How many houses do you own?

Filed in National by on August 22, 2008

Pretty simple one to answer.  I have 1 unless you count the corner bar as my vacation home.  This would have buried Kerry and Obama.  McCain, awww how cute, grandpa forgets he has 10 homes.  Elitist?  NO, never!  Former POW’s can’t be elitist.  Just forgetful, confused and disoriented.  Elitist though, can’t have one of them running the country. 

Mr. Townhall, Down to earth, grocery attending, price of milk, roll up my sleeves, grrrr, veteran guy…

Just like you and me


John McCain said in an interview with Politico on Wednesday “that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.”

“I think — I’ll have my staff get to you,” McCain said. “It’s condominiums where — I’ll have them get to you.”

The answer, according to the group Progressive Accountability, is an even 10 homes, ranches, condos, and lofts, together worth a combined estimated $13,823,269.

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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I like DPN’s comment yesterday. None. The bank owns the one I like to say I own.

  2. delawaredem says:

    Yeah, really, we are all renters until we pay off our mortgages. But McCain doesn’t have to suffer through the inconvenience of paying seven or eight mortgages. With his wife’s vast fortune, he paid for those houses free and clear.

    Indeed, McCain is so elitist that he feels he doesn’t have to pay property taxes on those seven or eight houses. He hasn’t paid property taxes on his multimillion dollar oceanfront homes in California for years.

  3. jason330 says:

    It cracked me up yesterday when Fox News said he was vacationing in his “cabin” in Sedona.

  4. edisonkitty says:

    This spikes the out-of-touch meter. It’s the same as lettuce picking at six figures a year. Hey, Rainman, how much is a candy bar? About a hundred dollars? How much is a new car? About a hundred dollars? How many houses do you own? Let me ask my staff.

  5. rsmitty says:

    my house fucking owns me.

  6. nemski is now DPN says:

    lg, I would even go so far as saying when I pay off the house, my wife own’s it. I’ll have a dirty corner in the basement all to myself.

  7. edisonkitty says:

    McRainman. That’s it.

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    If you’ve ever been to Sedona, the notion of a “cabin” there these days should have you splitting a gut.

  9. FSP says:

    He’s ambitious. He wants to own a house in all 57 states.

  10. DJK says:

    Why do you people give so much grief to people with money? You do realize that those people probably give you your job, right? And, if you have such good ideas, why are you sitting here instead of on your own mountain of wealth?

  11. DJK says:

    Shit, I’d LOVE to have $13M worth of property.

  12. mike w. says:

    Besides, if elitist” is all about being wealthy, and McCain is “elitist” because of his wife’s money & properties, then Obama must be “elitist” under the same criteria.

  13. jason330 says:

    We already know that wingnuts think Obama is an elitist. That is the ironic thing Mike. McCain can’t recall how many houses he has and thinks $4 million per year is middle class and one of his lines of attack against Obama is that he is elitist.

    Don’t you see the irony in that?

  14. JadeGold says:

    Somebody needs to remind Mikey that it was John POW McCain’s plan to paint Obama as an “elitist.”

    Frankly, it doesn’t get much more elitist than being so wealthy (or senile) that one can’t remember how many homes one owns.

  15. jason330 says:

    The further irony is that George W. Bush (a son of a US President and Grandson of a Senator and a US Ambassador) is not an elitist.

    Republicans have some heavy duty blinders.

  16. mike w. says:

    Jason – It’s not as simple as “He has lots of money, he’s elitist.” Not that I expect the “rich = bad” crowd here to understand that.

  17. nemski is now DPN says:

    And, if you have such good ideas, why are you sitting here instead of on your own mountain of wealth?

    Sorry, I don’t define my life with my career and salary.

  18. rsmitty says:

    Jason is better off than me. Fucking elitist.

  19. Absolutely this would have buried Kerry. The GOP spin machine went after his wife’s assets hardcore for so long and then the bitches scoff when the lefties ask “Where’s Barbie McCain’s financials?” Fucking pathetic the whole lot of them.

