Dave Burris Returns From the Underworld

Filed in National by on August 1, 2008

He reemerges into human form to give a quote to the Cape Gazette:

Dave Burris, former Sussex County Republican chairman, said, “It exposes a division that’s already there between the party structure, unions and Democratic Party. Certainly, it’s advantageous to Republicans when Democrats are at each others’ throats.”

Dana over at Delaware Watch explores the stupidity of this statement more thoroughly than I can.   But my thought is that the Delaware Republican Party is not in any position to take advantage of any possible division among the Democrats.  To put it bluntly, the Delaware Republican Party does not exist currently as a viable opposition party.   As I told Tyler Nixon last night, the Delaware GOP is rebuilding, and I have a sense that so long as the national party continues to embrace social conservatism, religious fundamentalism and neocon authoritiarianism as its distinguishing philosophies, the Delaware GOP will always be rebuilding, much like the Pittsburgh Pirates.  

And this year, there is no advantage the Delaware GOP can take, when they are running a fire breathing religious fundamentalist against Joe Biden, when Castle and Lee look like poster boys for a retirement golfing community, and when the rising star of the party, Charlie Copeland, is in fact a left over relic from the du Pont era.  

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  1. Obvious says:

    Yeah, Burris is nuts. There’s no division in the Democratic Party. It’s all kumbaya, right?

  2. delawaredem says:

    There is division, but that was not the point of my post. My point was that the Delaware GOP is in no position to take any advantage. Further, the division among Democrats pales in comparision to the identity crisis you people have in your party.

  3. CJO says:

    There are only 2 parties in Delaware, and they’re both Democratic.

  4. delawaredem says:

    LOL. You think Christine O’Donnell is a Democrat, do you? Just how far right are you?

  5. CJO says:

    I should have said only 2 parties that matter.

  6. nemski says:

    Christine O’Donnell

    What’s she up to these days? Still a walking talking point for the right wing?

  7. delawaredem says:

    Running for Senate against Joe Biden, and yes.

  8. nemski says:

    LOL, running for Senate again? Looks like she is taking a page out of Protack’s book: “You can’t keep a nut-job down.”

    Some of her issues are filled with such humor. It looks like she should be writing for The Daily Show.

    The UN
    “Christine opposes the Global Tax that will require America to pay taxes to the United Nations – something Biden adamantly supports.”

    “High gasoline prices created by policies of the Democrats must be cured.”

    “Democrats have blocked America from achieving energy independence . . .”

    The UN
    “Christine opposes the Global Tax that will require America to pay taxes to the United Nations – something Biden adamantly supports.”

    “We cannot leave on the enemy’s terms. We must leave on our terms. “

  9. that UN thing is important to you nemski?

  10. jason330 says:

    “Christine opposes the Global Tax that will require America to pay taxes to the United Nations – something Biden adamantly supports.”

    I’m going to have to write Joe Biden a sternly worded letter taking him to task for supporting a global tax to fund the United Nations.

  11. Truth Teller says:

    Hey is this the same Christine that’s the 40 year old vergin???

    She reminds me of that Gooding gal who screw up the Dept of Justice

  12. nemski says:

    TT, I never thought about that . . . Christine has to be a virgin. Are we allowed to bring that up? Is her “virginity” a legitimate question to ask her?

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Sure, it is a part of every one of Mike Matthews dreams.

  14. Al Mascitti says:

    I don’t think she claims to be a virgin. She claims to be chaste.

  15. Stay away from me or else she will be chased, Al!

  16. Al Mascitti says:

    Don’t worry, Mike, she can’t guest host for me until the campaign is over. Until then, she’s all yours — or should I say you have as good a chance as anybody else chasing her?

  17. anon says:

    Who would chase a nut case?

  18. I’d go so far as to say the division among the GOP is just as strong — if not stronger than the Dems. The Dems can at least claim some success in their division because they at least control most of the government.

    The rift between the GOP is HUGE. Downstate vs. Upstate all the way. Upstate GOP essentially rules the party. They’ve got the money and the names. They’re a fiscally conservative breed that generally has a more liberal-libertarian lean on social issues. The downstate faction, however, is getting louder. They don’t have the funds upstaters do, but their brand of social conservatism is slowly making its way north.

    Yes, there are rifts in the Democratic Party, but definitely not to the dramatic extent Burris claims. He’d better look at cleaning his own damn house first.

  19. Obvious says:

    Now that I’ve read the article in question, I have to ask. Who cares? Dave Burris isn’t all that important and his was a throwaway quote at the end of the article. Who is Dave Burris that he gets posts on two blogs for one little throwaway quote?

  20. b/c he is a significant part of the machine down south. And HE THINKS he is a significant part of the machine as well THINKS he is a brilliant Republican mind that has it all figured out

  21. Obvious says:

    So you know him, DHB?

  22. anon says:

    So you know him, DHB?


  23. jason330 says:


    I think you are right about Burris, but I was just going to post today (in light of yesterday’s power Wind Power sign off) that Dave Burris and Randy Nelson are unsung heros of the deal.

    Given where Delmarva was trying to go with witht he debate, it could have become a NIMBY or partisan thing – but it didn’t because of Dave and Randy’s early (and very successful) efforts to frame it as good for all of Delaware and good for Sussex County.

    They took two big tools out of Stockbridges toolbox.

    Side note: I’m amazed by the fact that every post that mentions Burris still jumps to 2o comments in 20 minutes?

