Archive for July, 2008

Al Mascitti on Parties and Primaries

Filed in National by on July 25, 2008 5 Comments

Right now on WDEL. Update: Jason Scott is on with Al right now.

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Illegal Immigration the Ticket for Protack?

Filed in National by on July 25, 2008 37 Comments

From the News Journal: Protack said he didn’t mind much. He was getting a lot of mileage out of an about-face Lee made this week to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. After two days of controversy, Lee changed his mind and said it was a mistake. “After the circumstances of this week, it would […]

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McCain VP Pool

Filed in National by on July 25, 2008 12 Comments

Today’s NJ reports that McCain will try to capture “one point twenty one jigowatts!!” of electricity for his moribund campaign by driving his flux capacitor modified Delorean near the clock tower on main street at 10:58am on __________________ by picking __________ to be his VP. You fill in the blanks in the comment section and […]

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Filed in National by on July 25, 2008 30 Comments

What is a more important issue to you; War on Terror or the Economy? Why?

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Parties and Primaries.

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 57 Comments

By now, we all know about the Delaware Democratic Party funding an ad lauding Carney and DeLuca as the true heros in the Bluewater Wind deal.   In essence, the Party paid for a campaign ad for John Carney. I strongly oppose the Party’s actions here, but to me, it was to be expected. When the […]

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DelawarePolitics.Net Digest

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 12 Comments

I read so you don’t have to. Christian Hudson: Palestinians are good guys, because Obama said something nice about Israel. When he says something bad about Israel, Palestinians will go back to being terrorists. David Anderson: Obama doesn’t care about the troops because he cancelled a visit to Rammstein. Had he made the trip […]

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A BBC Story For all Our Francophile Nuclear Energy Boosters

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 28 Comments
A BBC Story For all Our Francophile Nuclear Energy Boosters

Time to come up with a new talking point. Concern over French nuclear leaks The Tricastin nuclear site contains a power plant and a treatment facility A French nuclear monitoring body has expressed concern at the number of leaks from French nuclear power stations in recent weeks. The director of Criirad, an independent body, said […]

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Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 23 Comments

Today, Obama was in Germany giving a speech in Berlin.  John McCain had a meeting in a German restaurant in Columbus, Ohio. This is where my expertise is going to pay off.  I have actually been to both of these places.  In fact, I suggested Schmidt’s Sausage Haus in January.  They have some pretty good […]

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Those pretty granite countertops you have

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 2 Comments

Are killing you. Why am I not surprised?

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Delaware Vs Maryland Football Game

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 16 Comments

Ok, so the wife and I are wanting to go see this game.  It is a pretty historic game I might add.  Md is consistently ranked in the top 25 nationally year in and year out.  Anyone know of bus groups forming up?  Anyone going?  contact me if you do….

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Markell Campaign Responds To DEL DEM Misuse of Party Funds For Carney’s Dishonest WDEL AD

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 45 Comments

It’s just wrong. John Carney has started running radio ads promoting his record, but instead of using his own campaign to pay for the ads, he’s using money from the Delaware Democratic Party to do it. That’s right — money given by grassroots Democrats to help elect Barack Obama and help elect Democrats to the […]

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Obama in Germany vs. Bush in Germany

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 26 Comments
Obama in Germany vs. Bush in Germany

I am so happy for our country. We are going to have a grown up adult President again.

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Obama Opens a Commanding Electoral Lead

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008 6 Comments

Wow.  I don’t know if you have been keeping an eye on the widget to the left.  According to the newest polls, Obama has opened a commanding 100 electoral vote lead.  I know it is July, so it don’t mean much, but it cannot be a good sign for the McCain camp.  The pickups from […]

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