  20. DJK says:

    I sure hope nobody here has anyone in their family with some money/property. If Obama get’s elected, HE’LL get it if they die, not you. NEAT!

  21. pandora says:

    Great way to miss the point. It’s not about owning 10 pieces of property, it’s about not knowing that he owned 10 pieces of property. It’s about tossing out 50.00 an hour to pick lettuce as chump change.

    Until recently I owned three properties (actually the bank owned them). Two were investment. I could not only tell you how many properties I owned, but quote you, to the penny, how much I spent on each.

    Why can’t McCain? Because he has so much money it didn’t affect him on a daily basis. There’s nothing wrong with having money. McCain’s disconnect comes into play by his not realizing that most people aren’t in his shoes.

  22. cassandra m says:

    It’s not as simple as “He has lots of money, he’s elitist.”

    So who here see this as evidence as the koolaid being mainlined now?

    As to the question for the post — do I need to count my Monopoly houses for the answer?

  23. DJK says:

    It’s not McCain who paints Obama as an elitist…. His words paint him as such…..and his actions, too.

  24. rsmitty says:

    Until recently I owned three properties (actually the bank owned them). Two were investment. I could not only tell you how many properties I owned, but quote you, to the penny, how much I spent on each.


    I mean, Delaware’s Hottest Elitist.

  25. DJK says:

    If he had a management/investment firm buying/selling his property for him….he just might not know.

    You guys have excuses for all of Obama’s bullshit…well, there’s a good one for you.

    Besides, he’s running for president, his mind might not be on his personal business.

  26. edisonkitty says:

    Pandora nailed it. Wapner comes on at 7. Drill, drill, drill. I don’t know how many houses I own.

  27. DJK says:

    “nemski is now DPN // Aug 22, 2008 at 10:12 am

    And, if you have such good ideas, why are you sitting here instead of on your own mountain of wealth?

    Sorry, I don’t define my life with my career and salary.”

    Great, I never asked if you did.

  28. nemski is now DPN says:

    If Obama get’s elected, HE’LL get it if they die, not you. NEAT!

    Republican Kool-Aid anyone?

  29. DJK says:

    God damn. I’ve never heard so much swill from such pussies. Grow a spine and a pair of nuts and stick up for yourselves. Not with playground nyah nyahs but with some substance. You guys are really just fuckin’ idiots, I think that’s the problem.

  30. DJK says:

    BTW, I’m no republican.

  31. mike w. says:

    DJK – I’d put money on his wife being the one that runs the business/property/investment stuff. She is after all the one with all the money.

    I doubt my mom could speak in detail about my dad’s investment properties, especially if they were at the level of Cindy McCain’s.

  32. DJK says:

    HR 4297, Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005, which extends the tax cuts from President Bush’s first term through the end of the decade. Roll Call Vote #118, 5/11/2006, Senator Obama voted – NO

  33. nemski is now DPN says:

    Hey DJK get in line to suck on my ass. It’s quite a long one now: McCain, O’Donnell and DJK.

  34. mike w. says:

    “Not with playground nyah nyahs but with some substance.”

    DJK – You and I have both been around here long enough to know that’ll never happen

  35. DJK says:

    Mike, maybe so… but, he’s got plenty to worry about without having to count condos. Maybe the guy owns an apartment complex or two and doesn’t know how many units are in there. It’s hardly something to shit your pants over.

    It’s not like he’s friends with known terrorists or anything.

  36. arthur says:

    i have 2. am i an elitist? both are mortgaged to about a total of 140k. one is a business write off that i get the mandated 2 weeks a year to stay in. i have owned one for 20 years (bought at 89000) and another bought 10 years ago (110000). does that make me an elitist?

    i guess my issue with all this is, the money comes from his wife’s family. hell if i had been smart i would have married money.

