Archive for July, 2008

George Bush is a War Criminal Because The Invasion of Iraq Was A Crime

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 89 Comments

Given the evidence it is impossible to argue that George Bush is not a war criminal. To do so simple marks you as a mindless partisan with a haughty disregard for the notion that there is such a thing as “objective truth.”

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“Taking Care of the Old Guy” – Your Liberal Media Part: MCCVXIICX

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 38 Comments

How in the tank for McCain is the traditional media? So in the tank that when McCain gave a flatly incorrect answer to a Katie Couric interview question (stating the Sunni awakening happened after the surge and not prior to the surge) that CBS edited out the inccorect answer! Accordingly, Keith Olberman covered the CBS/McCain […]

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Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 7 Comments

  Because I know what a muscle bear is baby! wooohoooo

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Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 56 Comments

Is a mormon VP going to hurt McCain?

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Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 7 Comments

WDEL reports that a man was killed while kayaking on the Brandywine River yesterday.  A rotted tree fell on him.   What the hell are the odds of that???   I love kayaking, but I only have the opportunity to do it down at my parents’ house in Bethany Beach.    I was planning on getting my own […]

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Political Malpractice and Betrayal

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 18 Comments

Today is Wednesday, July 23, 2008.   The deadline for candidates to file their intentions to run for office is Friday, July 25, 2008.   Two days away.  48 hours.   From the News Journal: Sussex County Democrats have just been stabbed in the back by their three council members, and they have little time to remove the […]

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County says NO! to Freebery.

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 6 Comments

Thank God.   I do not want my tax dollars going to a corrupt felons like Sherry Freebery or Tom Gordon.  Council voted 11-1 against the proposal [giving Freeberry $3.7 million for her legal expenses], saying they agreed with a recommendation from a special consultant who determined that the county’s indemnification law is too narrowly drawn […]

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Lee Video

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008 5 Comments

Here is the footage that I shot at the Lee announcement today.  Let me know what you think of the lead in, trailer and effects.  I am toying with the idea of sprucing up my video works and this is the first attempt. Be sure to listen to the Castle story about Copeland and the […]

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LiberalGeek in the Land of Ascots

Filed in National by on July 22, 2008 11 Comments

Today, Republican Bill Lee kicked off his campaign for Governor. His afternoon stop was in New Castle just a few miles from work, so I stopped over to meet Maria Evans and see what’s happening with Judge Lee. The scene was the Old Courthouse in New Castle and the turnout was good. The place was […]

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It is Not A Democracy If There is No Choice

Filed in National by on July 22, 2008 15 Comments

Support the “BOYCOTT UNOPPOSED” movement. Do not vote for anyone that is running unopposed, even if it is the guy who saved your life in ‘Nam.

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72 Is Too Old To Be The President of the United States

Filed in National by on July 22, 2008 23 Comments

Todd Beeton at MyDD notes a change in coverage. …while McCain has played his age for humor, the media has largely considered connecting McCain’s gaffes and his age taboo. The sheer volume and frequency of McCain’s errors may have rendered that deference obsolete. Cue The Politico, which in a piece today finally addresses the elephant […]

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Your Liberal Media

Filed in National by on July 22, 2008 15 Comments

How much was the media industrial complex in the tank for Bush? This much. The AP has a Ron Fournier problem by Eric Boehlert You never know what nuggets congressional investigators will uncover when they set off on official inquiries. Last week, we learned that while investigators for the House Oversight Committee were looking into […]

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Netroots Nation Wrapup.

Filed in National by on July 22, 2008 16 Comments

First, in case you haven’t heard, the annual conference of liberal and progressive bloggers is coming closer to our doors next year.   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will host Netroots Nation on August 12-16, 2009.   That is close enough for a lot of us to drive to.   In fact, I would like to have the dean of the Delaware […]

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