Moral Majority

Filed in National by on August 7, 2008

Hey look at the Mo. Republican Muschany that co-sponsored a bill in 2006 that toughened sex offender laws.

JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended.

The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl’s mother and Muschany -– who is married and has two children — were romantically involved, the woman said.

A Cole County grand jury returned an indictment today charging Muschany with the Class C felony of “deviate sexual assault.” The indictment identifies the victim only by initials. It says that on May 17, Muschany “had deviate sexual intercourse” with the girl, “knowing that he did so without” her consent. 

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    I’m not even shocked anymore.

  2. karmicjay says:

    What Pandora says..

  3. David says:

    Great, if he is guilty I am glad the laws were tightened. He did us a favor. Naturally, I will wait until there is a trial to make a conclusion of guilt, but it sounds like the system is working in MO.

    I wonder what the moral majority has to do with any of it though. Are you saying it was wrong to tighten the laws? I hope not. Are you saying that laws should not generally reflect the morays of the majority?

    Did Gov. Spitzer or NJ Assemblyman Neil Cohen have anything to do with the moral majority?

  4. A. Bundy says:

    “Are you saying that laws should not generally reflect the morays of the majority? I wonder what the moral majority has to do with any of it though.”

    Um…what do you have to say to DAVE’S comment? I’m guessing nothing.

  5. david…
    i’m just sayin is all, the numbers speak for themselves when it comes to republicans and sex scandals

  6. Pandora says:

    … as does the hypocrisy.

    hypocrisy: a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

  7. don’t you live at the beach? why the f are you up so early?

  8. mike w. says:

    Pandora – you can say the same about Al Gore if we’re gonna discuss hypocrisy.

  9. TRUTH TELLER says:

    I just love these Repuks with their “Do as I say not as I do theory” From little girls ,pages and wide stances. Good old Senator Vetter you know him the Diaper boy. I just loved the comment his wife made after the Clinton BJ that if her husband ever did anything like that ,that she would cut off his man hood. But when the time came for her like all Repuks she looked the other way. The Repuk party reeks of HYPOCRISY

  10. pandora says:

    It’s a beautiful morning, DV. Besides I only have a few more weeks left down here!

  11. mike w. says:

    It goes both ways TT

    Dianne Feinstein – Anti-gun, “Mr. & Mrs. America turn them all in” lady…….used to have a CCW permit.

  12. meatball says:

    Why only a few more weeks Pandora? The best beach time is Sept/Aug after the crowds disappear.

  13. pandora says:

    Alas, there’s some unreasonable law that says my children must attend school.

  14. Dana says:

    Donviti wrote:

    i’m just sayin is all, the numbers speak for themselves when it comes to republicans and sex scandals

    I never knew that Jim McGreevey, Eliot Spitzer, Bobby Rush and John Edwards were Republicans.

  15. mike w. says:

    or Bill Clinton…..

  16. pandora says:

    How about this list…

    Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican legislator from Puerto Rico, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for molestation of his daughter and her friend for eight-year period starting when they were 9.

    Randal David Ankeney, Republican activist from Colorado, arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child with force. He faces 6 charges related to getting a 13-year-old girl stoned on pot and then having sex with her. Source Also accused of sexually assaulting another girl. Denver ABC Article

    Dick Armey (R-Texas), former professor, has been accused by The Dallas Observer of sexually harassing female students.

    Jim Bakker, televangelist with Pat Robertson at Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting network. Committed adultery with Jessica Hahn [1] and then used charitable donations to pay her hush money[2]. Fellow televangelists say he’s gay. [3][4]Indicted on 23 federal charges of fraud, tax evasion, and racketeering [5].

    Merrill Robert Barter, Republican County Commissioner from Maine, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Booth Bay Register Article

    Bob Barr, Republican Congressman from Georgia. Sponsored the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, saying “The flames of hedonism, the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit.” Was married three times. Paid for his second wife’s abortion. Failed to pay child support to the children of his first two wives and while married to his third and present wife was photographed licking whipped cream off of strippers at his inaugural party.