  37. DJK says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA Nemski, I must have struck a chord there… and my how it sings. You’re a beautiful lil thang aren’t ya? Come here lil’ sweety pie… let’s see what you got. Ok, why don’t you just run along now and get me another beer…

    Thank ya darlin’

  38. mike w. says:

    It really is meaningless, just like Obama and the whole thing about the flag pin. Who the hell cares about crap like that?

  39. DJK says:

    I have two houses, too. I don’t know, though, how many doors they have. It’s all relative. But still, damn the little people to a life of poverty!!

  40. pandora says:

    Mike, a word of advice for your mom. She needs to get involved. If something happens to your father the finances will fall immediately on her. She should know exactly what they own in property, stocks, and any other investments. Just my opinion.

  41. liberalgeek says:

    The “Death Tax” argument is such bullshit. The farm bureau was unable to find a single example of a farmer that lost their farm to it, yet that is what the Republicans cling to.

    If your rich Uncle dies and leaves $13 Million to you, you pay the frickin’ tax and retire. Why is it that a poor person that takes food stamps is taking money for not working, but you get your Uncles millions without working for it and you don’t think you should pay any taxes on it? Are you crazy?

  42. DJK says:

    Here’s another good one…. OBama calls woman, “Sweetie”

  43. DJK says:

    but does the poor dude pay taxes on his food stamps??

  44. DJK says:

    Why do you people keep killing my links? They’re GOOD. You should look at them. I read your drivel.

  45. mike w. says:

    She is involved, and she has stuff in her name, my point was that I doubt she could rattle all of it off on command when asked without having the paperwork in front of her. It’s stupid to expect McCain to be able to do so, especially considering Cindy’s fortune.

  46. JadeGold says:

    Again, John POW McCain’s explanations (and those of his adherents) don’t pass the smell test.

    Either you know how many homes you own..or you don’t. DJK’s excuse of owning apartment buildings doesn’t wash for several reasons. First, if McCain was truly clueless as to his property investments–he should have answered the question thusly: “Cindy and I split our time between a condo in DC, our home in AZ and a vacation house in Fredonia. We also have anumber of investment properties.”

    Second, any politician for national office is required to fill out and sign paperwork WRT to his or her financial status. Thus, McCian is saying he signed off on a financial document he didn’t read or understand.

  47. pandora says:

    And that – “It’s stupid to expect McCain to be able to do so, especially considering Cindy’s fortune.” – is what makes him an elitist… and a kept man.

  48. liberalgeek says:

    Links sometimes get auto-moderated. Give em a few minutes.

  49. I hope the left-wing doesn’t relent on this. The righties can play their bullshit witch hunts for as long as they like. It’s time the left continues to push forth with this. John McCain and his wife are elitists. The GOP loves painting “limo liberals” as elitists, which they certainly are, but they fail to point that mirror inwards. I don’t know what it is, but that fucking Barbie Doll Stepford Wife just totally bugs the shit out of me. People say she’s hot; I say I’m not attracted to plastic.

  50. DJK says:

    Shit, good for him… I wouldn’t mind being a kept man. A kept man AND your next president. Whew! That’s a lot to say in one sentence.

  51. mike w. says:

    Again Pandora. Money alone does not equal “elitist.”

  52. DJK says:

    @LibGeek, K, thanks.

  53. pandora says:

    *sigh* Please, Mike, read my comment #22. I never said it was about money.

  54. miscreant says:

    Two houses, one on a lot, the other on 5 acres, both mortgages all paid in under 7 years by busting my balls in a thankless job. I also inherited another two houses. One on a small lot (bulldozed it), the other on 10 acres (Que the bulldozers). Currently, they have two outside doors each, and all together they have 23 inside doors (excluding closet doors) , totaling… 29 doors.

    Elitist Land Baron.

  55. pandora says:

    Not elitist, Miscreant, because you could answer the question.

