We Are Liveblogging the Palin Speech

Filed in National by on September 3, 2008

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  1. SaintGenesius says:

    It looks like a bad Saturday Night Live skit.

  2. anon says:

    Homework assignment: How many and which Presidents came to the office from Congress or from places other than a Governor’s house or mayor’s hovel? Off the top of my headl, must verify but let’s see: Eisenhower. George Herbert Walker Bush. Lincoln. George Washington.

  3. anon says:

    Which Presidents came to that office without so-called “executive experience”? John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, Warren G. Harding, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford. http://www.whitehouse.gov/kids/presidents/
    Don’t BS us, Sarah.

  4. Not Brian says:

    Most of them since WWI and WWII…

  5. Ryan Mc. says:

    I thought her speech was OK. It was supposed to be huge but it was OK. I think she would make a decent VP but I’d be worried about her taking over the top job.

  6. D Piddly says:

    If I were you, I’d be worried too!!!

    Go Sarah!

  7. jason330 says:

    She gives good talking head. McCain is betting that the country is just stupid enough to mistake that (once again) for competence.

  8. joe says:

    “She gives good talking head.” Huh?? Are u serious? I think CNN just called and is looking for a new analyst – you available?? C’mon folks – you must do better.

  9. D Piddly says:

    Just like a liberal to make a BJ joke!

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Just like a troll to feign disgust.

  11. Pandora says:

    Joe, we can be serious and then… not so much. Hang around. I’ve enjoyed our discussions.

  12. Johnny McSame says:

    Good talking head, crap, they figured out why I chose her!

  13. D Piddly says:


    I was going for unabashed contempt!

  14. D Piddly says:

    Face it, you’re infuriated by the prospect of a “breeder” in the White House!!!

  15. joe says:

    All i’m saying is that i though 330 had more intelligent analysis… perhaps i’ll keep my eye out for others to give me that – i’ve seen some here.

    as for the speech – as a speech, it was good for Repubs, repulsive for Dems, and for independents – meh. not sure.

    My favorite part was when Levi started giving the “politico wave” to the crowd having come out on stage. HAH!

  16. jason330 says:

    You are saying she doesn’t?

  17. D Piddly says:

    Good on Levi….all this can’t be easy on the fella.

  18. joe says:

    C’mon 330 – grow up bro!

    Levi was hilarious – waving! “Can’t be easy?” No – of course not – guy got his girlfriend pregnant – then gets yanked into the national spotlight from his hamlet in Alaska, has a suit thrown on him, and ends up before countless millions at 17! Brutal. Not his fault – just a victim of politics.

    What a filthy business.

  19. Pandora says:

    Levi and Bristol have been forced into the role of poster children for teen pregnancy. I felt horribly sorry for them.

  20. D Piddly says:

    Can you imagine that happening to donviti back in the day???

  21. Pandora says:

    And I blame the adults for this staged stunt that came very close to celebrating teenage pregnancy.

  22. joe says:

    So – The Dems have styrofoam greek columns, and the Repubs have pregnant teens on stage…

    shaping up to be a good election November.


  23. D Piddly says:

    I know it’s hard, Pandora, as I am sure you had your scalpel and salt solution at the ready!

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    BINGO!! Pandora!!! And chewing gum in public too!!! What FATHER would let his daughter stand in that public arena with a “boy” that has some significant responsibility in the altered future of his daughter, and the swirl of gossippy frenzy they now face.

  25. SaintGenesius says:

    Pretend for a moment she was talking about McCain –not Obama– when she talks about executive experience, being a Washington insider, being a lifelong politician.

    I’m pretty sure she dissed the top of her own ticket.

  26. Ryan Mc. says:

    That should be a good reason never to get a girl pregnant. Levi sure never saw this coming.