
Filed in National by on August 22, 2008

(I’m posting this now, hoping that you Gonzo fans will have a chance to see this info before the VP fireworks.)
This is a Public Service Announcement for all of the Hunter S. Thompson geeks out there:

Wilmington’s Theater N is playing the recent documentary: GONZO: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson this weekend. Showtimes are:
Friday 8/22 at 2 PM
Saturday 8/23 at 5 PM
Sunday 8/24 at 2 PM

This film got lots of great notices and seems to have gotten excellent participation from a wide range of Thompson’s friends and targets. The director, Alex Gibney was also responsible for the great and disturbing documentary Taxi to the Dark Side, as well as Enron: The Smartest Guy in the Room, and was a producer on the incredibly great No End In Sight. I missed this when it was playing at the Ritz back in July and will certainly go see it this weekend.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (10)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    ooohhhh. I likey. Maybe Sunday for me…

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I’m going to try for the Saturday show. This really should be fantastic, and an excellent way to get your mind set for Convention Week.

  3. Joe M says:

    Wow, this sounds like fun! Maybe I can make the Saturday one!

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Saw it at the Ritz in Philly about a month or so.
    Definitely worth seeing.

  5. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo also recommends as a rental “Where the Buffalo Roam”. It’s a shaggy chihuahua of a movie, and some of the scenes drag, but it’s worth it just to see Thompson (played by Bill Murray) encounter Nixon in a men’s room, and Nixon’s classic line, “F*ck the doomed.”

  6. Joe M says:

    Joe M think El Somnamulo needs to stop referring to himself in the third person. Joe M is very adamant on this point.

  7. Not Brian says:

    Huge fan.

    Saw it at the Ritz in Philadelphia when it came out, was well worth the trip.

    Might go see it in Wilmington just to see the crowd that shows up!

    May be a good way to get revved up for hating the conventions! I always thought the brilliance of Thompson was the way he stripped off the varnish the political swine put on themselves and their ilk. I wish I could hear him describe that insane stage they unveiled this morning – the party of the poor and disadvantaged on parade in front of three 128 foot tall LCD screens!

    ‘Where The Buffalo Roam’ is crap.

    Watch ‘Fear and Loathing’!

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    I saw it with Von Cracker et al. Always been a huge fan. I actually meet a guy at the Virgin Music Festival two weekends ago who goes around dressed as Raoul Duke. He did it at Burning Man and some cat gave him a forged Kentucky birth certificate under the name HST. The guy carries it around in his “special” bag.

    I actually enjoyed The Rum Diary… which sort of indicates my level of fandoom.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    I loved Fear and Loathing, especially Benicio del Toro. On the Criterion DVD, there is a commentary track featuring is Hunter and the producer (who was an ex-girlfriend, I think). Mostly crazy — occasionally brilliant.

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    One little teaser… Best scene in the film is the actually audio tape of Thompson in his hotel room in Zaire when he decides not to go to the Ali/Foreman fight… then you get Jann Winter’s recollection of it… HST was clearly losing it, but pure Gonzo nonetheless.