She is a Religious Whack Job.

Filed in National by on September 3, 2008

She believes the Iraq War and a $30 billion oil pipeline are part of God’s plan, so she asks her congregation to pray for it.   Not to end suffering in this world, not to end poverty, not to end war and disease and hate.  No, Sarah Fucking Palin asks her congregation to pray for war and oil. 

I am speechless.   Also, I see that some of the theocrat batshit insane right wing are now praying that McCain gets elected only because they want God to smite him and allow Palin to be our President.

That alone should scare you shitless.



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  1. DPN says:

    Well now we know the answer to the question, “War, what is it good for?” . . . Oil.


  2. pandora says:

    It just gets better and better. Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up. Sarah Palin is going to scare the hell out of most people. In fact she already is…

  3. jason330 says:

    Ed Kalnins, the senior pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God = More proof that Palin was not vetted by McCain in any real sense of the term.

    He makes Rev. Wright look like Bryant Gumble.

  4. meatball says:

    Well, now wasn’t that special? Awesome. I think I’ m gonna vote McCain/Palin. Her voice reminds me of the kidnapped lady in Fargo, and I really liked that movie, don’t ‘cha know.

  5. joe says:

    “The kingdom of God = America” – perhaps the biggest problem w/ the religious right. always has been. Ugh.

    Why would any church – liberal or conservative (they both do it) invite politicians in to speak for Christianity? It’s God-awful, no pun intended.

  6. Joe Cass says:

    Sarah Palin wants rapists to choose who becomes a mother. Jesus wept.

  7. mike w. says:

    Joe – I couldn’t agree more.

  8. arthur says:

    She’ a MILF…she has my vote. Just waiting for the sex tape or naked pics to show up. You know they are out there.

  9. Joe M says:

    I just can’t imagine why this woman seemed like a good pick, even for a republican.

    I mean, hasn’t McCain been a politician for decades? Shouldn’t he have known better?

  10. cassandra_m says:

    The gamble is that if he can energize the evangelical wingnuts to get out to vote, he can counter the Obama groundgame. BUT, you’ve just got to see re-firing up of the Culture Wars as sheer desperation. They really don’t want to talk about issues or leadership now — just get your scared and aggrieved out there and hope that wins you something.

  11. mike w. says:

    “They really don’t want to talk about issues or leadership now — just get your scared and aggrieved out there and hope that wins you something.”

    Nor does Obama. He’s a human rorschach and an empty suit of hope & change rhetoric.

  12. pandora says:

    Mike doesn’t want to discuss Palin. He’s all but… but…. Obama.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Mike ≠ discussion.

    No feeding the trolls.


  14. mike w. says:

    Says someone who consistently avoided debate in other threads and simply would not address arguments.

    As for Palin. I have my issues with her, but for the most part they’re issues that I’d expect to have with just about any Republican VP (abortion and creationism in schools to name a few.) Creationism is NOT science. If you want it taught in school fine, but teach it as part of a class on religion.

    Oh, and Obama IS the Dem. candidate, so bringing him up as a means of comparison is entirely germane to the discussion, particularly given his criticizms of Palin.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Resting my case.

  16. mike w. says:

    This is quite typical of what Cassandra considers debate.

  17. jason330 says:

    You have been pwnd Mike.

  18. mike w. says:

    yeah, totally pwnd by Cassandra’s complete lack of substance. Awesome job guys.

  19. edisonkitty says:

    Dear God, please save us from your followers.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Eh, no worries, EK. You know you’ve arrived when the hangers on keep making a play to be part of the Entourage — ya know?


  21. DavidV says:

    Mike, with all sincerity, please explain to me what Sarah Palin brings to the ticket. Substantive answers with reasoning would help.

    Furthermore, unless you are one of George’s diehard 25%, please explain to me how a McCain/Palin ticket is going to turn around the disasters left by Bush.

  22. jason330 says:

    Mike has now been pwnd to the second power. Thanks Cassandra!

