Who Knew Carney Goons Were This Clever?

Filed in National by on August 22, 2008

Signage tampering is just stupid.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mike w. says:

    It’s not only stupid, it’s illegal.

  2. Al Mascitti says:

    Which makes it doubly stupid.

  3. Am I missing something or is that a Markell sign and not a KHN sign?

  4. On my way to Dover yesterday I saw Mike Miller signs that were covered up by Jerry Northington signs that were no more than six inches in front of the Miller signs. Games are being played by all sides.

  5. FSP says:

    I don’t know where you would get the idea that Democrat goons would tamper with signs. I’ve always been ridiculed for suggesting that idea.

  6. Joe M says:

    Well, I guess this is the backdraft of getting out the vote.

    Yes, more people vote, but we forgot that the people who didn’t vote before were idiots.

  7. Rebecca says:

    We notice signs – nobody else does. Signs don’t vote.

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    “We notice signs – nobody else does.”

    You could not be more wrong, Rebecca. Signs do exactly what they’re designed to do — get one-word messages to the electorate. If you only get one word to put in voters’ minds, that word should be the name of the candidate.

  9. You’re right, Al. I have friend who vote and will use THE SIGNS as a means for making a pick. They don’t know the candidates, but they do like a sign’s color over another candidate’s sign. It’s pathetic, but signs do make a difference.

  10. Joe M says:

    Mike, you may want to rethink who is your friend. I have a pet rock that I’m more than happy to lend 🙂

  11. P.I. says:

    Sign tampering has always been the forte of union thugs which is surprising in this case since it required that they had to sort of be able to spell.

  12. Joe M says:

    So, when is the “Demo Rat” going into production? Is the prototype going to be shown anywhere soon?

  13. nemski is now DPN says:

    It wasn’t me.

  14. FSP says:

    “Sign tampering has always been the forte of union thugs which is surprising in this case since it required that they had to sort of be able to spell.”

    Maybe they thought they were correcting the misspelling.

  15. nemski is now DPN says:

    Hey, how do we know it was tampered with? Maybe it is a new strategy of his. 🙂

  16. anon says:

    Republicans specialize in blaming wind-blown or kid-vandalized signs on their opponents.

    Democrat vandalism is unique in its use of and awareness of language.

  17. Joe Cass says:

    hey P.I. Go fuck yourself. Did I spell that right?

  18. R Smitty says:

    I think Dave made this all up to prop up his candidate, JoAnn.

    Wait, sorry, that was a conversation last year.

    Damn these union thugs!!!

  19. liberalgeek says:

    I have to admit, Democrats for a good shot in the arm with the art of sign tampering when Atkins switched over…

  20. liz allen says:

    Last night I was out putting up signs for Karen. I saw a few of Jerry Northingtons down (because they hadn’t been firmly placed….I PUT THEM BACK UP. Also, one of Markells at R141 had three signs on a pole…that was down…tried to put it back up, but the homemade stick wouldnt go in the ground.

    Anyone making a statement that Karen had anything to do with stealing Northington signs better not be blaming the KHN campaign. Karen does’nt operate that way, but plenty of hers are gone, which is why we waited till the last minute to start putting them up. Try blaming Mike Miller who has no signs up in the areas I worked in.

    Coons goons are doing a lot of damage, too bad the so called press is not covering any of it.

  21. P.I. says:

    Joe Cass // Aug 22, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    hey P.I. Go fuck yourself. Did I spell that right?

    Nice vocabulary. Did you learn all those words in one day? You even have 3 with more than 4 letters. Give yourself a star today.

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    rsmitty–you are hateful!!!!

  23. rsmitty says:

    reinvoking an old thread!!!

    Joanne…I hope you saw my snark and are snarky in response. My point was when Dave dared bring this up last year, he’s blasted, but when it’s not him…well, it’s logical.

    For the record on the Northington signs, I was the one who told Jason about what I saw at the junction of US 13 and I-495. It was on the southbound side of US13, on the right hand side on the large triangle bound by US13, the ramp from US13 to 495 and the exit from 495 (south) to 13 south. Newly places KHN signs were where once-standing Northington signs were. When I was at the red light there, I could easily see two Northington signs laying on the ground, in front of the newly-places KHN signs. Nowhere did I or Jason say or even hint that KHN herself had anything to do with it. Rarely, if ever, does a candidate have anything to do with that junk. Sometimes (SOMEtimes) over zealous campaign workers are guilty. Sometimes, it’s just a jack-hole being an ass. However, MOST of the times, it’s a general supporter that has no connection to the campaign, but thinks it will help their favorite candidate.