  56. arthur says:

    Liberalgeek – “If your rich Uncle dies and leaves $13 Million to you, you pay the frickin’ tax and retire. Why is it that a poor person that takes food stamps is taking money for not working, but you get your Uncles millions without working for it and you don’t think you should pay any taxes on it? Are you crazy?

    it depends on how the money is set up…is it cash, land, etc. what are the debts. right now the estate tax is 2 mil. 09 it goes to 3.5 mil. taxes on money above that are taxed, depending on benificiary brackets, estate taxes, etc, can be 50% or more. if tax credits arent used properly, the rate could be 70%.

  57. JadeGold says:

    Miikey is merely attempting to deflect attention from the issue.

    McCain wants to portray himself as a “regular guy” who is in touch with the average American. He wants to smear Obama as an “elitist” who isn’t in touch.

    McCain’s task got a lot tougher when he coudn’t remember how many homes he owns.

  58. PBaumbach says:

    DJK #11: “Why do you people give so much grief to people with money? You do realize that those people probably give you your job, right?”

    The last I checked a job is a two-way street–an employer pays an employee for their work. This isn’t a gift (people with money giving you a job), it is an exchange (money for effort).

    For the record, I am an employer. And I know how many employees I have (six, soon to be seven, including part-timers), and how many homes I have (one), and how many yard signs I have up (two, for Democratic candidates).

    The point of this thread is that McSame is trying to use the same anti-elitist campaign that Rove and company ran against Kerry’s wife, without acknowledging the utter irony of McSame’s wife’s nearly identical situation to Kerry’s.

    DJK #31–I’m no Republican

    The bullshit meter blew a fuse on that one.

  59. pandora says:

    The idea of rich people “not using tax credits properly” is laughable.

  60. mike w. says:

    “I could not only tell you how many properties I owned, but quote you, to the penny, how much I spent on each.

    Why can’t McCain? Because he has so much money it didn’t affect him on a daily basis. There’s nothing wrong with having money.”

    Your right, McCain’s wife has so much money that it doesn’t affect him on a daily basis, which is EXACTLY why he couldn’t answer the question, because he doesn’t manage his wife’s investments / properties on a daily basis (he is a Senator you know)

    The fact that he couldnt’ answer it doesn’t make him elitist. It means his wife has many investment properties that he doesn’t keep up with daily. He’s a Senator. I fully expect him to do his job as Senator and leave the daily management of his wife’s assets to his wife.

  61. cassandra_m says:

    So all of you guys who think that the fact that McCain doesn’t know the number of houses he owns (and JadeGold’s point about financial disclosures is on point), would be so vigorously defending Obama if he were the one who could not remember the houses he owns?

  62. DJK says:

    I’ll attack Obama on the color socks he wears. He’s a liar and he’s got you bamboozled.

    He’s buddies with a terrorist and was mentored by a Communist.

  63. mike w. says:

    If Michelle was the breadwinner and Barack couldn’t speak in detail about his wife’s assets and finances, no, I would not attack him for it.

  64. DJK says:

    I’m still curious why my links haven’t popped up… #10 came up no problem….no moderating…

  65. pandora says:

    DJK, earlier you said you were no Republican. What are you? (serious question) And who did you initially support in the Primary? (another serious question)

  66. arthur says:

    How many of the houses are in trust?

  67. FSP says:

    “So all of you guys who think that the fact that McCain doesn’t know the number of houses he owns (and JadeGold’s point about financial disclosures is on point), would be so vigorously defending Obama if he were the one who could not remember the houses he owns?”

    No. Because in the American public, McCain is an established persona. Barack Obama is not, so more questions are naturally asked about Obama.

  68. DJK says:

    Libertarian. Dr. Paul.

    But, when I asked this forum what YOUR respective political parties were, nobody answered.

    Take that for what you will.

  69. mike w. says:

    DJK – Sometimes links work, sometimes they get caught, I’m not sure why. Try posting them separately.

  70. Joe M says:

    I think that anyone who uses “elitist” as a political attack is simply ashamed of what they don’t have.

