse that Carper staffers.

    The Biden staff is so superior, they don’t stoop to mix with commoners like you.
    (and they are so high above you … you haven’t noticed)

  24. annon2 says:

    Mike Protack feels superior to anon commenters.
    – Anon commenters ARE Mike Protack.

    Next year Tommy wonk should do a best blog lines and this one has to be the early favorite.

  25. liz allen says:

    Al, your pile on is very telling asswipe! I have been right on many of the items I have presented, because I always have a newspaper or multiple ones to back me up. Jason knows that very well, if he would be honest enough to state it. Al, “must be right” all the time, and never apologizes to anyone when he has been dead wrong! But thats Al, and his “take no prisoners attitude”, I will not be bullied, or sullied by a an info tainer on Fake news.

  26. Al Mascitti says:

    Thank you, Liz, for illustrating exactly what I’m talking about.

    “I have been right on many of the items I have presented, because I always have a newspaper or multiple ones to back me up.”

    Funny, since you have such a low opinion of the press. But it’s normal for you. You are consistently inconsistent.

    “Al, “must be right” all the time, and never apologizes to anyone when he has been dead wrong!”

    In point of fact, this sentence is only true if you substitute “Liz Allen” for “Al.”

    And don’t worry — as someone who has slandered me and shows no sign of apologizing for it, you are not welcome on my show. You’ll have to confine yourself to my butt-kissing competitor over at WILM.

    By the way, one of the things you were dead wrong about is the effect of our one-call-per-week rule on our ratings. They have gone up significantly. I expect we’ll get another bump now that I”m fumigating my show of your noxious presence.

    What happened to your promise to gloat about our ratings once they came out? Oh, well, just add it to the bulging “L” file, for “Liz Allen Lies.”