Damn and Dire.
Some recent news on two political stalwarts, on opposite sides of the ideological spectrum, and their struggles with brain cancer.
First, the honorable Senator Ted Kennedy:
A Kennedy spokeswoman said Monday that the Massachusetts senator taped a five-minute video over the weekend to air during the [national convention] at the end of the month. Crews visited his home on Cape Cod. […] Kennedy made a surprise visit to the Senate floor in July to cast a Medicare vote, but his immune system remains repressed and it’s unclear if he can attend a large public event like the convention.
Damn. It would be spectactular if he could actually attend the convention. A videotaped speech is nice, but not the same. I hope he is strong enough in a few weeks to actually attend.
Second, it would seem that Bob Novak has received a dire prognosis, and as such he is retiring from writing his column. At risk of starting another debate here on Delaware Liberal, I do in fact wish him the best and a speedy recovery, and his family will remain in my prayers, as do Ted Kennedy’s.
Fuck that. Novak is a evil right-wing shill and never worried about he he hurt. My only hope is that his illness is long and painful.
That being said, if the right-wingers who visit here say the same about Kennedy, I’ve got no problem with that. That boy has plenty of skeletons in the closet.
But that’s just it, nemski: the right-wingers who visit here would not say, “My only hope is that his illness is long and painful” about Senator Kennedy. We want him to retire from the Senate, obviously enough, but we’re not normally in the business of wishing people pain.
Just remember the old saying: what goes around, comes around.
They would think it, but not say it.
Dana…they would not say it here, but it has been said elsewhere.
but we’re not normally in the business of wishing people pain.
was that your “I do not speak for DV” clause?
LOL. Brilliantest.
Just so you know where I am coming from and it is quite sad, I am the bastard child of a family of unabashed Republicans. Shit, I was even a Young Republican once. My uncle has two (freaking two) busts of Ronald Reagan in his house. They listen to Rush Limbaugh religiously. And they hate HATE Ted Kennedy. I know for a fact that these type of people, yes my blood, danced for joy on the Kennedy news. These people are out for blood, liberal blood.
Look what happened to Scott McClellan when he will on Bill-o-the-Clown’s radio show to apologize. Absolutely disgusting. They’ll turn on their own like a rabid pit bull.
Yes, what comes around goes around. But liberals, trust me, have quite a long ways to go in this regard.
Karl Rove’s Republican party and their sycophants are the scourge of America today. Someone like me not wishing peace and well-being for their dying and their dead has no effect on them what-so-ever. May they all burn in hell.
Sounds like the perfect time to grab a snack or take a bathroom break. I hope he doesn’t plan to break into song again.