  71. mike w. says:

    Not really Joe. When I call Obama “elitist” it has nothing to do with what he has, and everything to do with his attitude towards the people he’s supposed to “serve.”

    The same goes for Joe Biden

  72. DJK says:

    I’ve been posting single links….with comments.

  73. Joe M says:

    Okay, give me an example of that “attitude” that hasn’t already been refuted.

    Also, tell me what you’d be calling Obama if the the RW talking heads didn’t bring the term “elitist” to light.

  74. DJK says:

    Oh Joe… How has it been ‘refuted’ that he’s an elitist?? Come now, puppet, can’t you see it through his charade?

  75. DJK says:

    You must not feel like calling a group of people “Bitter” elitist.

  76. pandora says:

    An elitist is someone who a) feels they are superior to everyone, and b) answers real concerns with “let them eat cake” responses.

    McCain’s 50.00 an hour lettuce comment would have made Marie Antoinette proud.

    The number of houses comment hits hard because for most people their home is their main investment, and losing track of the number of houses they own is unthinkable.

  77. PBaumbach says:

    DJK #21: “I sure hope nobody here has anyone in their family with some money/property. If Obama get’s elected, HE’LL get it if they die, not you. NEAT!”

    In the schools that won’t be funded in a libertarian society, we would learn that estate tax rates top out at 45%, and that the first $2 million is exempt. Thus, on an estate of $13 million, $10.5 million would be received by the next generation. The US government would get less than $2.5 million, less than 20% of the estate.

    In a Libertarian society where education is not provided, folks like DJK will conclude that keeping more than 80% is nothing. But don’t be embarrassed DJK/Dr. Libertarian, it’s a math thing–you wouldn’t understand.

    BTW, I guess that you missed it. I am Democratic.

  78. pandora says:

    Actually, the Right has done a good job of merging the words elitist and intellectual into one, and then has the nerve to complain about the educational system. Why pick the smart guy for President when you can pick the one you’d rather have a beer with?

  79. arthur says:

    “pandora // Aug 22, 2008 at 11:21 am

    An elitist is someone who a) feels they are superior to everyone”

    that is every politician.

  80. Joe M says:


    Reading is fundamental. Please re-read the question and give me an example of elitism that hasn’t been refuted.

  81. mike w. says:

    “Also, tell me what you’d be calling Obama if the the RW talking heads didn’t bring the term “elitist” to light.”

    I’d call him an arrogant, condescending, socialist asshole who’s out of touch and holds outright contempt for my values.

  82. Joe M says:

    Actually, let me put this another way.

    Both McCain and Obama have vastly more wealth than me. Obama buys arugula and McCain doesn’t know how many houses he own.

    So fucking what?

    If you don’t understand that the rich folks get office in this country, than I ask where you’ve been living the past 200 fucking years?

    The rich live very different lives than the rest of us. I couldn’t even afford to get into college for fuck’s sake. To expect the rich to understand that we don’t now what arugula is (like that fucking matters), or to give a shit how many houses they own is irrational.

    As long as they have a plan to make life better for the rest of us, I don’t give a flying fuck how much money they have. If they can make it easier for me to get my daughters into college (if they so choose) and get a good education there, what business is it of mine that they could send my whole family to college for 13000 years?

    GET OFF IT, for the love of all that is good!

  83. mike w. says:

    Oh, and here’s the McCain camps response to Obama. It’s EXCELLENT!

    “Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people cling to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans?””

    BTW – all of you blabbing about McCain’s lack of knowledge of his wife’s finances should note that he and his wife file separate tax returns.

  84. pandora says:

    According to McCain… 4 million is middle class.

  85. mike w. says:

    Yeah, I’m sure he really believes that Pandora……….

  86. JadeGold says:

    Who knows what McCain believes? Even he probably doesn’t given the fact he’s half-senile.

