The Village Idiot visits China

Filed in National by on August 14, 2008

See Laura desparately trying to turn the flag the right way? 


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  1. jason330 says:


    Mike Castle worked hard to raise money for Bush and chaired his campaign here in Delaware TWICE.

    just sayin’

  2. mike w. says:

    Man – Bush really has a knack for looking ridiculously stupid in pictures.

    I always love that we are free to ridicule the President in such a manner. That’s a freedom very few people in the world enjoy. Plus it’s just hard NOT to make fun of Bush sometimes.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Perhaps because he is ridiculously stupid?

  4. mike w. says:

    He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, that’s without question. Then again, we knew that and still elected him twice.

  5. we meaning gun lovers…I assume

  6. pandora says:

    What??? Is Mike stereotyping Bush voters as stupid?

  7. anon says:

    It looks like Barbara Jr. is thinking: “WTF??? Thank God I will get to change my name someday.”

  8. delawaredem says:

    Mike, I knew that, and voted against him, twice.

    That you voted for him knowing he was stupid, well…that’s the reason I personally blame all Bush voters for all the fuckups of the last 8 years. That is why I say you have the blood of our soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians on your hands. You knew this man was not qualified to be President, and you voted for him anyway.

  9. mike w. says:

    I voted for him (or rather against Kerry) because you guys gave me an even shittier Massachusettes liberal as an alternative to Bush. Had you nominated someone more moderate maybe Bush wouldn’t have been re-elected.

  10. liberals <> democrats numb nuts…yet another wrong assumption.

  11. mike w. says:

    In the context of my comment it does. Kerry is a Democrat and a liberal. Read before you call me numb nuts.

    And remember, it’s you folks who are conflating pro-gun folks with criminals.

  12. mike w. says:

    And I can’t believe you’re actually trying to say that John Kerry isn’t a liberal. You’ve said a lot of stupid crap DBB, but that is truly laughable.

  13. Joe Cass says:

    Bush is his own sitcom

  14. Von Cracker says:

    Sofa King Embarrassing…

    Remember him saying in 2000 that he’ll bring honor and integrity back to the WH?

    And with the Bu$hCo campaign advisors now working for the Celebrity Maverick, wonder if the independents and moderate conservatives will fall for the same act again.

  15. nemski says:

    I voted for him (or rather against Kerry) because you guys gave me an even shittier Massachusettes liberal as an alternative to Bush. Had you nominated someone more moderate maybe Bush wouldn’t have been re-elected.

    As I said in an earlier thread, Mike W, why don’t you go third party and vote for someone instead of against someone?

  16. mike w. says:

    Because I choose not to, and because Obama & Kerry are blatantly against allowing me to choose how to live my life. Not that McCain is great, but he’s less repulsive than those guys.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Obama and Kerry aren’t anti-2A. I think you are not paying attention and just going along with the conservative “victim” meme.

    Look at what conservative power has done to individual rights or enacted legistlation with the purpose to eventually limit:

    FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigations.

    FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records questions.

    FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.

    RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.

    FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans’ papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.

    RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.

    RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

    And let’s not forget the $30,000+ in debt Bu$hCo saddled each american for his folly. Do you think owning 30k to China inhibits your ability to practice your individual freedoms?

    But that’s a wash if you think that the liberals might limit your weapon of choice (but not a weapon at all) or raise your taxes a few bucks a paycheck (and that’s if you’re wealthy).

    Please, WAKE UP!

  18. anon says:

    mikeW! Bush was selected by the Supremes while the recount in Florida was going on and Al Gore winning the vote. How fast can you say stolen election!

    2004….black box voting in Ohio another stolen election using faulty voting machines, disenfranchising Ohio voters.

    Those machines are still being used….so watch out for another stolen election. Anyone who believes that McInsanes poll numbers are anywhere near Obamas in reality are plain nuts. About as nuts as Christine MacDonald and Mike Protack. That is the wing of the party that has destroyed the republican label.

  19. mike w. says:

    Von – Not a thing you just posted has anything to do with Obama or Kerry’s 2A stance. Both are adamantly anti gun and always have been.

    Anon – Bush v. Gore was almost 9 years ago and it’s settled. Let it go.

  20. Mockery says:

    “He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, that’s without question. Then again, we knew that and still elected him twice.”

    This says WAY MORE about the Democrats that went up against him.

    Bush’s election and re-election was a violent blood-smattered slap in the face, and a warning that there’s a whole can of liberal-b.tchslap just waiting, with their name on it.

    And just an FYI….Kerry was smoking in the polls at this point in 2004.

    You all better get the message when Obama gets the f.ckin daylights beat out of him on election day.

    You’ll hide behind some racist theories, but truth is, America HATES LIBERALS, all colors, all creeds.

  21. mike w. says:

    You know, if they’d stop nominating far left socialists they might actually win an election.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    Wasn’t posting that stuff about Obama’s & Kerry’s 2A stances – that was to your point about individual freedoms.

    Again, they might be for some restrictions but not your right to own a firearm.

    And Mock – piss off, you twat – you’re so far out of touch I wouldn’t be suprised if you’re living in Kazinsky’s wack shack.

  23. mike w. says:

    Von – You’ve now said twice that Obama & Kerry aren’t anti-2A.

