I love the smell of desperation

Filed in National by on August 10, 2008

McCain Camp not ruling out one term pledge.

Is this the best McCain has to offer? What’s the slogan? Elect me, I won’t be around too long?

Really, is this McCain’s new strategy? If so, I stand by my heading, McCain is desperate. So, go ahead, Vote McCain! He’ll be gone in four years.

Vote McCain! It’ll be over before you know it!

Hey, this is fun! What’s your slogan?

Psst… Would anyone believe this pledge if it were offered?

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (24)

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  1. Col. Kurtz says:

    Wow. No wonder you like Obama so much when there isn’t anything there!

    You read a lot into nothing.

    Rule #1 – If a reporter phrases any question “will you rule out…” do not answer the question. Challenge the reporter to ask a better question.

    Rule #2 – If the media have opened their sphincters for the opposing candidate, do everything you can to be coy and secretive about your own plans.

    Congrats to McCain’s surrogates for following Rules #1 and #2 with genuine aplomb.

  2. anon says:

    McCain also pledges not to buy any green bananas during his administration.

    Rule #1 – If a reporter phrases any question “will you rule out…” do not answer the question. Challenge the reporter to ask a better question.

    Except for no-tax-increase pledges, they don’t count.

  3. pandora says:

    McCain was the one who first tossed this idea into the ring. If it’s on the table he put it there.

    But you’re right, he won’t answer it. He’ll dance around it, imply it even, and hope it gets picked up as a talking point by the media. Once that happens it will filter its way into the general public and then you’ll hear people saying, “Well, he’s only running for one term,” even though he’s never promised any such thing.

  4. anon says:

    then you’ll hear people saying, “Well, he’s only running for one term,”

    Kinda puts more pressure on the VP choice…

  5. jason330 says:

    Which is more desperate, the McCain campaign or the McCain lover’s who hang around here trying to rationalize everything?

    The Earth is not flat Doctor, for all your wishing it was so. It is a simple fact that McCain is getting his ass handed to him and I suspect we’ll be blogging about the race much less after the conventions because, at long last, it will be clear to even the most dense among us.

  6. Col. Kurtz says:

    I’m not a McCain lover.

    I’m an Obama hater. No one who offers so little has ever gotten so far.

    If believe Dukakis had a better lead at this time than Obama does now.

    And if McCain is “getting his ass handed to him” why does that pseudo liberal http://www.electoral-vote.com ticker keep edging back from the Obama precipice?

    I’ll call it again.

    The race will come down to Colorado and Ohio. Obama will lose both by narrow margins.

    That added to the ones that they have blatantly wrong seal the deal.

  7. jason330 says:

    An honest wingnut. (sorta) I like the admission that your politics are hate based.

    As for the rest, that’s why they have the elections isn’t it? As a country we are getting good at flunking national IQ tests, so nothing is ever a done deal.

    We’ll see in November. Until then I’ll look forward to your desperate rationalizations.

  8. Col. Kurtz says:

    I’ll give you them now:

    If Obama wins, it’s because the media made it happen. Hollywood and New York decide what is important.

    If McCain wins, it’s because Karl is the most gifted political mathematician in history.

    This election is not about an honest matchup between candidates.

    BTW…here’s some more honesty for you…I didn’t vote for Bush in 2000 or 2004!

    You can’t map me, baby! I’m off the reservation.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    That is desperate:

    My friends, I know you don’t like me, but vote me in for one term and you get to pick someone you like better.

    Which seems to make the VP pick likely to be someone from the deep wingnut list.

  10. mike w. says:

    “Wow. No wonder you like Obama so much when there isn’t anything there!”

    Judging by the intellectual abilities of DTB as I’ve observed here I’d say he and Obama are very much alike.

  11. Col. Kurtz says:

    All hip….no hop!

  12. Sebastian says:

    Well, as one of the gun nuts who’s lingered around thanks to Mike W, I have to agree with you on this one. I don’t know what the hell McCain’s camp is thinking even floating something like this, because it does indeed send the exact message you claim it does. Who wants to vote for a guy with such lowly ambitions? McCain has to get his house in order quickly. Given the campaign he’s running, Obama should be absolutely creaming him, but he’s not. McCain’s campaign is still not a lost cause, despite his best efforts!

