McCain’s Campaign Manager Doesn’t Think Palin Has National Security Credentials

Filed in National by on September 2, 2008

“[Sarah Palin is] going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long,” said Charlie Black, one of Mr. McCain’s top advisers, making light of concerns about Mr. McCain’s health, which Mr. McCain’s doctors reported as excellent in May.”

(from this NYT article)

1. Charlie Black admits Palin has no national security experience.
2. Charlie Black invites voters to think about McCain’s age
3. Charlie Black invites people to remember that “the master’ has been increasingly confused on national security issues (Sunni vs Shia? Czechoslovakia? Georgian crisis first serious post-cold war crisis?) and is at risk for passing on bad data
4. Charlie Black admits Palin not Ready On day One.

So even the McCain campaign’s lobbyists can’t quite spin this one?

Really — I think that a campaign management shakeup is more likely to happen than Palin actually withdrawing.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (29)

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  1. mike w. says:

    Apparently Black doesn’t like McCain’s choice. My guess is Black will be shut up quickly. It’s McCain’s choice, not his.

  2. JadeGold says:

    What makes you think it was McCain’s choice?

    Seriously. McCain never met Palin before. And it’s not as if alin were a household name.

    All indications say MCCain wanted Lieberman or Ridge. But the RNC said ‘no.’

    BTW, this isn’t limited to the GOP. The DNC also has a pretty big say in who goes on the ticket.

  3. Joe Cass says:

    ” most doctors think that he’ll be around”
    4 out of 5 doctors recommend a better choice for V.P.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Hah, good one Joe Cass!

  5. Liz allen says:

    Here is the best yet. Sarah Palin has a blog. You can find it at:!

    Want a lot of laughs, check out what she thinks are topics, and be sure to read all the comments….a laugh a minute.

  6. Liz allen says:

    Here is the best one yet. Sarah Palin has a blog! You can access it at:

    Look at what this dimwit thinks are topics, and her commenters are a laugh a minute.

  7. arthur says:

    He vetted her the best way possible – “Hey, she’s hot.”

    It worked for him in marrying a billionaire.

  8. Liz allen says:

    Here’s the best. Sarah Palin has a blog. You can access it at:

    I think she must have her teenage daughter doing the blogging for her..its so juvenile, but the laugh of the day is her so called supporters and their comments.

  9. Liz allen says:

    Have tried several times to post here today and nothing posted????

    Here’s the best: Sarah Palin has a blog. You can access it at:

    Its so juvenile, you’ll think one of the kids did it. But the best are the laughs you’ll get from reading her supporters comments.

  10. Liz allen says:

    I have tried to post here at least 6 times today. Nothing posted. Here goes:

    Sarah Palin has a blog!!! You can get access at:….its a hoot. Sounds like a teenager maybe blogging but the funniest are the commenters her supporters. Check it out and have a belly laugh.

  11. Linoge says:

    Well, that was a great set of conclusions… except neither conclusion 1 nor conclusion 4 could necessarily be drawn from what Mr. Black said. After all, there is some famous quote or another that goes something along the lines of: “If you do not learn something every day, you are either an idiot, or dead.”

    I am not saying her national security experience is up to snuff… I honestly do not know either way, and am not qualified to make that decision. However, just saying that she would learn national security through her term as a Vice President in no way indicates she has no national security experience at all, nor does it indicate that she will not be ready come Inauguration Day.

  12. pandora says:

    I checked it out, Liz, and the comments are hysterical! However, I don’t think anyone from the Palin family is responsible for the blog.

  13. Joe Cass says:

    I wonder if Sarah Palin would consider writing a blog?

  14. Jadegold says:

    Jeebus, Linoge. The article notes that Black acknowledged lack of foreign policy experience.

    Why lie?

    Anyway, the hits keep on coming. Seems the Palins were part-owners of a car wash that failed to pay its state licensing fees.

    Drip, drip…

  15. mike w. says:

    “Why lie?”

    You should ask yourself that Jade. You do it compulsively.

  16. Bookem says:

    NEWSFLASH. . .Obama has no national security credentials.

    Guess you forgot.

  17. mike w. says:

    Don’t fortget. This is Delaware LIBERAL, where Obama is the Messiah and can do no wrong.

    If I were him I’d drop the “inexperienced” crap against Palin…… it makes him look bad.

  18. JadeGold says:

    If I were him I’d drop the “inexperienced” crap against Palin…… it makes him look bad.

    Well, that settles it.

    MikeW. clearly has our best interests at heart and if he says Palin is super-experienced–who are we to disagree?

  19. Bookem says:

    C’mon Jade of Del Dope, you guys are experts at crafting fabricated BS, what IS Obama’s national security credential.

    Oh, I know, he is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Wow, pretty impressive. Look out Putin, Obama’s gonna impress the hell out of you with his “national security” credentials. You have been warned Iran, President Obama will talk you to death while you build you nuclear program.

    I knew if I tried I could think of how he was qualified.

  20. Joe Cass says:

    Wow, someone could troll around a blogsite all morning and fail to find his way to a Google search. Reminds me of how someone failed to search for a candidate with credentials.

  21. Bookem says:

    Sorry Joe, I guess for your benefit I should Google Obama and Union Hack to learn how he will screw the middle class but we are talking about national security here.

    By the way, go ahead and google Obama and national security credentials.

  22. Pandora says:

    What are McCain’s National Security credentials? Not his opinions… his credentials.

  23. Joe Cass says:

    It would be about time you did something to benefit someone.

  24. Joe Cass says:

    And Bookem, please visit me 7pm tonight at 626 Wilmington Rd. I’d love to hear more about being a Union hack.

  25. mike w. says:

    Pandora – McCain is the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

  26. Bookem says:

    Joe, you will be too busy figuring out ways to suck more money out of the pockets of the American consumer. Hate to interrupt that.

  27. Howard says:



  28. jason330 says:


    Clearly no.

    Is she qualified to be VP compared to Biden?

    Again, clearly no.

    But keep listening to Newt Howie. That makes me happy.

  29. jason330 says:

    John McCain:

    1958: Graduated US Naval Academy 894th of 899.
    1960: Used connections to get into flight training school. Crashed twice and once collided with power lines, but was not scrubbed.
    1967 – 1973: POW
    1979: Began adulterous affiaire with Arizona heiress, Cindy Lou Hensley.
    1980: Divorced from first wife.
    1982 – Used Hensley money and connections to launch political career.
