Filed in National by on September 2, 2008

If you were going to be the father of a son, would you let the hospital take a knife to the tip of his penis and cut a piece of it off?

Haven’t we evolved as a nation to not perform such barbaric acts?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    No question “yes” twice. No kid of mine is going around with one of those crazy looking european things.

  2. mike w. says:

    It’s not like the kid will remember it, or miss his foreskin later in life.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    PRONTO–Never met a guy in therapy because “his parents did THAT to him”, but I have taken plenty to the OR, who are requesting circumcision…and is that ever the conversation…Here’s the bottom line..most guys in the US who aren’t circumcised, is because Pop wasn’t….except for this new trend of new age mothers who don’t want their babies “touched”. Press on Hef…be tough…no adult male ever remembers the quick fix…..UNLESS he had it done as an adult!!!! Do this one for your future daughter-in-law; and every other healthcare worker who will have to clean up the ol’ guy in his lingering years!!! Bad visual I know…but it makes the case….keep your wife away from “those books and girlfriends”….PAIN NOW or PAIN LATER….more pain later…and MAYBE a decreased scorecard if some women should look and RUN!!!!! Think about it….your legacy is at stake…

  4. God damn why couldn’t you liberals have supported Joanne for Senate. A woman who writes such awesome prose deserves to have a seat in Leg. Hall.

    Joanne, LOVE your commentary. It really makes my day.

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    Aw shucks Mike…thanks…you really mean that? You want a T-shirt?

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    J.C. – Interesting that you refer to it as a “quick fix”. What exactly is broken?

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Don’t overthink it–nothin’ broken—it’s a 2 second procedure at birth–a scheduled, recuperative procedure at 19!!!!

  8. anon says:

    It’s a barbaric practice! As Mothers we permitted it because of the so called “cleansing practices”. If I knew then what I know to today about the barbarism, my sons would not have had the procedure. I would have taught them very young how to take care of themselves.

    Its also about a “sensitivity” issue. Having been married to an american with a circumsion and an european without it…I stand with the europeans.

    Sorry Joanne your dead wrong on this.

  9. DPN says:

    So DV, you calling Jews Barbarians?

  10. mike w. says:

    Anon – There’s no “dead wrong” here. Parents can choose to have their kid circumsized, or choose not to.

    If you find it “barbaric” don’t have your kids circumsized.

  11. rsmitty says:

    Back in those college-drunken conversations, I distinctly remember a consensus that women (I guess American women, given anon #8’s comment) are quite turned off by the “hood.” While it sounds vain, imagine a college-aged guy being ridiculed at that “moment-in-time” about his hood. Not only losing that moment, he now has this insecure thought of inadequacy. Yes, he may get over it later on, but in that age-frame, it could be mentally devastating. Guess you could send him to Europe for a few semesters.

    On the flip-side, one of my sons was done not quite right. He healed to the point as if nothing was ever done. That was it. Not doing it again on him. Bottom line, we got one with and one without. I’ll be sure to ask him when he’s college-aged how it’s working out for him and if he’d like to go to France.

  12. anon says:

    If you had had the procedure where is your comparison against not having one!

    We have been told by “social engineers” to have it because of the cleanliness factor, what other reasons are there for it. If Europeans don’t have it and havent had it, why aren’t all europeans who havent had it…in therapy!

    God created men with a “hood” for centuries the procedure was never done. Why is it then that in America in the last century all of a sudden its the thing to do? Necessary or unnecessary at least parents now have a choice.

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    Anon–Expected you to gun for me–but as you stated.. “take care of themselves”..and as I stated….when others have to take care of them….I don’t think it’s the added humiliation they want to face. Dead wrong is a bit strong…..Personal preference acknowledged….Big view on things…slanted. I think I put it out there dead center w/ the realities of the options…..and the social, physical, realities to consider of a later procedure or one that is foregone. The barbarism comparison is over the top emotionally, and in physical comparison to what female circumcision? I will give you a pass…because as mothers we are “over the top” about some things and I GREATLY respect you and your sense of mother lioness in regards to you and your (me– it’s new vaccines) cubs. Partial abortion is barbaric……anesthesitized, sterile, removal of 1/3 inch of skin in total mass, is procedurally insignificant for a lifetime of “personal care” you refer to yourself. But lucky you–you made the “wrong” decision for your boys–but I bet they will be glad you did!!! How many parents get that kind of break?

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    Parents have always had the choice….sorry you regret yours.

  15. donviti says:

    wow. So when he gets old and is bed ridden i am supposed to have compassion for the nurse scrubbing his smelly penis? Not the fact that i lopped off probably the most sensitive p}t of his body?
    sorry joaane assuming my ass is already being scrubbed the smell from my penis should hardly matter. At 85 years old i think I’d be happy to get the ol’ kazoo cleaned.

    sounds like u are projecting your own cleanliness issues to me….

    how come no one has mentioned clitoral cricumcission?