  13. Col. Kurtz says:

    McCain didn’t put this out there.

    This reads like a smug little set of NY Times headlines….you know the ones where they tried to make Obama look like he thought of drilling offshore!

    You smell the desperation alright.

    He who smelt it, dealt it!

  14. pandora says:

    June 2008, mgwashington.com

    “But this is no joke. McCain has flirted with the idea of being a voluntary, one-term wonder.

    In January, a woman at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire asked if he had the stamina for eight years in the White House. McCain, who at 72 would be the oldest president at the start of a first term, replied, according to The Boston Globe, “If I said I was running for eight years, I’m not sure that would be a vote-getter.”

    When reporters asked him later, he dismissed the one-term idea. But it turns out he had weighed making the pledge when he launched his White House bid last year.

    Marc Ambinder, who blogs on politics at theatlantic.com, reported June 2 that an early draft of McCain’s announcement speech contained a one-term pledge. McCain decided against it after hearing the reasons it wouldn’t work, among them that it diminishes presidential clout and instantly raises the curtains on the next presidential campaign.

    Still, the idea keeps coming back. Ramesh Ponnuru of the National Review has urged McCain to make the pledge, as have others.

    At a gathering of rural advocates in Washington June 16, Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, speaking as McCain’s surrogate, said, “He’s probably even considering announcing that he would serve only one term, as a way of pushing the agenda on a bipartisan basis.”

    Brownback seemed to distance himself from his own statement afterwards, though, saying he had heard McCain say it months ago. Brownback said this is not the right time anyway. ”

    Sorry, Col. Kurtz, but this did come from McCain and Co. They’ve been dangling it for months.

  15. Col. Kurtz says:

    Sorry, Pandora, but “dangle” and “desperation” ain’t the same.

    It’s a different news cycle in these times, and every hem and haw don’t mean everything.

    Besides, it’s far less newsworthy than some toothy emptyhead saying he’ll be attacked because he’s black!

  16. Truth Teller says:

    McSame can kiss Ohio goodbye after his DHL money making deal with his Lobbyist who now heads his campain.10,000 lay offs

  17. Col. Kurtz says:

    Nope. We already sorted out that Airborne Express was headed to the crapper prior to the acquisition.

    DHL saved those employees with years more than they deserved.

    Their unionized pigheadery and thuggery proved to much for DHL, and now they can’t pay top dollar for third-class quality work anymore.

    Thanks for playing. Go FedEx!

  18. pandora says:

    Now there’s a slogan, “DHL saved those employees with years more than they deserved.”

    Think the former employees of DHL and their families/friends see it this way?

  19. Col. Kurtz says:

    Doubtful….but it should win the votes of ANYONE WHO EVER SHIPPED A PACKAGE WITH THEM!!!!!


  20. Because, he’s proven in 30 years of being in dc, that he can accomplish anything in one term?

    what a joke.

  21. Col. Kurtz says:

    Oooookay. Who brought the cool kid?

    Ever notice how “late” and “lame” are only one letter different?

    Ahh…the things that get you through those brainteaser books!

  22. Truth Teller says:

    Col kurtz

    I’ve couldn’t help but notice by some of your post that you seem to be Anal retentive.

  23. mike w. says:

    “McCain has to get his house in order quickly. Given the campaign he’s running, Obama should be absolutely creaming him, but he’s not. McCain’s campaign is still not a lost cause, despite his best efforts!”

    I couldn’t agree more. This shouldn’t even be a contest for Obama the way McCain has run his campaign. McCain seems to be running on what’s undoubtedly his most redeeming political quality, he’s not Obama.

    His campaign message isn’t much more than “That other guy, Obama, he sucks, so vote for me!” He’s doing a decent job with that as his message. That says as much about Obama as it does about McCain IMO.

  24. Col. Kurtz says:

    TT….That’s the best ya got?

    What, did you just come from a play date at Matty Denn’s house?

    Wait….find a spot on my tie and trick me into looking down!!!