  87. pandora says:

    Spin, spin, spin. These gaffes are hitting home. (pun intended)

  88. JadeGold says:

    John mcCain has just hit back on FauxNews and it’s AWESOME:

    “When I was forced to eat BBQ Pheasant with a nice Merlot reduction on the beach at Charles Keating’s private beach resort, the bartender who was mixing my Mojito drew a cross in the sand with his toe.

    I’m reminded of this every time I’m persecuted for not knowing how many homes I own. At the same soiree, Mother Theresa told me to have another drink and invited me to lambada.

    Did I mention I was a POW?”

  89. DJK says:


    Way to get around the issue by attacking Libertarians.

  90. DJK says:

    Joe M, you’re saying that all comments about Obama’s elitism have been refuted. I’m saying that that is ridiculous. Just because YOU think you have refuted them….doesn’t mean that it’s so.

  91. mike w. says:

    Hell, he said people cling to guns & religion because of economically-induced bitterness over the last 25 years.

    If that’s not extraordinarily elitist, condescending, and out of touch I don’t know what is. As if people didn’t “cling” to those deeply held values prior to 1983.

  92. Al Mascitti says:

    Mike: If you don’t understand what he said, then I believe that yes, he is superior to you. Which I suppose makes him elitist — or else makes you another slack-jawed member of the hoi polloi.

    You people have made abundantly clear that “elitist” is shorthand for “he makes me feel stupid.”

  93. mike w. says:

    Hardly – Looking at Obama’s policies his ignorance and stupidity becomes quite clear.

    And I understand exactly what he said.

  94. Joe M says:

    “Joe M, you’re saying that all comments about Obama’s elitism have been refuted. I’m saying that that is ridiculous. Just because YOU think you have refuted them….doesn’t mean that it’s so.”

    Yet, you’re unable to provide a simple example…

  95. mike w. says:

    Joe – If you’re going to say “all comments about Obama’s elitism have been refuted” then the onus is on YOU to provide examples of such.

  96. pandora says:

    Hmmm… Mike can’t provide proof. ‘Nuff said.

  97. Joe M says:

    I’m not saying that, Mike. Part of my challenge is DJK’s knowledge of the arguments and refutations of the whole ridiculous “elitism” point.

    Remember, I don’t think this is a valid point against either candidate. I’d much rather hear about actual social topics like science or healthcare, and I’m frankly starved for that because of the argument of elitism and celebrity.

    The argument obviously means something to DJK, so I’m challenging his knowledge of it.

  98. Joe M says:

    I guess I’m picking on DJK there, so let me open the argument.

    Pro-MCainites: Prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, in arguments that will convince a rational non-partisan, that Obama is elitist.

    Probamas: Same question, sub McCain for Obama.

    Sorry, DJK, didn’t mean to pick on you when it was everyone that buys into this stupid bullshit that I have a problem with.

  99. mike w. says:

    “Hmmm… Mike can’t provide proof. ‘Nuff said.”

    Who said I tried to, or was asked to? Besides Pandora, I’ve been here long enough to know how laughable that is coming from you.

    Besides, I KNOW you didn’t read either of my linked posts. BTW – If I further explain why I believe Obama to be “elitist” you’ll just say “that’s not elitist” as you have in the past, because your definition of the term differs from mine.

  100. pandora says:

    And I’ve been here long enough to recognize your spin. I answered this question earlier (#22), but you chose to ignore that. (BTW, your links hadn’t come through when I read your comment.)

    As far as Elitist… McCain and Co. introduced the word into play. Frankly, I have no idea if either one is an elitist since I DON’T know them personally. However, people in glass houses, 10 glass houses to be accurate, shouldn’t throw the elitist stone.

  101. mike w. says:

    Pandora – I responded to what you said in #22 several times. As usual you ignored my counterarguments and claimed I never responded. Typical.

  102. David says:

    There you go again. You know the Senator doesn’t own those homes, his wife does. You also know that he files everything separate from her. She keeps her wealth to herself which is her right. I thought you guys believed in a right to privacy.

