O’Donnell expects Obama win.

Filed in National by on August 21, 2008

LOL.   Until I read the piece, I had forgotten that Christine O’Donnell existed for any purpose other than to turn on Mike Matthews.   But she has seen an opportunity to get her name in the paper what with Joe Biden being a possible running mate to Barack Obama.   She laments that with all the national attention lavished upon Delaware in the past weeks, Joe Biden is “neglecting” Delawareans.   She notes that Biden will most likely be running for reelection while at the same time either running on an Obama-Biden ticket, or preparing for a spot in President Obama’s cabinet.

She wants Biden to step aside now so that she can face whomever will replace Joe Biden in January:

“In this election, I should be debating my real competition for this job,’’ O’Donnell said. “And the people of Delaware should get the opportunity to cast a vote for the person who is going to fulfill their term. He’s taken Delawareans for granted and using the Senate as a placeholder.’’

I am sure John McCain and all of his fellow Republicans cannot be happy with these comments.  For Ms. O’Donnell has conceded the point that Obama will be elected President, which of course means that Joe Biden will either be Vice President or Secretary of State.

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  1. So Biden shouldn’t be debating his opponent?

  2. delawaredem says:

    Didn’t say that. My point is that O’Donnell expects Obama to win, and expects Biden to be appointed away from the Senate in January.

  3. Abraxus says:

    O’Donnell is not expecting Obama to win. She is hoping that little piss ant Delaware union flunkie democraps will THINK he is and therefore Biden is a no go, so vote for someone else.

    She’s sweet….but…..it’s only meant to fool the uneducated and unsophisticated roster of democraps.

    Looks like she got ya!

  4. delawaredem says:

    Do I look uneducated and unsophisticated to you, you fucking Rethug pissant?

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    I thought ‘democraps’ was clever until you went and used it twice in consecutive sentences.

  6. jason330 says:

    By her logic, whoever wins the Dem primary should debate whoever is going to take over for Castle after his next stroke.

  7. delawaredem says:


    Conservatives don’t know many words.

  8. jason330 says:

    OMG. Mike’s video’s of the event are awesome.

  9. No, she makes a good point.


    If he wins, BIDEN choses the VP (himself), AND HE CHOSES THE SENATOR, TOO !!!!

    ….leave the power–AND THE CHOICE—to the people!!!!!

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Abraxus is a coffeeshop in Amsterdam.

    And it’s way much cooler than the one here.


  11. cassandra_m says:

    Christine O’Donnell is Delaware’s own version of Alan Keyes — she’ll make a bunch of silly noises until November then go back to her Fox news gig with her newly enhanced resume. She’s not even interested in the office.

  12. Abraxus says:

    “Abraxus is a coffeeshop in Amsterdam. And it’s way much cooler than the one here.”

    Oh….how cute! A little Eurotrash. They’re so darling when they’re young.

    Would you like arugula? Arugula, arugula?

  13. Von Cracker says:

    What does that mean?

    You’re silly!

  14. Not Brian says:

    The coffeeshop is spelled ‘Abraxas’ thank you.


    You spent all of your time here anyway:


    I wish I was worthy of being proper Eurotrash…

    Ahhh… Amsterdam….

  15. nemski says:

    O’Donnell can suck my ass too.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    That link is sooooo wrong!

    Absolute Danny called, NB; they want their power-bottom all-star back. They’ll send a charter for ya tomorrow. 😉

    ….I got a tattoo in Berlin, and a case of the crabs….

  17. Not Brian says:

    Again your facts are wrong… Absolute Danny is a fetish shop (they specialize in form fitting latex).

    Were you taking drugs or something?

    … sold my plasma in Amsterdam… spent it all in a night… buying drinks at the Melkweg… for a soldier in drag…

  18. Von Cracker says:

    But you told me about the Glory Stalls in the dressing room…

    …and I’ll search the world over for my angel in black. Yeah, I’ll search the world over for a Eurotrash Girl…

  19. Dorian Gray says:

    “Eurotrash”… I take that as a compliment. I’d embrace the moniker absolutely!

  20. David Gerard says:

    But the media will tell you: it’s sooo close! Really!

  21. Truth Teller says:

    Will someone PLEASE get this woman laid

  22. liberalgeek says:

    I actually saw Mike Matthews make a booty call to her last night, but she didn’t answer the phone.