
Filed in National by on September 1, 2008


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  1. Down with Absolutes! » Blog Archive » Your left-wing “MSM” | September 1, 2008
  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    OMG, that was so sweet! He was simultaneously trying to argue that Palin had tons of experience and that it didn’t matter it was the top of the ticket that mattered. Hilarious!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Isn’t Campbell Brown Mrs. Dan Senor?

  3. DPN says:

    But, but, but Alaska is close to Russia.

  4. cassandra_m says:


    Tucker was smooth, but still couldn’t answer. And I note that he ended by trying to seep it all away — that Palin doesn’t matter, it it the top of the ticket that people choose. Which is likely right, but then you are basically saying that McCain has just added one more beauty queen to the campaign plane.

  5. delawaredem says:

    I have no idea who Campbell Brown is married to.

  6. DPN says:

    I wonder if or when Rick Davis will be fired?

  7. Dan Senor, the hardcore right-wing Iraq guy? Wow.

  8. pandora says:

    Ouch! I almost felt sorry for him.

    Hmm… is the MSM’s love affair with McCain come to an end.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    She is married to Dan Senor. Our candidate to replace the irrepressible Baghdad Bob and was working for the Viceroy when Saddam was sent to his rat hole.

    And this executive experience thing has got to come and bite them sooner or later — by their own measures, John McCain doesn’t have any executive experience either.

    And that, my friends, is a place the man with many houses should not want to go.

  10. I’m as giddy as a school girl. This is so awful, but after eight years of Republican rule in this country, I am so pleased that McCain and his bullshit may finally be going down in flames.

    It has nothing to do with left-wing or right-wing media. The media should definitely be covering these stories because it goes straight to the heart of Palin’s character.

    Crash and burn, national GOP. Crash and fucking burn.

    GOP derangement syndrome? Perhaps. But it feels soooo fucking good!

  11. edisonkitty says:

    I am going to be kind and say that Tucker did as good a job with that as anyone could.

    But, for crying out loud, it was godawful. To say that it crashed and burned would really be unfair to lesser, similar events, like the Hindenberg.

    It would have been cleaner, and no less damaging, had he simply answered her question; “How do you explain it?” “I can’t”.

  12. Joe M says:

    Yes, these are the stories that the MSM should be covering. I’m glad someone on TV has called the McCain campaign on their VP pick when they’ve been railing against Obama’s lack of experience.

    When it comes down to it, Obama picked a VP that tempered his change message with experience. McCain’s pick was either for looks or to appease the radical Christian right.

  13. Rebecca says:

    The Republicans have been having it both ways for so long that they believe their own bull. Reality and logic have nothing to do with this.

    Palin appeals to the evangelicals and is even more of a hero since the announcement of her 17-year-old daughter’s pregnancy. Those people are not watching CNN and will never see this exchange. It will simply resonate in our little echo chamber but will have no impact whatsoever on the people who will voter for her.

  14. pandora says:

    Great article. Thanks for the link, Rebecca.

  15. miscreant says:

    “When it comes down to it, Obama picked a VP that tempered his change message with experience. ”

    TRANSLATION: He reneged on his initial promise to pick someone who wasn’t part of the Washington establishment, someone from “outside the Beltway”, in a pathetic and desperate attempt to lend credibility to his campaign. “Change…” The only things he’s changed to date is his mind on numerous occasions, his campaign strategy du jour, and his pastor.

    “Ya gotta read Richard Cohen’s OpEd in today’s WaPo . . .”

    I did read it, Rebecca, and once you get past some slightly sophisticated wordsmithing, I found it to be another petty and childish mischaracterization of Palin. Not unlike those found in abundance on this “little echo chamber”.

  16. anon says:

    I saw this live. What a train wreck.