Biden Is Going To Bring The Heat

Filed in National by on August 23, 2008

Great pick. Here is a preview of what Biden brings to the campaign.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Now I REALLY Wish we had been picked as the Delaware blog.

    Tom Noyes’ stock just went WAY up.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I agree Jason that Tom Noyes is going to have a great time at the convention. I think it will be really exciting to be representing Delaware at the convention!

    I’ve only lived in Delaware for a year, so I haven’t known Biden as long as many people here. I know he sometimes makes gaffes but I really think he’s a great choice. He was a great surrogate for Obama about Iraq policy and he really knows how to throw punches.

    Now, I’m hoping McCain picks Giuliani for VP just to see Biden tear Giuliani apart in a debate. I think Biden would completely wipe the floor with Mittens.

  3. delawaredem says:

    I just love that look Biden gives at the end of the second video. LOL.

  4. Susan Regis Collins says:


    When I clicked on this post my virus protector popped up while running down a ‘Trojan Horse Dropper. Agent. JOC’ (whatever that means).

  5. jason330 says:

    I know DV. What might have been….


  6. DPN (tpfka nemski) says:

    / begin kissing ass

    You guys are rock stars in my book.

    / end kissing ass

  7. Good shit. BO now has the fighter he needs. As long as Joe doesn’t relent and allow the right-wing machine to define them this year, I think they can take it.