Did you know…

Filed in National by on September 5, 2008

The VP speech was written prior to Palin being chosen.

Putting Words in Palin’s Mouth

There was a flutter of attention when McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told a group of Post reporters and editors yesterday that his team was having to rework the vice presidential acceptance speech because the original draft, prepared before Gov. Sarah Palin was chosen, was too “masculine.” While we all wondered to ourselves what might make a speech masculine or feminine, no one batted an eye at the underlying revelation: that the campaign was writing the nominee’s speech before knowing who the nominee would be

Did you know this about Obama:

Obama takes an unusually hands-on approach to his speech writing, more so than most politicians. His best writing time comes late at night when he’s all alone, scribbling on yellow legal pads. He then logs these thoughts into his laptop, editing as he goes along. This is how he wrote both of his two best selling books—Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope—staying up after Michelle and his two young daughters had long gone to bed, reveling in the late night quiet. For this speech Obama removed himself from the distractions at home and spent many nights in a room in the Park Hyatt Hotel in Chicago. These late-night sessions produced long, meandering texts that were then circulated to a close group of advisers, including Axelrod and Obama’s speechwriter Jon Favreau—a 27-year-old wunderkind wordsmith. “When you’re working with Senator Obama the main player on a speech is Senator Obama,” Axelrod said. “He is the best speechwriter in the group and he knows what he wants to say and he generally says it better than anybody else would.”

Compare and Contrast people….


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hiding in the open

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    McCain is a POW, Sexism, MSM smears, elites, elitism, liberal bias, Obama no substance, high taxes, America #1…

    Did I mention McCain was a POW? John Kerry won a Bronze Star but whatever.

  2. arthur says:

    Jon Favreau – the writer/director/star of Swingers?

  3. kavips says:

    “Putting Words in Palin’s Mouth”

    Please don’t use that imagery again….

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    No doubt the man can write–like I said auditory Prozac. And no doubt McCain can lead. We all have our talents.

  5. mike w. says:

    Obama’s a great speaker, but so were quite a few of the most infamous leaders in history.

  6. Joe M says:

    Holy FSM, mike. That’s probably the most ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard.

    Did you know that one of the worst serial killers was a clown? All clowns are destined to be serial killers.

    Did you know Hitler was Catholic? All Catholics are now destined to be genocidal maniacs.

    Did you know that Edgar Allen Poe was an alcoholic? Guess all writers have drinking problems now.

    Not all your arguments are stupid, mike. But this is outside the realm of critical thought.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    He doesn’t understand contraposition.

  8. Linoge says:

    I know you all hate the “g” word around here, but consider some of the arguments used for controlling the items represented by that word, especially in reference to the logically falacious examples as provided by Joe…

  9. donviti says:

    And no doubt McCain can lead.

    really? based on what? the 5 planes he crashed? or the Keating Scandal he championed?

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    Then flagshipped for campaign finance reform/oversight…I call that a big mea culpa…

  11. arthur says:

    no body answered my question…Jon Favreau? Swingers?

  12. mike w. says:

    “Holy FSM, mike. That’s probably the most ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard.”

    As Linoge explained I was subtly poking fun at some of the anti-handheld weapons logic seen around DE Liberal. Apparently Joe didn’t pick up on it. What’s funny is it fits perfectly with Joe’s list in #6.

  13. A. Bundy says:

    “And no doubt McCain can lead.

    really? based on what?”

    He is grossly more qualified than your little buddy Barack.

    On what basis is Obama ready/qualified to lead? The ten minutes he spent in the US Senate before declaring? His time as a community organizer? What?

    You can’t answer your own questions can you? Why is Barack Obama so ready/qualified to lead, donVD? What makes him so much more qualified than Palin, let alone McCain?

    I can’t wait to read your response(s).

  14. Sharon says:

    Compare and Contrast people

    McCain and Palin got more tv viewers. I’ve been waiting for the “Obama is toast” post since reading that.

  15. Joe C says:

    Shazzy, were there more viewers? Yes.
    Did they get what they came for? Yes
    Tell me what those viewers went to sleep with.
    POW? 911? Pitbulls in lipstick?

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    Joe M – your logic is impeccable!

    I am not sure why McCain got so many viewers – is it a good thing or a bad thing? McCains speech was pretty awful, even Republicans agree. So, was watching McCain give a bad (and worse than that, boring) speech good for Obama or bad for him? I think it shows that people are really interested in the election this year.

