Coons’ Take on Workforce Housing

Filed in National by on September 5, 2008

I just got a call back from Chris Coons regarding tha workforce housing meeting last night.  He was between campaign stops, so our conversation was very abbreviated.  Hopefully I get another call back later.

It was his contention that these are not done deals, but he didn’t have the plans in front of him while we were talking.  I told him that were were concerned because two people on the Appoquinimink School District had stated that the district knows absolutely nothing about it.

Coons was of the impression that these are subject to the same scrutiny as any new development would be.  I told him that we had asked, point blank, if these were done deals and if there was anything that we could do to stop these projects, all we got were non-committal glances from our elected officials at each other.

I am hoping that I get a call back from him soon.  But maybe not.

I also spoke to C.R. McLeod from Coons’ office.  I think he is the one that pushed Coons to call me back.  He let me know that the next New Castle County Council meeting is September 16th at 7PM at the City/County meeting.  Land Use committee will actually meet from 3:30-5:00 on the 16th as well.

The one thing that I did get out of all of this is that the County legal team believes that there is nothing that Chris Coons can do to impose an executive order to stop further applications for conversion to Workforce Housing.  This is bad.  It means that between now and September 16th, the developers in the county can still submit requests for even more developments and even if the county puts a moratorium on workforce housing, these could be grandfathered in.

I’ll post more after I speak to Land Use or Penrose Hollins.

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  1. Pandora says:

    You’ve been busy, LG. Great blogging, btw. Where do we go from here?

  2. Thanks for the follow-up. Land Use meetings are generally quite fun. My guess is they’re gonna need a bigger room for the next one!

  3. kavips says:

    That’s bullshit… They can do anything at anytime.. They closed a Capano built hotel for heavens sake, after it was completely built…..

    because there was no parking…..

    You were fed a line, I am afraid my friend….sorely afraid…

    (remember he just has to stall until Tuesday…..)

  4. liberalgeek says:

    kavips – is the difference that there were violations at the hotel? There is no such reason to deny accepting applications, is there?

    It seems like it is a screwed up system, and Chris has to at least receive the applications.

    I wonder if the next step isn’t a visit to Chancery court?

  5. kavips says:

    Hmmm, what if we raise the stakes so that our support solely depended upon his turnabout on this issue…

    On the other hand, his opponent would have learned this lesson quite well if we get him in…

    By lesson, I mean the one saying no to developers.

    It comes down to this… If Coons is another Clark, then Gordon would give us a better county. If Coons turns on the developers, then his ethics and honesty could be used against them further….

    Can someone do me a favor? I have to go out but can someone cross reference Paul Clarks financial statement with that of Chris Coons and look for similarities?

    It would help with our citizens making a very, very critical decision……

  6. rsmitty says:

    So, the inferrence is that Coons is acting impotent, not that he is impotent?

  7. liberalgeek says:

    On the other hand, his opponent would have learned this lesson quite well if we get him in…

    Would he? I’m not so sure. His opponent could just as easily think that his strong arm tactics were key to secure victory and that Liz Allen should be placed in charge of some department or other (shudder).

    I think Tom Gordon will say exactly what people want to hear to get elected.

    I am not done with this and I will have an answer. Indeed, This blogs endorsement may be rescinded. I seriously doubt that we would endorse Gordon in any circumstance. I would have to be killed in a fiery crash for that to happen (and don’t get any ideas, Gordon).

  8. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    What you will find in Coons’ coffers is development attorney’s cash. Lisa Goodman is representing Coons’ greenfield industrial park sub-division at Sunset Lake and also is heading up his campaign fundraising. She was tied as top earner with Larry Tarabicos last year in an informal canvas a few Civic Leaguers made of the county’s land use record plans.

    Lisa has held a ‘lawyers only’ fundraiser for Chris and while he claims to never take a developer check, he is taking their attorney’s checks. Not much different. Clark is taking both the developer checks and the developer attorney’s checks.

    This wild give-away workforce ordinance was constructed between Million-dollar pension Annie Farley’s Community Services and Housing office and the pro-growth lobby.

    I have notes from a meeting last year where Tim Sheldon complained that council had no expertice to write the comp plan implementation law and that land use was understaffed. Larry Tarabicos spoke up saying that he had lots of familiarity with the issues and volunteered to help write the new ordinance for affordable (first responder) housing.

    Also, in the Landmark Engineering’s internet back files, you can find the seed article inspiring this ordinance. Vice President Ted Williams wrote the affordable housing wish list years ago. Landmark gets most all of the work for these new sub-divisions. uh huh, get the picture.

    Coons is in this up to his neck.

  9. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    LG stop with the firey crash! And btw, Gordon agrees that Lizzy Allen isn’t right. She is one hell of an attention freak and is putting herself in the middle of what ever fight that will give her traction.
    I have advised KHN to drop her permanently because Liz is only in it for Liz. Karen is finally getting around to seeing it my way.

    …waiting for Liz to attack the formerly Willing Blogger…5 4 3 2 1

  10. kavips says:

    You got me with that Liz Allen remark…..

  11. kavips says:

    But now with Nancy’s comment, he is back in the running….

    it will be a (voting) booth buster for me, now…. It was once so clear…

    Who does Bill Dunn endorse? That could decide it for me… Who ever he feels comfortable with, to assist him in making citizens again retake control of development issues, could tip my hand… as well as many other voters as well.

