Pool: What Day Will Palin Drop Out ?

Filed in National by on September 2, 2008

Provide: Day, Time and Excuse (e.g. Damn Liberal Media!!)

The winner will recive a copy of “Presidential Doodles – Two Centuries of Scribbles, Scratches and Scrawls From the Oval Office”

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    September 3rd 11:00 am. Other daughter also found to be knocked up.

  2. pandora says:

    Palin won’t drop out. That’s my prediction, and I’m sticking with it.

    Reason: If Palin drops out what does that say about McCain’s 1st Presidential decision? He’d be better off sticking by and defending his choice. If she goes the posts will write themselves (okay, they write themselves now), and McCain will lose another two weeks to bad press. Just sayin’.

  3. Disbelief says:

    About 7 months from now?

  4. Benjamin says:

    I tend to side with pandora here. I don’t think McCain is someone who acknowledges mistakes and certainly there are a lot of crazy Republicans out there who think she is an asset and they can lie their way through the embarassing revelations.

  5. edisonkitty says:

    I am with Pandora, as well. I say he hangs with her. Literally.

  6. DPN says:

    Sept 3rd, 8:30 am

    Palin will drop out.

    McCain will have tried to argue her out of it.

    Palin will say she needs to spend time with her family and that media spotlight on Bristol was not what her daughter needs now.

  7. Tom S. says:

    She won’t drop out.

  8. Steve Newton says:

    She won’t drop out. McCain is no longer really trying for the undecided middle; he is going for bringing out the base ala 2000 and 2004. He is gambling that he will recover 3 votes from the formerly disenchanted social conservative base for every 2 he loses in the middle.

    I don’t think it will work, although I haven’t seen an analysis of the GOP base in the battleground states.

    But media attacks on her will be music to the GOP base ears.

  9. Joe Cass says:

    Sept 12th after 7pm. Convention week is too soon. She’ll be dropping out to care for her famblah blah blah.

    And Steve: where do you get your calendars? Are there two Memorial Days in your world or do you insist that ignorance is bliss?

  10. Another Mike says:

    She’s not going anywhere.

  11. Dorian Gray says:

    She’s in for the duration.

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    McCain to the White House
    Palin to the Naval Observatory
    Bristol to the Unwed Mother’s Home

    A place for everyone…

  13. jason330 says:

    It has to be in time for the convention to nominate a VP. I think DPN is going to win a book.

  14. jason330 says:

    ….and it will be Huckabee.

  15. mike w. says:

    Jason why do you think he’d pick Huckabee? Sure it would motivate a fringe part of his base, but it would piss off pretty much any moderates.

    Besides, Palin’s not going anywhere.

  16. jason330 says:

    After Palin anybody other than Huckabee would be a big FU to the religious nuts who run the GOP GOTV operations.

  17. She won’t drop out. Would be seen as a sign of weakness and a definite loss in November. They’ll roll the dice and hope that the “left-wing media” isn’t to harsh on them.

  18. cassandra m says:

    Palin was a pure base play — certainly not a moderate play — and Huckabee is the next closest base play.

    I said last night that Palin won’t go anywhere — their high wire strategy falls completely apart if she withdraws.

    And, note that Intrade has opened up a contract on whether Palin withdraws. The price is going up and you can buy right now for 11.9.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Jason–don’t keep tossing that Huckababble name around to me…I told you earlier…..

  20. anon says:

    Palin won’t drop out until they start falling far behind in the polls. Right now it is still close enough to steal.

    James Baker’s Batphone surely rang this weekend.

  21. JadeGold says:

    Date: 20 Sep 2008

    Excuse: Will blame demands of young, special needs child and daughter’s pregnancy and, of course, the needs of the citizens of Alaska as excuse to drop out.

    Real Reason: More embarrassing revelations, gaffes on campaign trail, sinking in polls.

    Replacement: Romney.

  22. anon says:

    She will not drop out! Her reason for being in the race is to bring the “abortion” issue into mainstream politic, again! Neither McCain nor Palin have a real platform to run on. McCain knows nothing about economics, his surge is a joke, which Biden can dispense with. His move towards a war with Iran and Russia is not on the radar screen. This was the biggest publicity stunt in modern day politics.

    Her stance against abortion even in case of rape and incest will drive women away from her. She will only capture some die hard one issue Catholics, and some uneducated evangelicals!