  17. Sharon says:

    Republicans went to bed with renewed faith and enthusiasm for their party. Sarah Palin delivered. McCain gave a speech that was more presidential than political. I must’ve missed the part of Obama’s speech where he complimented the McCain campaign.

    For all the talking heads saying McCain’s speech was “bad,” plenty of Republicans are happy with where the campaign is now.

  18. Political Observer says:

    At the risk of someone making the obvious beat-to-death joke, Joe Biden also writes most of his own speeches. In fact, that is how he got in trouble in the first Presidential campaign. Paid professional speech writers don’t forget to attribute. I know with some degree of certainy (read that the one-to-two degrees of separation that is the Delaware Way) that Biden wrote the bones of his acceptance speech.

    While I was not flabberghasted to learn that Gov. Palin’s speech was written for her (which in no way discredits her uncanny, though somewhat ascerbic, delivery), I was a bit shocked to know how far in advance the script was written for the convention in that the VP nominee’s speech had already been prepared. Considering that the entire theme of the Republican campain changed essentially overnight from “There’s no meat on Obama” to “We’re the right kind of change” this means that the RNC and the McCain campaign are walking lock-step right now.

    Contrast this to a story I heard that the woman who nominated Biden was not selected until that day and they scrambled to get her to Denver, indicating the Democrats once again don’t have their stuff entirely together, and you have a recipe for the Democrats to once again come so close, but not close enough. My impression of the Obama campaign had been that it was well lubed and ready to handle anything. I’m not so sure now.

    With the GOP undertaking this “hide and seek” strategy with their VP pick, Palin represents the absolute wildcard in this race. If they keep this up, her future performance may win or lose enough votes to swing the race – either way.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    I can tell you w/ authority “that woman” was selected days in advance of appearing in Denver to nominate Biden….

  20. Andy says:

    What makes John McCain qualified to Lead ?
    Is it because he was a Naval Officer
    He never Commanded anything but his fighter He never held a Command Billet where he commanded personel
    After he came home from North Vietnam he bacame a paper pusher in the Naval Department in DC
    So basically he never held a true Leadership position in the Navy
    Did he hold a leadership Position in the House?
    Has he or is he holding one in the Senate?
    The answer is no
    So what makes him any more qualified to be Commander in Chief than Barrack Obama

  21. Sharon says:

    John McCain has far more and more varied experience than Barack Obama. Not just his military record–which you are disgusting for trying to downgrade–but his record of leadership and bipartisanship in the Senate is unsurpassed. This is a man who has worked with Democrats a lot, far more than Barack Obama’s fake bipartisanship. He’s worked with Democrats even when it angered his GOP cohorts and base. This isn’t a guy who just talks about bipartisanship and then votes with his party 100% of the time.

    Most importantly, he’s been a risk-taker when times required risk-taking. He backed the surge when it was politically suicidal to do so. Dems were crowing that his career was over for backing the surge…until it succeeded. Even Obama had to concede that the surge worked, except that he lied that it worked “beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.” It worked exactly the way John McCain knew it would.

    And Obama’s ideas? Well, if we’d done what he’d wanted and pulled out immediately Iraq would be in chaos (that’s what the NIE of 2007 said).

    Barack Obama got his poor ittle feelings hurt because Republicans laughed at his “community organizer” resume. But regardless of how much Obama tries to hide what he was doing as a “community organizer,” he was working for ACORN, a ruthless and corrupt organization in Chicago. The neighborhoods he supposedly helped organize never got any of the things he was “helping” them to “organize” for. Obama just moved on up his career ladder.

    What has McCain done? He, along with John Kerry, went to Vietnam and helped normalize relationships with that country. He’s fought waste in government and never took any earmarks. He cosponsored with Democrat Russ Feingold a little thing called campaign finance reform (yet another bill that angered his party). He supported increasing tobacco taxes to discourage teenagers from smoking. He voted against the Bush tax cuts. He supported HMO reform. He’s supported cap and trade. And he was instrumental in the “Gang of 14,” which preserved the judicial filibuster. And don’t forget his support of comprehensive immigration reform (another position that angered the GOP base).

    He has held no leadership position in the Senate? Really? Well, that would be news to him, since he was chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee.

    So, those are just a few of the things John McCain has done that make him more qualified than Barack Obama to be POTUS. Can you think of any time that Barack Obama has voted against the Democrat leadership? Any time?