    Where are you getting this info from? Pulling it out of your ass?

  24. Von Cracker says:

    Are they one the record stating they want to amend the Constitution by removing the 2A? If they did, I’d say they are anti-2A. If they favor restrictions or qualifications, that does not necessarily make them anti-2A.

    Got it now?

  25. delawaredem says:

    No, Von, don’t you see?

    Mike W is a purist. You either agree completely with his position on guns and the Second Amendment or you are against guns and the Second Amendment.

    It is a typical Rovian play, for the small mind of a conservative cannot accept more nuance than a binary choice.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    I’m pro-010001001001001

    wudda ’bout you, DD?


  27. mike w. says:

    They are on the record supporting BANS, hence they are anti-gun. Their legislative record shows no support whatsoever for 2A rights. This makes them anti-gun. I don’t see how this is difficult for you to understand.

    If they wanted to ban free speech in Wilmington but allow it in the rest of the state you’d consider them “anti free speech” would you not?

  28. mike w. says:

    As far as repealing the 2nd Amendment. I’ll say exactly what I’ve said in the past on that subject.

    “Repealing the 2nd Amendment doesn’t make it go away anymore than repealing the rest of the Bill of Rights would allow the government to kick in my door and rob, beat, imprison and torture me with impunity. The 2nd Amendment is inherent and inalienable just like the rest of the Bill of Rights. Words on ink & parchment don’t “grant” me the right to keep & bear arms, they merely codify a pre-existing right. My rights, all of them, exist independent of the Constitution.”

    In other words, go ahead and repeal it, I dare you.

  29. delawaredem says:

    LOL. You are on a roll VC.

    What about me what?

  30. delawaredem says:

    A ban of an AK47 does not make you anti-2A or anti-gun?

    In fact, why do you want to own a AK47, Mike?

    Should I be worried about your desire to mow down people at a rate of a bullet a millisecond?

  31. von FYI….

    IF YOU ARE FOR 1, just 1 gun LAW then you are an ANTI-GUN guy in mikes eye.

    That may help you as you try futily to pound logic into his thick skull.

  32. oh and LAW = BAN to him too. not kidding either.

  33. Von Cracker says:

    But the 2A does not mention guns, specifically, now does it, Mike?

    There are limitations to free speech as well – such as the whole “yelling fire in a crowded theater” cliché. It’s reasonable and understood, but not applicable to your gun argument.

  34. Von Cracker says:

    Just having a little fun, DD, with faux binary arguments!

    First day back to work from vacation! Caught up with email and now so extremely bored that I have plenty of time to make rude comments here!

  35. delawaredem says:

    I encourage slacking off at work and visiting here. You should do it more often.


  36. nemski says:

    VC, I see your as busy as me. I’ve been reading about EPL instead of posting here. 🙂

  37. Von Cracker says:

    Yeah, Nemski, EPL starts this weekend! Come on FULHAM!

    My Saturday mornings are complete again.

  38. mike w. says:

    The “yelling fire in a crowded theater” argument holds no water. I CAN in fact yell fire in a theater if there is actually a fire.

    The prior restraint imposed by gun control is like cutting out the tongues of theater-goers in order to prevent them from yelling fire.

  39. mike w. says:

    BTW – Von “bear arms” certainly included firearms, though it was not limited to them.

    It did not mean this.

  40. nemski says:

    I like to yell CROWD at a FIRE, but that’s just me.

  41. mike w. says:

    Doing so would make about as much sense as the arguments being expounded by DE liberal contributors.

  42. Truth Teller says:

    I am so tired of hearing about your fixation about guns that I do believe that as you post here you are foundling one of them along with you penis as you blog.
    grow up little boy leave it alone it will grow.

    I do really hope that one day we won’t be reading about you going postal. then we would all have to tell the press ” seemed like a nice kid but was enthralled with guns”

  43. mike w. says:

    TT – for an 80 year old man you sure are immature.

    I’m tired of your fixation on insults. From now on don’t bother commenting if you can’t refrain from insulting me.

  44. Truth Teller says:

    Mikie I am not insulting you but just stating the facts as we attempt to make sense out of your post. They seem to ramble and are never on the subject at hand. But always revert to guns. This seems to reflect a problem on your part . At first i chalked it up to you being immature but now i believe that you may be in need of professional help. Please for your sake and the sake of others get some.

  45. Truth Teller says:

    ACCORDING TO THE PAPERS RELEASED TODAY by the OSS we have a few hero’s of WWII. While Ronald Reagan and John Wayne were making movies.None other than Sterling Hayden was behind enemy lines getting his ass shot at and putting spies into Germany. Also Julia Chiled was one of those hero’s.

  46. Von Cracker says:

    Mike, you are so literal when you want to be…

  47. hey! did EUFA start already? I have an arsenal match taped from Espn2?

  48. Von Cracker says:

    That was the Qualifying Round of the Champions League. Most of the winners of the worst leagues in Europe (think Albania and Faroe Islands) are in this Round, along with the lower spots of the big leagues (Arsenal & Liverpool, finished 3rd & 4th respectively in the EPL last season).

    Aggregate winners of the Home & Home matches move on to the first round of Group Play.