  24. Al Mascitti says:

    Some of us feel he has been demonized to a level beyond his sins.

    Jason: Thank you for some perspective.

  25. If he’d ever taken some credit or shown some evidence that he’s been humbled by those “sins,” Al, then perhaps there’d be a point. Until then, I’m having fun piling on him.

  26. What is unfortunate in all the BWW hullabaloo, is the wanton backs-turned on the person who was the hands-down most influential, in my book, the unsung Kavips. Tommywonk accepts a lot of credo and rightly so, but his was second to the KaVips IMHO.

  27. Al Mascitti says:

    Mike: You get no argument from me on that. I probably wouldn’t be as forgiving or philosophical if I were the one he threatened with a subpoena.

  28. Honestly, I don’t even care about that any more. I just like fucking around with him because it helps achieve my goal to just have a good time on these stupid blogs.

  29. liz allen says:

    I agree there are only two parties in Delaware , currently. One is the Democratic Party run by “blue dog conservative neo cons”, and the “republican party run by ole neo cons”, both need a complete overhaul.

    Tyler Nixon is the best candidate the republican party have to offer, who actually does have the right stuff. (It ain’t Copeland, pandering for votes).

    John Carney, Daniello and the blue dog party machine need the greatest reform. There should never be a “one party in control of any State”, in fact, the more parties, the more choices the better for democracy.

  30. jason330 says:

    Tommywonk accepts a lot of credo and rightly so, but his was second to the KaVips IMHO.M

    I guess it feels funny giving credit to a vapor, a shade, an ethereal being who has never taken human form.

  31. Dana Garrett says:

    How soon we forget. Burris spread the story that he had inside information that the BWW deal was dead during a critical time while the debate was still raging:


    He even claimed that Markell & Carney were in on the secret. Nice smear, eh? And it wasn’t true,

    I agree that some REAL perspective on Burris is needed.


    One of DB’s red-baiting victims

  32. anon says:

    Burris spread the story that he had inside information that the BWW deal was dead during a critical time while the debate was still raging.

    It probably helped get it done. The guy is smart. Don’t be bitter.

  33. delawaredem says:


    Until Delaware, and on a larger scale, the United States, amends their constitutions to allow for a parliamentarian style democracy, there will never be a viable and sustainable third party or third parties.

    Thus, we are left with reforming the left party so that it is actually progressive, and the Republicans can do whatever they like with their right party.

    To exert yourself otherwise is a waste of time.

  34. anon says:


    John Brady is the best candidates the republicans have to offer. With (G)reed the likely winner of the dem primary, Brady has a chance. He’ll win Sussex big, win Kent by a little and hold his own in NCCO and be the only republican to win statewide office.

  35. KnowledgeIsPower says:

    I thought Randy Nelson confirmed that he witnessed Burris being told that about the wind farm, revealing Dana Garrett to be an idiot once again. Wait. This means that by remembering that, I’m revealing Dana Garrett to be an idiot once again. Yay!

  36. jason330 says:

    Dana Garrett is right. After initially being a positive force in favor of wind power, Dave changed his tune after a few meetings with Copeland who was dead set against it.

    In the afterglow of success I was recounting the highs and forgetting about the lows.

  37. Dana Garrett says:


    NO ONE ever denied that Burris was told that. I dare you to find it in anything I wrote. The criticism was that w/ a story so vital to the public interest, Burris didn’t do more to confirm the truth of the claim, which as I suspected turned out to be pure poppycock.

    You call me an idiot? LOL! I turned out to the idiot that was correct. The BWW deal went through.

  38. 3peet says:

    You don’t understand Dana. He wasn’t telling that cuz he thought it was true. It was what the DP&L tools said at the time.

  39. R Smitty says:

    WTF is this post? Do you really miss Dana calling me “Lickspittle” and “Bootlicker” that much? Sheesh!

  40. fatass says:

    Whenever there is a crisis, there is always one bold man who stands quickly and announces he has the solution.

    This is the guy you should always stay far, far away from.

  41. Until Delaware, and on a larger scale, the United States, amends their constitutions to allow for a parliamentarian style democracy, there will never be a viable and sustainable third party or third parties.
    I disagree on the premise that I have held waaaaaaaaay before Nadarites screwed with the numbers in 2000: to create sustainability of alternative parties, they must start out by boosting fricking small-time pols.

    Getting alternative candidates onto city and county councils etc,… and letting them climb up as merit warrants, is the only way to succeed on the large scale
    . And that is what should be happening before even the slightest possibility of a parliamentarian style would be considered by the American public. If a groundswell of decent and substantial communities wanted it because their own ‘favorite sons and daughters’ needed a place at the negotiating table, it might happen.

  42. Burris spread the story that he had inside information that the BWW deal was dead during a critical time while the debate was still raging.
    I agree that the Burris leak was likely the truth at the time and overall helped seal the deal in the end. No one likes to be tagged as part of the problem and so solidly with the HIGH DEMs in power. Both candidates were evenly placed in that hole….until the uber-idiocy of Daniello’s cash feed into the Carney camp.
    Markell has been lifted up out of the Dover cluster-fuck by default.

  43. delawaredem says:

    Nancy, the effect of third parties in a winner take all single member district is that they can affect a single election (i.e. Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, George Wallace in 1968, Ross Perot in 1992, Ralph Nader in 2000), but that normally the two main parties adapts or incorporates the policy positions of the third party in time for the next election, thus starving the third party of oxygen.