  16. rsmitty says:

    If you had had the procedure where is your comparison against not having one!

    Um…my father…my PHYSICIAN father…has regretted his parents opting not to get it done on him. Then again, his parents were first generation Americans, born to slavik-Europeans…go figure. That is my comparison. Odd conversation to have with Dad, but when at six (or five) years old I notice a difference, I asked. Yeah, that hasn’t exactly left my memory, either. Ewwww…..

    As far as me having had it done…I don’t remember it, but have obvious proof to support it having been done. Sorry about the info, but when put in a corner, you respond.

    As a father that has been in conversations about with-without (see comment #11 and the above paragraph about my father) and the on-going (yes, on-going) debate about potential health issues with the hoods, I went with what I know about myself, heard about others, and what I FELT and UNDERSTOOD was right.


    P.S.: I am in agreement with what I think is Joanne’s stance on vaccines.

  17. Dorian Gray says:

    I’m cut and I agree that in the US it has become the norm, so it is probably better aesthetically. I guess I think of it as a basic plastic surgery to improve appearance by American standards.

    But I must say the foreskin gets a bad rap. Is it really unlucky to have it? You make it sound like if a guy has the “insignificant” thing they are ruined for life. It is just cosmetic either way.

  18. rsmitty says:

    I do believe DV is a “with.”

    Who knows, maybe if you get it cut, you can fry up the resulting ring and serve it with calamari.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    And clean we will keep you Hef—proudly!!! It keeps me in business–so no projection here…but again…I want you to lay there mightily when your time comes, and you have been reduced to beyond the “Once Delaware’s Hottest Blogger”, and you not having been circumcised…, will now feel perhaps castrated/emasculated as you look at your beautiful adult daughters, now doing your most personal of all care…of which they will gladly do…devoted to daddy and all..because that’s where the odor is coming from! Sorry I’m the practical realist here…..MOST parents don’t want to put their children in any personal caregiving position…looks like you can’t wait!!!

    Old Yiddish Proverb…Tears of joy when a father can help his son…tears of sorrow when a son has to help his father..

    Quit baiting me!!!!!

    And R. Smitty–thanks for the back-up!! I’m telling ya these guys who come in later haven’t been real happy about having/wanting to undergo adult circumcision. There’s a reason to hate mom huh? How about that angle Hef???

  20. Joe Cass says:

    I’d like to leave Joey Jr.’s johnson as is but first I would take a poll of women for their preference regarding a “Monica” performance.Part of taking care of my kid is to make him more palatable for a hottie to “take care of the kid”.

  21. From where I sit... says:

    #15 “how come no one has mentioned clitoral cricumcission?”

    Because you have asked your question to an overwhelmingly circumcised group and the women associated w/them.

    To me male circumsission is as brutal as female and should be outlawed except for religious zeolots.

    Let’s get down to in (so to speak). Historically Jews have had ‘briss’ ceremonies (family and friends invited) down thru the centuries.

    It is my understanding (and correct me if I am wrong)that a new born infant can only be considered a Jew if born to a Jewess (due to the old conquer & rape routine….still happening today). Males were circumcissed as part of custom or ritual.

    Any commands in the Bible? are Moslem men circumcissed? how about East Indian men? how about third world residents? Are the docs who do the surgery mainly Jewish?

    From my experience ‘with or without’ the pleasure depends on the lovers and their techniques. YUM FUN!

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    I’m sure he will meet his vixen either way….no doubt this will be probably evolve to a e.harmony/match.com question anyway!!!!!–you know for all the right reasons…..

  23. Dana Garrett says:

    “You want a T-shirt?”

    Hey, I supported you and I never got a T-shirt. And I love T-shirts. 🙂

  24. Dana Garrett says:

    Personally, I don’t think it matters if you do the snip-snip or not. Many people are opting not to do it, so it’s not as uncommon as it used to be. This question came up for me before my son was born and I asked around. Many women said they prefer a man cut, but any woman who loves your son won’t let a little skin keep her from her heart’s desire. A surprising number of gay men told me they prefer a man uncut.

    There are health advantages both ways I’m told.

    I was torn between the 2 w/ my son but my wife wanted him cut. So that’s what we did. No problems except he does tend to hold scissors in his hand and glare at me when I emerge from the shower. “It can’t be done twice,” I tell him, and, so far, that seems to settle it. 🙂

  25. Joanne Christian says:

    Dana–YOU VERY KINDLY SUPPORTED ME!!! You bet you get a T-shirt–won’t that confuse them this year?!!!! I’ll try to find a way to contact you!!!