    The only reason she was selected (but not vetted) is because of the one issue abortion which will be front and center to hide the War, the Economy, and all the failed foreign policies of the Bush/McCain regimes.

  23. mike w. says:

    “Excuse: Will blame demands of young, special needs child and daughter’s pregnancy and, of course, the needs of the citizens of Alaska as excuse to drop out.”

    The only people I’ve heard mentioning this are liberals with their “how can she be the VP with all of her family obligations?” and the insinuation that she will neglect her family and her duties as a mother if she becomes the VP. I personally find that kind of talk insulting to mothers in this country.

    Anon – Palin has actually brought about change and reform in her short time in government. Obama has spent his time talking about change but not much time actually getting results.

  24. Dana says:

    Sarah Palin will drop out of the Vice Presidency on January 20, 2017, when she takes the oath of office as President of the United States.

  25. Dana says:

    Mr W wrote:

    The only people I’ve heard mentioning this are liberals with their “how can she be the VP with all of her family obligations?” and the insinuation that she will neglect her family and her duties as a mother if she becomes the VP. I personally find that kind of talk insulting to mothers in this country.

    Amazing how the liberal feminists say things like that, when they’d never say so about a father rather than a mother.

  26. jason330 says:


    Good stuff. Keep whistling past the graveyard.

    Mike W,

    That is the excuse that will be given. The real reason she will be dropping out is a reckognition that she never should have been picked.

  27. JadeGold says:

    Mike W: Better reading skills, please.

    The excuse cited is the one she will give as the reason for dropping out. The real reason will be because she will be told to drop out because she’s killing the ticket.

  28. Steve Newton says:

    I don’t care what you call the weekend as long as my kids are back in school (though to be honest I think I wrote it wrong because of the “heroes” banners up at the Beach; and what the hell I decided to leave it the way I wrote it)….

    McCain/Palin: because abortion is so much more important than foreign policy or energy

  29. pandora says:

    I really haven’t heard “liberal feminists” saying any such thing. What I find amazing is how the “family values” group now embraces working women.

    Will they suddenly embrace affordable daycare and flex time as well?

  30. Geezer says:

    It’s obviously more important to conservatives, who refused to let Lieberman or Ridge take the spot.

  31. Linoge says:

    She will drop out of the race when either she or Biden is sworn in. At this point, there is no need or cause for her to voluntarily drop out, or be asked to leave, despite the radical left’s amazing and disgusting attempts to fabricate reasons.

  32. JadeGold says:

    Someone needs to buy Linoge a clue.

    As a liberal, I’m really pleased Palin is on McCain’s ticket. In fact, I hope she stays on the ticket as long as possible because she costs the GOP votes every minute she’s there.

    As time goes by, the GOP is going to realize Palin is an anchor on the ticket and despite their best efforts to put lipstick on a pig–it’s not going to work. At that point, they have two choices: lose the election big or hope another VP candidate can make the election a respectable showing.

  33. JadeGold says:

    BTW, TBogg raises a very good point: you’d think that Palin would have been all over the Sunday AM talking head shows (especially Faux)–but she wasn’t.


    Could it be she’s not ready for primetime?

  34. pandora says:

    I was wonder the same thing, JG. Where is Palin?

  35. She’s not ready for local-access, JG.

  36. pandora says:

    But… but… how will we fall in love with her?

  37. mike w. says:

    Jade – Isn’t it possible that she wasn’t because she doesn’t consider her daughters pregancy a relevant topic of discussion? After all, Obama said his kids were “off-limits.” I’m sure Palin feels the same way about her daughters.

  38. JadeGold says:

    Jade – Isn’t it possible that she wasn’t because she doesn’t consider her daughters pregancy a relevant topic of discussion?

    So, her intentions are to avoid all interviews and talk shows for the remainder of the campaign?

  39. Von Cracker says:

    “Why is Chelsea Clinton so Ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.”

    – John McCain, 1998

  40. Dorian Gray says:

    That’s the height of credulity. Obama doesn’t run the New York Post. As if the desire of privacy somehow guarantees it as a practical matter? If that is what she thought perhaps she should quit. Belief in religious inanities breeds this type of thinking…. wish thinking.

