It doesn’t matter that McCain does not know how many houses he has cuz….

Filed in National by on August 21, 2008

he was a POW in NAM!!!

That is the comeback. I shit you not.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (23)

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  1. nemski says:

    / begin rant

    You know how many fucking houses I own? Zero. The one I live in is owned by the fucking bank. John McCain can suck my ass. Fucking maverick.

    / end rant

    Ah, I feel much better now. Thanks.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    The new ad on this is good.

    We ought to get McCain and Lee together so they can compare Bucket Lists…

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Nemski–I’d be more than happy to show you how you too can own….with a little discipline…and eye on the goal…everyone can own…steady now….

  4. Shirley says:

    His response was actually:

    “Does a guy who… bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people ‘cling’ to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans?”

    The reality is that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes and opposition to producing more energy here at home as gas prices skyrocket show he’s completely out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.”

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Oh dear. A response that showcases the fact that Obama at least knows how many houses he owns. They should have stopped at the POW one.

  6. PBaumbach says:


    Obama’s plans are to raise taxes on those with seven houses, not those with one.

    He is not opposed to producing more energy here at home, he is opposed to producing more unregulated fossil fuel energy here at home.

    Bald-face lying is bad form. You may consider trying to avoid that.

  7. Sharon says:

    Yeah, because, God knows, only Republicans are rich. Oh, wait. The top 6 richest Senators are all…DEMOCRATS. Including your previous presidential candidate.

    Face it, guys. This isn’t a way to make Obama look less elitist. Elitism isn’t about the amount of money you have. It’s what you think about everybody else (like how bitter they are) that makes you elitist. But hey, if you think this is a winning strategy, go for it!

    And most people recognize that “producing more energy at home” means “producing more energy we can actually use at home.” Not like windmills or whatever that ain’t gonna power my car or home any time in the near future like fossil fuels do. I’m all for exploring alternative fuels, but drilling for the stuff we use already should be part of the formula. That’s not what Obama wants and it’s not what a Democrat Congress will send him to sign.

  8. Could someone please put a friggin’ “t” next to that “I.” I’m not that picky, but I’m going craaaazy here!

  9. FSP says:

    “Obama’s plans are to raise taxes on those with seven houses, not those with one.”

    That’s not true. There are plenty of people in Obama’s tax plan who own one house. In fact, many of your fabled 1% only fall into that category one tax year in their lifetime.

    Secondly, you’re being a dick to Shirley when all she did was re-print McCain’s direct quote. You should probably apologize and refer to the above before you start calling other people liars.

  10. mike w. says:

    You know, considering what his wife is worth, and the number of properties she owns I’m not the least bit surprised he didn’t know.

    I have family members who own rental properties and couldnt’ tell you off the top of their head how many homes they own.

  11. liz allen says:

    Any woman who would vote for McCain is insane. A womanizer, who called his wife a c***t in public, he wanted his wife to be a “bikini babe at a Bikers Retreat”, a man who thinks Clarence Thomas is a great Supreme, or Alito or Roberts…all the Supremes who want to turn womens rights back 60 years…this is absolutely schizoid!

  12. Abraxus says:

    HAHAHAHAHAH….liz allen calling something schizoid…..Hooo!

    I think I tossed a lung.

    Liz is the reason conspiratorial male doctors invented the punitive hysterectomy….without anesthesia.

  13. jason330 says:

    Nice try Mike. EVeryone knows how many houses they own unless they are very very rich or very very old.

    McCain is both.

  14. mike w. says:

    Clarence Th0mas IS a great SC Justice, despite Obama’s claims that he’s inexperienced.

    And where in the hell did you get the idea that Thomas, Alito & Roberts want to turn woman’s rights back 60 years? Thank god we had them on the court for Heller.

  15. mike w. says:

    “Nice try Mike. EVeryone knows how many houses they own unless they are very very rich or very very old.

    McCain is both.”

    I stand by post #10. If you own and manage properties I certainly understand not knowing how many you own at any given time without a list in front of you, ESPECIALLY when most of that is your wife’s doing.

  16. jason330 says:

    As a member of the middle class (I make less than $5 million a year) I think that people who don’t know how many houses they own are either out of touch elites or just plain stupid.

    Which are your relatives? Which is McCain?

  17. mike w. says:

    My family are certainly not “out of touch” they’re not “elites” and they sure as hell don’t make anything remotely close to $5 million a year.

    You could make $100K/yr and still own & manage several rental properties, especially if you bought when the market was down.

    And seriously, we’re harping about how many houses the guy says he owns? Talk about a ridiculously trivial issue.

  18. jason330 says:

    IF they don;t make $5 million per year, then they know how many properties they own.

    You are just trying to cover for the old guy.

  19. mike w. says:

    What a patently stupid statement Jason.

  20. Al Mascitti says:

    “This isn’t a way to make Obama look less elitist. Elitism isn’t about the amount of money you have. It’s what you think about everybody else (like how bitter they are) that makes you elitist. ”

    Yes, you’re right. If you plant arugula in your garden, you’re a goddamn elitist. If you plant American vegetables in the gardens at your seven or eight or so houses, you’re a goddamn American hero!

    Did I mention he was a POW?

  21. Al Mascitti says:

    “I’d be more than happy to show you how you too can own….with a little discipline…and eye on the goal…everyone can own…steady now….”

    How condescending. Not to mention it’s dreadful investing advice when the market hasn’t yet reached bottom.

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    “There are plenty of people in Obama’s tax plan who own one house. In fact, many of your fabled 1% only fall into that category one tax year in their lifetime.”

    Yeah, Dave, we know that’s your ambition. It’s not everyone’s.

  23. Al Mascitti says:

    By the way, the answer to the title question is, “Because he pays someone to know how many houses he has.”