additional qod

Filed in National by on August 6, 2008

Last night I was arguing with a guy in the investment business. His arguement was that the woes of the economy aren’t really bush’s fault b/c the president doesn’t really have that kind of power.

So then I asked him 20 minutes later, if Bush didn’t cause this mess, why are you so worried about What Obama is going to do? So I ask you all, if the President didn’t really get us into this mess and doesn’t have that much effect on the economy, why are we arguing?

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hiding in the open

Comments (22)

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  1. delawaredem says:

    I disagree with the premise. A President can have a very direct effect on the economy.

    But you are not asking me. 😉

  2. edisonkitty says:

    What were you thinking? You used a logical argument with a Bush supporter?

  3. Arthur Downs says:

    Obama is a lawyer whose proudest achievement was representing slumlords while pretending to be a ‘community activist’.

    His public utterances reek of socialism and redistribution and such folly has always brought economic disaster.

    He does a great job reading a speech.

  4. Weer'd Beard says:

    Apples and oranges. The president doesn’t have that kind of power….but he does have OTHER powers, and that’s why I’m not looking forward to the next 4 years.

  5. mike w. says:

    Edison – Logical arguments are toxic here at DE Liberal. Liberals here will just say “la la la la I can’t hear you” They’ll also just say “your facts are wrong” without backing that up, or they’ll completely ignore the facts you’ve cited, like Pandora, DTB, and others have repeatedly done.

  6. awwww Mike w found a friend. How cute.

  7. mike w. says:

    Awwww. clearly DTB didn’t read Edison’s post.

  8. you’re right, but I was still amused with myself at your expense 🙂

  9. mike w. says:

    Well good for you. You made a non-sensical post without even reading prior comments. I’m glad you’re amused by your own dazzling cognitive abilities.

  10. I fessed up to it didn’t I? 🙂

  11. mike w. says:

    Yes you did! I’m so proud of you.

  12. I thought you “comment” on a “post” and a bunch of “comments” make up a thread?

    nonsensical back at ya mikey!

  13. I may be anti catholic, but I admit mistakes

  14. mike w. says:

    Not often. I’ve seen much more “la la la I can’t hear you!” and blatant ignoring of facts than I have you admitting you were wrong (or even offering sound rebuttals to arguments)

  15. you don’t use facts mike. You use opinion and questions. or invalid arguements.

    like your famous spoon is gun analogy for instance

  16. mike w. says:

    Right. Anyone who reads the comments can quickly see which side uses actual valid argument backed up with fact and which doesnt. Particularly in the gun threads.

    And the gun/spoon analogy still makes perfect sense to most people. Just because you can’t understand it (although I still believe you DO get it, you just refuse to accept it) doesn’t mean it’s invalid.

  17. cling baby, cling…

    nemski? ask mike to explain his spoon is to gun analogy. it’s pretty sweet.

  18. I get what you are TRYING to say mike, that doesn’t mean you are right though.

  19. nemski says:

    DV, I’d rather have a beer with the psycho-bitch we used to work with than argue anymore with Mike W. At least her illogic is caused by faulty neurons.

  20. Dana says:

    The government doesn’t really control the economy, as far as whether it is expanding or contracting, save at the margins. But the government can control some of the distribution of the economic pie. If Barack Hussein Obama and his minions in Congress are elected, we’ll have the government taking more away from people who work, to give to people who won’t, and that I very much oppose.

    The greatest folly in which we ever engaged was the sixteenth amendment. The framers of the Constitution realized that, by allowing the federal government to impose direct taxes only on a per population basis, no one group of people could gain a majority and then impose greater burdens on another group of people. For Congress to impose taxes, they would have to tax everyone equally.

    The sixteenth amendment ended that. Now, if someone group can gain the majority of votes in the Congress, that group can impose far greater burdens on other people, which is exactly what the income tax does.

  21. mike w. says:

    Dana – The 17th was pretty destructive as well.

    “If Barack Hussein Obama and his minions in Congress are elected, we’ll have the government taking more away from people who work, to give to people who won’t, and that I very much oppose.”

    And what really scares me about BHO and his minions is this. The “change” he seeks to enact is the type that’s generally impossible to get rid of once enacted. Federal programs, agencies, and entitlements never disappear once enacted.

  22. mike w. says:

    “cling baby, cling…”

    This has to be the 20th time you’ve posted this very reply. It’s getting old, almost like you’re “clinging” to it in lieu of having an actual argument.