    Many Senators don’t know a lot of what they have because it is in a blind trust or controlled by someone else. McCain got lucky and married a rich lady. Do you think that she should give it all up to her husband? Should married women not own property? I thought Susan B. Anthony settled that over a century ago. Shame on you for wanting to turn the clock back on women’s rights.

    Good for him that he fell in love with a woman who is a great person, pretty, and rich to boot. Don’t be hating because its not you. That is what I said about Kerry, but I guess that I am the only one consistent. Let’s talk about real issues.

  103. mike w. says:

    “And I’ve been here long enough to recognize your spin. ”

    Sorry Pandora – I forgot that actually providing substantive counterarguments is “spin” around here.

    David – They don’t believe in private wealth. The government should take it from the “evil rich folks” and redistribute it.

  104. Joe M says:

    “Let’s talk about real issues.”

    Hear hear!

    Since no one is answering my challenge, I’m fully on board with talking about actual issues.

  105. mike w. says:

    We can do that Joe, but it’ll have to be in a different thread. This one is a stupid thread about McCain knowing how many homes he and his wife own.

  106. Joe M says:

    Wow, what a cop out.

  107. mike w. says:

    how so? You said yourself you wanted to talk about real issues. Is how many houses McCain’s wife has a “real issue?”

  108. Joe M says:

    No, Mike, that’s why I’m trying to suggest that people either prove the elitist bullshit, or move on to something that actually matters to the American citizen.

    Your “this thread isn’t about your proof” is a cop-out because all of these threads go off topic, and people are more than willing to follow the tangent if they have something to say about it.

  109. pandora says:

    Okay, let’s deal with a real issue. I’ll choose it, shall I? EDUCATION.

    Take it away…

  110. mike w. says:

    Yes Joe, but unlike most of you, if I take a thread off-topic Jason or DD get pissy and muzzle me.

    That said, I’m not doing it, so go ahead, take it away.

    Also, I discussed Obama’s elitism on my blog in the posts I linked to (search for “Obama” on my blog and you’ll find even more) I’m not going go into that kind of detail in comments here.

  111. JadeGold says:

    Let’s address David’s deflections.

    First, nobody has suggested McCain give up his–or his wife’s wealth.

    Second, it is immaterial if everything is in Cindy’s name. If that’s true–and it isn’t–his answer to the question of number of homes he owned should have been “zero” instead of “I don’t know.”

    Third, let’s knock off the pretense about McCain getting lucky and marrying the saintly Cindy. Let’s remember, McCain was carrying on an adulterous affair with the saintly Cindy. Let us not forget Cindy was also involved in a drug scandal which would have landed any regular person in the hoosegow–just not a $100M heiress.

  112. I love the fact that McCain does these townhall meetings and goes into grocery stores to look like a “regular” guy.

    He has no idea what a farm hand makes, doesn’t know a country hasn’t been around for a decade, doesn’t know Iraq doesn’t border pakistan, doesn’t know how many homes he has, votes against raising the GI bill, votes in favor of torture

    and Obama is elitist…

    I love our MSM…sooooooo liberal

  113. david,

    There you go again. You know the Senator doesn’t own those homes, his wife does

    EVEN better for the Moral Majority, every women in her place, Evangelical, father figure.

    How cute, Grandpa has a sugar momma.

  114. mike w. says:

    “I love our MSM…sooooooo liberal”

    Yup, that’s why I cant stand to watch most of the shit. The only alternative is “Fox “fair & balanced my ass” News, which is just as bad as the liberal MSM but on the extreme other end of the political spectrum.

  115. DJK says:

    “Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people cling to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans?” – The McCain Campaign

  116. DJK says:

    I think he’s an elitist. I think the way he talks to people is elitist. His tilted head is elitist. His wife is an elitist, read that stinky cunt.

