Hey look, election year + oil reserves release + Hugo Chavez

Filed in National by on September 3, 2008

U.S. grants Citgo 250K barrels of oil from reserve

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hiding in the open

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  1. D Piddly says:

    As Michael Corleone says, “It’s strictly businesss, Sonny!”

    Unless you believe all of human progress to this point has been a conspiracy against you. In that case, yes, you’re right. We all hate you, DV. Don’t eat the corn flakes you bought this week. Just sayin….

  2. no p diddly I just don’t believe the propaganda bullshit the US government hands out when it comes to trash talking Chavez because I know it is all business and no one else does

  3. Rebecca says:

    Chavez stood up to BushCo. Which is more than Pelosi/Hoyer did. I gotta admit to admiring him. It’s that enemy of my enemy thing.

  4. Bookem says:

    Rebecca, so your friend is a communist? Do ya have any clue?

  5. Linoge says:

    Now this is just frakking retarded. Granted, oil prices here are going down more-or-less steadily (Gustav caused a minor hiccup here, but nothing too significant), but now we are releasing oil from the strateigic reserve to these morons? Oh joy.