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    kavips–I have seen Coons deliver “bad news” w/ the budget, and outline the work needed to be done…though unpopular…to see it through. He REALLY could have put spin and “Gipper” on it…lots of hope etc., etc., and he did not. This was delivered WAY AHEAD of any state predictions….and realities….and he admittedly said, this is the truth that people don’t want to hear and is a bear to get elected in…I have seen fiscal responsibility thru mop-up of the housing recession we’re in, and what he inherited. I’m sticking w/ him….but then I have no say on Tuesday and can only count on you good folks. He has been VERY receptive and communicative to us as a school district…which is why I am spinning and spitting pea soup that this is coming down this way….he has been collaborative in reaching the joint district/municipal/county fee and information network we agreed to last year, knowing the building constraints we were under. I really think he has been shanghaid in all this too–and will take the hit. Again, my conversation north today reflected a “hold” and “rethink”….I’m willing to do that. Please don’t throw the baby out w/ the bath water; when you know the alternative already has a history. Then we are left to blog…elect me once shame on you…elect me twice shame on me!!!! Even if there is a changed person…that’s a bunch of baggage…that really doesn’t need to detract from county business. I’m telling you–this Aberdeen Annex is going to be a big mess…we have to count on him to capitalize on it for NCC, and I do think he’s being very pro-active with that.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    Joanne: Tell us about the Aberdeen Annex.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    That’s just what I call it…It’s w/ the closing of the NJ base and job transfers to Aberdeen. Per my NCC school board monthly breakfast, and Chris Coons visiting….this is a HUGE influx of high end jobs to Aberdeen. Cecil County made it clear, they want NO PART of shaking up their quality of life, by knocking themselves out to revise infrastructure nor meet the demands of housing–and essentially said “Have at it” to NCC. NCC..I know has surveyed this moving group, sent folks over….and the upshot is…folks don’t mind commuting from NCC, and MANY jobs will be telecomutable. Which is my gripe that we need a BIG office building down here…because all of Glasgow area etc..will be heavily scoured for off-site space for these folks that are coming. Now look at what we get—HIGH DENSITY HOUSING–when schools are emptying out and closing in Brandywine!!!! See how I am saying these issues are very intertwined….and I know he’s been working on it. This has been known at least 18 mos–for me anyway. I don’t know…Am I telling you anything new? He has been very open w/ us…

  15. StopInfill! says:

    How could any informed Resident vote for Coons? He owns building “by right” and the Comp Plan “community” hearings were a farce to promote Development w/o rules Workforce/Mother -in-law housing. They claimed they would infill 60% of Northern NCC to “save” Southern NCC. He takes maximum contributions from Developers and their lawyers. Any Questions? Vote for Tom.
    Coons calling in politics is as a Legislator. He was effective as President of County Council. His stated desire is to take Castle’s seat in two years when Rep. Castle will step down.
    However, the County would be better served by Tom Gordon as NCC Executive. He managed creatively, finding sources of income and holding Developers to rules
    under a fair UDC.
    Coons who is totally unavailable behind a stonewall of aides who feign Administration interest and then drop your concern cold. My interactions led me from feeling the Executive just didn’t get it – to an awareness that the rules are being bent deliberately for developers.

  16. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    Joanne, I left a full time job to moniter the Coons’ Comp Plan Update with other members of the Civic League. I attended most of the year’s worth and I know how much it was pre-set for the pro-growth lobby.
    Coons’ land use staff orchestrated all of these ordinances that are ‘implementing’ the CPU that his staff ‘delivered’ to the developers.
    He is in this up to his neck.

  17. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    Cecil County made it clear, they want NO PART of shaking up their quality of life, by knocking themselves out to revise infrastructure nor meet the demands of housing
    uh, HELLO. Aston Point is moving forward with 600 new homes between Newark and Fair Hill Preserve which is right on the train line to Perryville.
    Even Mascitti will tell you that the housing for the influx is going to MD, he said as much the other day (yes, I do listen to your show Al, it is addicting).

  18. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    Cecil County made it clear, they want NO PART of shaking up their quality of life, by knocking themselves out to revise infrastructure nor meet the demands of housing
    uh, HELLO. Aston Point is moving forward with 600 new homes between Newark and Fair Hill Preserve which is right on the train line to Perryville.
    Even Mascitti will tell you that the housing for the influx is going to MD, he said as much the other day (yes, I do listen to your show Al, it is addicting).

  19. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Wot happened to my comment? It was right after #13.

  20. Gharmon says:

    PS- The criticism about being in the pocket of developers should apply across the board–Gordon’s signs are on most of Frank Acierno’s property around the county–the one on the hellhole called Merchandise Mart is my favorite.

  21. Was A Willing Blogger says:

    Susan, you are still under the spam block, perhaps. What you have to do is create both a fake name and a fake email address and you should be able to publish your posts. If this is something else, keep a record of your posts that are not publishing by copying them onto your email compose page and send it to yourself or draft it. I’d be interested in seeing what you come up with.

  22. Was A Willing Blogger says:

    Nice Try Gharry

    Gordon’s signs are freaking everywhere.

  23. Gharmon says:

    But he needs permission to put them on Acierno’s property correct? Just clarifying that the relationship exists is all.

  24. snark says:

    “uh, HELLO. Aston Point is moving forward with 600 new homes between Newark and Fair Hill Preserve which is right on the train line to Perryville.”

    a) The nimby’s have been blocking that development since 04.
    b) what train line?

  25. Was A Willing Blogger says:


    Aston developer figured a sleazy way to get his water – the only thing holding him back. Via a corrupt Cecil commissioner, Dian Taylor’s Artesan Water Co. has proposed piping water from either NCC or the Susquehanna and then dumping all the filthy effluviant back into NCC at the headwaters of the Christiana tributary behind my home near Newark.
    It was a fervid topic at Newark’s last council meeting and is a bit of a crisis.
    Google Cecil Whig and educated yourselves.