  23. Dorian Gray says:

    OK. I’ll take the bait. Mike, you can’t just continue to regurgitate the same line to infinity (comment #11). I read just in the last two weeks two in depth essays analyzing Obama’s economic plan (in NYT magazine and Fortune magazine respectively). His website has like 112 specific policy points. For fuck’s sake, dude, if you have an issue with one of the positions that’s fine, but to continue saying:”all he talks about is this vague ‘hope’ theme” and “he’s an empty suit”, it continues to prove you’re a fucking dip shit. The guy has written (not had ghost written or authored “with” anyone) two fucking books, man. If you don’t see any substance yet you aren’t looking too god damn hard.

  24. jason330 says:

    pwned cubed.

    doh deca-pwnd.

  25. DavidV says:

    Guess I stumped him.

  26. Joe Cass says:

    Oooohhh Dave! Gunlovers are size-sensitive! Easy with the “s” word.
    See, I’m a compassionate liberal.

  27. mike w. says:

    Dave – She brings conservatism to his ticket, something many felt McCain needed to solidify parts of his base. She also brings change, as someone who has actually taken on the establishment of her own party and actually gotten things done in her state. She certainly brings some conservative viewpoints to the ticket that I don’t agree with, but I don’t agree with any party platform 100%.

    She’s also a woman, (Identity politics works for the Dems) she’s young, attractive, and a down-to-earth person who can actually identify with the average American in a way that McCain, Biden, and Obama cannot. She helps solidify the religious right. I personally hate religion in politics, but evangelicals are a voting bloc the GOP needs. She helps alleviate some of the concerns gun owners have about McCain. (though I don’t know how any informed gun owner could vote for Obama. Most will not)

  28. mike w. says:

    Hey look! Another penis joke. How many of those have I seen here in place of actual discussion?

    Oh, and Jason – How did Cassandra pwn me? She said absolutely nothing, which is right on par with how she usually responds.

  29. Von Cracker says:

    Who let Steve Schmidt in here?

    Btw – who is, forevermore, the scourge of the University of Delaware

  30. DavidV says:

    So in essence, she makes McCain more Bushie, or did I miss something.

  31. cassandra_m says:

    That would be quite right, DavidV, and now the magic is in getting the rest of us to believe that is quite mavericky after all.

  32. mike w. says:

    For all this talk about McCain’s “Judgment” with his VP pick Obama’s shows lack of Judgment that you folks refuse to acknowledge. When pressed, the man who’s staked his entire campaign on “Hope & Change” selected an old experienced career politician who’s been solidly on the left for years.

  33. JohnnyX says:

    “When pressed, the man who’s staked his entire campaign on “Hope & Change” selected an old experienced career politician who’s been solidly on the left for years.”

    You mean, like, somebody who might actually be ready to take over as president if Obama were to die in office? Holy shit, what a novel idea!

  34. liberalgeek says:

    Remember, also, that Kennedy had LBJ as a Veep. The similarities are strong.

    Oh and H.W. Bush chose Dan Quayle. Most people only remember one thing about Dan Quayle, “potatoe.”

  35. Von Cracker says:

    and “You sir are no Jack Kennedy!”

    ….one of my first memories of politics.

  36. liberalgeek says:

    True that. I had forgotten about that campaign. You, ma’am are no Hillary Clinton.

  37. DavidV says:

    Mike, I’m sorry man but Hope & Change beats the Mav and Bush-lite hands down. I don’t say that easily, I’ve voted Republican my whole life. George Bush has annihilated the Republican party. Putting Bush in a dress and tying her to a 72 year old who can’t make up his mind doesn’t solve the problems.

  38. mike w. says:

    More than just Bush destroyed the Republican brand, but Bush sure played an integral role in it’s demise. I wish I could say that Republicans would get back to their roots and learn a little something once Obama was done fucking shit up (a la Carter >>> Reagan) Sadly I have little if any confidence that the Republicans will get that message.

    I could actually vote for a moderate democrat, but you guys had to give me a guy who’s so far left he makes Kerry & Gore look almost Conservative. That and you had to give me a ticket that is more hostile to the 2nd Amendment than any ticket in U.S. history.

  39. mike w. says:

    Politicians never seem to “get the message.” For example, You’d think the Dems would back off of gun control given that it’s popular in big cities and liberal bastions but is a political liability everywhere else (remember what happened to the Dems post 94 AWB?)