  41. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Drop out ?
    After the first debate with Biden on foreign policy.
    I cant wait

  42. Joe Cass says:

    Very nice pictures of hard partying Bristol:
    Maybe Jason will be correct.

  43. jason330 says:

    Thanks Joe. One word leaps to mind: GONE!

    Palin is sooooooo gone.

    This John McCain campaign is so freaking screwed up – it is hilarious.

  44. From where I sit... says:

    Joe Cass:




  45. mike w. says:

    The Bush girls partied plenty and it didn’t end up costing Bush the election.

  46. joe says:

    This shows a lot of ignorance about the process – assuming that somehow McCain didn’t know this is hilarious, and utterly ignorant. Whether or not you like McCain, it is utter nonsense to think he didn’t know this – of course he did, and didn’t think it would be a big enough issue. She is on the ticket until November.

  47. Joe Cass says:

    Point taken Mike.BTW you must be VERY taken with Annie Oakley. The Bushies had a monstrous machine going for them-and name recognition. This Baked Alaskan is riding in on family values.She should’ve made damn sure her own family reflected that.

  48. jason330 says:

    Mike W.

    Did one of the Bush girls get knocked up? I don’t recall.

    And again for the nth time. Why is it that it is the big bible thumpers that get themsleves in these situations?

  49. JadeGold says:

    joe: you have 2 possible choices.

    1. McCain knew everything and didn’t think it mattered. This demonstrates McCain is reckless and wildly out of touch with reality.

    2. McCain didn’t know. This demonstrates McCain is reckless and wildly out of touch with reality.

    Again, let’s review the facts. McCain never met Palin. Palin was pretty much an unknown outside of AK. Folks in AK claim they were never approached by McCain’s vetters.

  50. joe says:

    Who cares – lib or conserv – Dem or Repub – if he “knew” her? You must be unbelieeeevably naive to paint such an absurd picture of black and white when it comes to Obama v. McCain (or Dem v. Repub)… NEITHER of these guys gives a rip about how “well” they “know” the VP. The VP pick is pure, unadulterated politics. Good grief, wake up! As for option 1 Jade Gold – if there was a way to bet here, i would. As much as media outlets attempt to make something of this, it won’t be anything but a “remember when all that news came out about the 17 yr. old daughter back in Sept?…” Done. No different than Rev. Wright now, or any other host of “associated scandals.” You must know this – right?

  51. Joanne Christian says:

    Jason–Bible thumpers get themselves in “this position”, because “the flesh is weak”….the difference is ….accessing birth control for them acknowledges having sex….birth control is seen as pre-meditated “sin”, or a license to do wrong….Denial, as we know and love it..is the STRONGEST defense mechanism….so no birth control…I swear I won’t have sex again, so I don’t need it….or I’m only going to do this to see what it’s all about….or just this once…whereas others, may view their sexuality as just another organ system to be taken care of–like hair and teeth—and access birth control. Regardless…few teens are protected their first go-round…if they acknowledge they are goin’ back for more they will want and tend to access birth control. Goin’ back for more is the deliberating piece for the population you question–in my humble anecdotal opinion.

  52. Von Cracker says:

    Wonder if the electorate will go for a literary bonfire?

    Book Banning? Y.H.T.B.F.K.M!!!!

  53. anon says:

    Joanne… I think the feminist critiques are closer to the mark on this topic. Men (some men) want to control women, probably rooted in biological/evolutionary reasons. And (some) women don’t want to be perceived as promiscuous, because that will make them less attractive to a desirable mate, who they are counting on to take care of them and their kids. The Bible-thumpers are into these attitudes because that is the patriarchal world of the Bible.

    But women with careers and contraceptives have thrown a monkey wrench into that model.

  54. Joe Cass says:

    Anon is HAWT!!!

  55. vyllyness says:

    I heard Mike Protack contacted the McCain people saying he’s available after the 9th of September…and if his daughter were pregnant without being married, he would certainly drop out of the vp race…You know

  56. tarura says:

    September 6.

  57. marianna says:

    Sept.5, 2008

  58. liz allen says:

    October 6, she’s done. Then its Romney, has he be vetted?

  59. liz allen says:

    Think the word “aids” is the right wing vocabulary? The teenage kid says on YOUTUBE. I dont want to get married.

    What did they do to that kid to make him appear tonight at the convention. Thinking they must have some Coons Goons up in Alaska.