    You can’t see the forest for the trees. It’s right there. just open your eyes. Stop being a guilty for nothing liberal. Then you’ll see. Stand up for yourself. If you should even have the pleasure of being wealthy your thinking will change, guaranteed.

  117. DJK says:

    Release my links….those are my “proof” and evidence. But for some reason they’re held captive. Just let the people here see them.

  118. DJK says:

    “Actually, the Right has done a good job of merging the words elitist and intellectual into one, and then has the nerve to complain about the educational system. Why pick the smart guy for President when you can pick the one you’d rather have a beer with?”

    Which one is the smart guy???

  119. DJK says:

    My comments are being marked as spam. Do you people not have control over your own site?

  120. mike w. says:

    Well they censor me when they see fit, (almost immediately sometimes) so they most certainly do have control over comments.

  121. I think the C-word is a little too much. You lose points when you go there djk. Not that you had any cred to begin with.

  122. R Smitty says:

    125+ comments? What did Burris have to do with this thread?

  123. liberalgeek says:

    DJK – you are being profiled.

    You are not the first and will not be the last person that accidentally got marked as spam. Don’t take it personally, the server doesn’t actually hate you (much).

  124. Von Cracker says:

    Ok All, I’ll be the final arbiter of who’s an elitist and who’s not.

    First of all, an elitist is someone who thinks they alone absolutely know better than you.

    Second, an elitist does not have to be wealthy or from the ‘aristocracy’.

    Third, along with thinking they know better than you, this person has to provide proof of no concern in bringing the common citizen along with them with their stated policies, aka ‘left behind’, or to benefit the few in the hope of benefiting all, such as ‘trickle down economics’.

    With that said, neither candidate is a true ‘elitist’. On a scale of one to ten, ten being an absolute elitist (e.g. – William Buckley), McCain’s about a 5 and Obama’s a 3.

    McCain’s recent conversion to most, if not all, of Bu$hCo’s policies has driven-up his Elitist Factor. Does he truly believe in what he’s now advocating? Only he knows, but he’s definitely taking a page out of Rove’s playbook by attempting to project his perceived weaknesses onto his opponent. His lack of knowing how many properties the McCain entity owns or his statement that our current economic fundamentals are strong certainly gives the impression that he’s out-of-touch with popular reality, but his prior populist stances keep him from being an absolute ‘elitist’.

    To say that Obama thinks he knows better, and therefore he’s an ‘elitist’, is just plain silly. Of course all politicians think they know better, why would they run for office in the first place if they didn’t believe that they have a better way, even if it’s misplaced? What you need to ask yourself is if Obama’s agenda is focused on a select few or will it benefit a majority of Americans. Same goes for McCain. But, most of the time, you cannot call someone with a populist message an ‘elitist’.

    Bush? Absolutely a 10 – look at his policies and determine for yourself if he cares at all about how his enacted policies affect the common man. He certainly thought he knew better than us about the results of an Iraq invasion (so much so, he had to lie about the true reasons), NCBL, etc. The words he uses: “I’m the Decider”; “You have to Understand….”, etc. All of these are his way of telling you that he knows best and no one will tell him different. He follows Reagan’s idea of letting the rich and powerful filter what the common folk may have, usually crumbs, since those who benefit directly from a trickle-down model tend to keep most of it for themselves, spend and save money abroad, or purchase investments that may take years for us regulars to see any, if at all, benefit.

    As the saying goes: The Devil’s* greatest trick was convincing everyone he doesn’t exist; and GWB greatest trick was convincing lower and middle class voters that he’s just like them.

    So STFU with this entire elitist BS…you might as well have an argument about who kicks ass more, Romulans or Klingons. It may make interesting conversation, but it’s not based in reality.

    * the devil as a singularity really does not exist, for the devil is all of us.

  125. Von Cracker says:

    And let me just say that the ‘Elite’ do not want new company….membership is closed. Therefore, why would they want to enact policies which might change the status quo?

  126. Joanne Christian says:

    Anyone ever tell you people it’s boorish to talk about money?