    You’d think Biden & Obama would remember, yet they don’t learn their lesson. You’ve got “bitter clinger,” Biden’s “mentally qualified” statements, proud support for the AWB’s that killed the Dems in the past. (the latter espoused by Biden in the debates and again by Obama in his acceptance speech) I honestly think Biden just can’t contain his contempt, while Obama is too naive and inexperienced to get that crap like that plays fine in urban Illinois but not in America. Obama’s Hope & Change is a lot of the same old shit re-packaged as fresh, new ideas, but so much of it is just re-trying the same old shit from the past. It isn’t change, it doesn’t address “how?” it doesn’t take into account “unintended consequences” and it places government as the ones who can “fix things” which is a recipe for disaster.

    The Republicans for that matter should back off their anti-gay & anti-abortions at least slightly or they’re going to be royally screwed in the future.

  40. DavidV says:

    The pendulum always swings both ways. Bush has pushed the country as far right as possible, far beyond what ordinary citizens are willing to accept. As moderation is rarely the American way, a centrist McCain interests no one. As so, he has no alternative but to become Bush III. Putting a cute Bush in a dress with lipstick might help, but it will not feed the masses who simply want something different, real or imagined. Its the time of the liberals. As I look to my kids for images of the future, I’d say they are here to stay for awhile.

  41. Anon says:

    Mike W. –

    Obama is a leader, an organizer, not a lefty activist – in MY (28 year old female Independent) eyes. To be honest and uber-idealistic, I am proud to see him stand tall for his liberal ideals while compromising to find solutions to suit the reality and beliefs of ALL Americans.

    On the left my friends and I exist in, we don’t seek to impose our values on you, as the right does. We simply seek to protect everyone’s options and well-being more fairly and safely, and practically. And incidentally, a lot of my 20-something, hardcore Obama fanatic friends are absolutely Evangelical (I am not religious, but I respect it, separated fromthe State); they intend to fight the future of their social issues on a grassroots, non-legislative level, as it should be. Why must we generalize this group as wanton ignorants?

    Furthermore, we lefties may have our own ideals on the left about gun control, etc. but don’t want to squelch your right to own guns responsibly, come now, any more than it is really realistic that abortion will be able to be outlawed, thanks to active groups behind each.

    Clinton, to me, was the candidate who pulled the old “I’ll fix this for you!”and this is why I didn’t support her; Obama, to me, says, “Get off your ass and help fix this.” This is clear if you really listen to him, and really read his platforms. He has been consistent in this tone. That leadership is what we need right now.

  42. DavidV says:

    A little bit older than my kids…but I rest my case. Maybe someday the Republicans can find there way back to more Libertarian views, but until then they are toast.

  43. mike w. says:

    “it will not feed the masses who simply want something different, real or imagined.”

    David – we certainly agree on that. the ignorant masses want change and they might just get it. In fact you might say they deserve to get it good & hard.

    Anon said,

    “Furthermore, we lefties may have our own ideals on the left about gun control, etc. but don’t want to squelch your right to own guns responsibly,”

    I have an idea. If you folks on the left don’t like guns don’t buy one and leave the rest of America the fuck alone rather than trying to impose your ideals on us (something you claim only the right does) You do it plenty on a host of issues, not just guns.

    “own guns responsibly” – I’m sick and tired of being told I am to be held responsible for the actions of criminals. My rights aren’t subject to curtailment because of the actions of criminals. I don’t understand why this is so difficult for the anti-gun left to understand?

    The whole “there’s no threat to your 2A rights” argument is BS as well. There are entire areas of this country where liberals have gutted the 2A (Obama’s state being one of the worst) How many states have completely banned abortions and or imposed innumerable restrictions by way of licenses, fees, and tests in order to get one?

  44. Another Mike says:

    I watched the videos and a question I have heard asked by others came to mind: Why does God want that pipeline built? Why is God rooting for us in Iraq? Doesn’t God have better things to do?

    I believe in God, but I don’t think he/she wakes up in the morning and says “How can I help the United States today?” But if that makes the evangelicals feel better about themselves, who am I to argue?