    Merrill Robert Barter, Republican County Commissioner, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Booth Bay Register Article

    Robert Bauman, Republican congressman and anti-gay activist from Maryland, was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Source: Washington Blade

    Parker J. Bena, Republican activist and Bush Elector from Virginia, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography (including children as young as 3 years old) on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Conservative Babylon

    Louis Beres, chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon. 3 of his family members accuse him of molesting them when they were pre-teens. Editor and Publisher article

    Howard L. Brooks, Republican legislative aide and advisor to a California assemblyman, was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Sacramento Bee article

    Mike Bowers Former State Attorney General of Georgia, prosecuted the famous “Bowers vs. Hardwick” case, based on Georgia anti-sodomy laws. Admitted to a 10-year adulterous affair Slate article

    Andrew Buhr, Republican politician, former committeeman for Hadley Township Missouri, was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Source

    John Allen Burt, Republican anti-abortion activist from Pensacola, Florida, convicted of sexually molesting a 15 year old girl at the home for troubled girls that he ran. Source: Pensacola News Journal

    Dan Burton, Republican Congressman from Indiana who, while married, fathered a child by another woman. Article

    Neil Bush, brother or G. W. Bush, in a March 2003 divorce deposition, admitted repeatedly having sex with strange women who just showed up at his room while on an Asian business trip. (Overshadowing the sex scandal; the business scandal–see link.) Washington Post article.

    John Butler, Republican activist, was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

    Ken Calvert, Congressman (R-Ca), champion of the Christian Coalition and its “family values.” Sued as an alimony deadbeat by his ex-wife. Said “We can’t forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky.” In 1993 he was caught by police receiving oral sex from a prostitute and attempted to flee the scene.

    Please notice these are in alphabetical order and I stopped at the beginning of the “c”s due the length of my post. But if you’d like me to go on…

  17. dana,

    I’ll give you Mcgreevey b/c he was gay, but by looking at that list Pandora makes my point

  18. pandora says:

    And I only got to the Cs in the alphabet. Google “Republican sex scandals, list” to see the whole mother load!

  19. pandora says:

    Let’s start at the end (sw thru z) of the alphabet!

    David Swartz, Republican County Commissioner from Ohio, pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Rocky Mountain News Article

    Randall Terry, Right to Life activist, founder of Operation Rescue, involved in the Terri Schiavo protests. Once imprisoned for sending former President Bill Clinton an aborted fetus. His son Jamiel is gay; his daughter Tila had sex outside of marriage, became pregnant, had a miscarriage – she is no longer welcome in his home; his daughter Ebony had 2 children outside of wedlock and became Muslim. He has campaigned against infidelity and birth control, gays and unwed mothers. Terry himself was censured by his church after committing adultery.

    Bill Thomas Republican congressman, had an affair with Deborah Steelman, a health care lobbyist who steered huge campaign gifts to Thomas’ war chest.

    Strom Thurmond, Now dead Republican Senator from South Carolina and racist, impregnated a 15-year old African American maid. (BBC Article)

    Robin Vanderwall, Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate, convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. Virginian-Pilot Article

    Robert Waltrip, Bush campaign contributor. Runs a funeral company which had to settle a lawsuit because bodies were being dug up and dumped in the woods. According to Fox News, Waltrip’s company, a cemetery company called Service Corporation International (also known as Dignity Memorial) was “recycling” graves, removing the bodies that were there originally and throwing them in the woods to use the space to house new customers at two Jewish cemeteries in Florida. George W. Bush, who had met with Waltrip, was subpoenaed but refused to testify in the case.

    J.C. Watts, Representative (R-Oklahoma), loud champion of “moral values.” Has out-of-wedlock children.

    Jim West, Spokane Mayor. Supported a bill, which failed, would have barred gays and lesbians from working in schools, day-care centers and some state agencies. Voted to bar the state from distributing pamphlets telling people how to protect themselves from AIDS. Proposed that “any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person” among teens be criminalized. Had a sexual affair with an 18 year old boy.Source: Spokesman Review

    Keith Westmoreland, a Tennessee state representative (R), was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to minors under 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). Tennessean Article

    Stephen White, Republican preacher. Was arrested after allegedly offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy in West Chester, PA, for permission to perform oral sex on him. Daily Pennsylvanian article | Daily Yale News Article

    I have more if you want them!

  20. nemski says:

    Pandora, more sex scandals? You are indeed Delaware’s Hottest Blogger.