Breaking: Bill Lee Insists “I Do Exist”

Filed in National by on August 21, 2008

Depsite evidence to the contray, Bill Lee continues to claim that he infact exsists and is not a mythological figure dreamed up by Charlie Copeland and Dave Burris.

“I do exist” claimed Lee, althought it was faint and hard for anyone to discern. Rather than Bill Lee bystanders thought what they were hearing might have been the wind blowing a peice of paper down the street.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (37)

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  1. nemski says:

    Who is more real, Michael Phelps’ father or Bill Lee?

  2. rsmitty says:

    Oh no, you mentioned “Dave Burris” in your post. Get the comment-o-meter warmed up.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Bill Lee exists. He is just on his 21st vacation since announcing his candidacy.

  4. jason330 says:

    Wha…I did?….oh….

    (C’mon Burris Mojo….baby needs a new pair of shoes!)

  5. June says:

    If I were a registered Republican, I’ d vote for Mike Protack. I’ve heard him – he sounds reasonable – and who the heck does Bill Lee think he is, not showing up to anything and giving real short answers to all the questions in the News-Journal.

    I hope Protack wins!!!

  6. cassandra_m says:

    The Bill Lee vacation countdown would be a good way to count the number of days til he shows up at a debate.

  7. Joe M says:

    Is that picture a (dare I say it) and empty suit?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Hey- with spelling like this headline, the News Journal is sure to come calling…

  9. FSP says:

    He existed just fine to the thousands of people who participated in his first tele-town hall meeting this afternoon.

  10. jason330 says:

    tele-town hall meeting…

    No comment.

  11. FSP says:

    Great way to talk to thousands of people live at the same time.

  12. pandora says:

    Thousands??? 😉

  13. nemski says:


    Everyone has three names, so it depends how you count. 🙂

  14. cassandra_m says:

    Beer goggles have a known group-multiplier effect, too.

  15. My thoughts exactly: THOUSANDS?!?

  16. FSP says:

    Thousands: (n.) an unspecified large number from 1,000 to 9,999.

    Used in a sentence: “The amount of people who listened in on Bill Lee’s Tele-Town Hall numbered in the thousands.”

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Thousands – really Tens adjusted for inflation.

    Teh DE GOP is the Zimbabwe dollar of political parties.

  18. jason330 says:

    Oh jeez Dave. Keep digging your way out of the hole. It is a very Republican way to go.

    A) tele-town hall meeting… is complete bullshit and highlights what a no-show your guy is. Hell, Levin might have put up more of a fight that this fish.

    B) Thousands? That just sounds dumb.

  19. anon says:

    Classic stuff.

  20. FSP says:

    How does talking to thousands of people=not showing up? Bill Lee is taking care of his current business — Republican primary voters. He has met with them, gone to their events, called them, knocked on their doors, mailed them literature, emailed them and talked to thousands of them on the phone.

    The main event hasn’t even started yet. You guys pick a candidate and then the real fight will begin: the Dover Insider who sat as a silent accomplice during the cronyism, scandal and corruption of the 2000’s vs. the guy who told you it would happen and is still here offering real, positive change.

  21. FSP says:

    They allowed me to sit in on the process and the last time I saw, there had been 2,225 people on the line. How is that dumb? I was really impressed at the technology.

  22. liz allen says:

    june you really have lost your mind and your intellect! Are you paying attention to anything?

  23. jason330 says:

    I put Lee at even money to get past Protack at this point.

    He acts like he doesn’t want it. Voters hate that. It is called “running for office” for a reason.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    I met Mike Protack tonight at the Candidate’s Forum in Wilmington.

    Before I introduced myself, I watched him answer questions (and saw him answer questions at the environmental debate Tuesday). And he is doing pretty well at these things. He gives good, (mostly) straightforward answers and he is clearly working at connecting with the crowds. And I gotta admit, he was very charming this evening, with alot of folks laughing with his anecdotes, interested in what he had to say and folks agreeing with him. Don’t forget that tonight’s audience was not exactly home turf for Republicans.

    And he apologized for Bill Lee not being there (without saying Lee’s name). That was a nice touch.

    Charlie Copeland, on the other hand, was a dork.

  25. Johnny Longtorso says:

    “However,” replied Delaware, “the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.”

  26. Mike Protack says:


    Thank you for introducing yourself to me tonight, I enjoyed the forum. John Watson did a good job. Copeland deserves credit for his appearance tonight and his non profit activities.

    I am familiar with the Tele Town Hall and we used them in 2006 with Veterans. We did three and we taregeted almost 4,000 veterans and over 500 ‘showed’ up on line. The technology is impressive but the passive results were not. In a one hour event each time we could only get to 15 callers an hour. Visiting VFW’s and American Legions in the flesh was much more productive.

    Essentially, people listen but when they can’t interact they drop off or go dormant and not enough of a connection is made. Also, we did it very early not very late.

    The place to be tonight was 501 N Lombard.

  27. nemski is now DPN says:

    Mike thanks for the explanation about these tele -conference calls.

    FSP, was that 2,225 people invited? Reminds me of the Nickelodean caveat on contests:

    Many were invited, only a few showed up.

  28. rsmitty says:

    nemski(DPN), I missed it…what/who is “DPN?”

  29. nemski is now DPN says:

    I’m changing my “handle” from nemski to DPN

  30. rsmitty says:

    I guess if I looked back at Monday’s (now 90% incorrect) email from unemployed-Viti, I could figure out why. Dumb me.

  31. Al Mascitti says:

    “He acts like he doesn’t want it. Voters hate that. It is called “running for office” for a reason.”

    Now can you forward this comment to the Obama campaign, please?

  32. FSP says:

    Nemski – No. 20,000 were called. 2,000+ chose to participate. Most of the rest were answering machines.

  33. anonamouse says:

    i’ve never talked to a goper in delaware who hasn’t thought protack was a psycho. maybe that’s why the gop would rather nominate a retired guy on vacation who didn’t even want the job in a fucking landslide over pink postcard protack.

  34. Mike Protack says:

    Well, when we win September 9th, it will all change.

  35. FSP says:

    Win what? Your lawsuit?

  36. miscreant says:

    What? The color of the postcards? And, what’s this “we” shit? Did you find someone who would vote for you?