No Questions For Palin

Filed in National by on September 5, 2008

Well, this disqualifies the McCain-Palin ticket from any consideration, for if Mrs. Palin cannot handle questions from our VERY compliant media, she cannot handle the pressures of the office.

According to Nicole Wallace of the McCain campaign, the American people don’t care whether Sarah Palin can answer specific questions about foreign and domestic policy. According to Wallace — in an appearance [Carney from TIME] did with her this morning on Joe Scarborough’s show — the American people will learn all they need to know (and all they deserve to know) from Palin’s scripted speeches and choreographed appearances on the campaign trail and in campaign ads.

What cowards McCain and Palin are.   But I don’t blame them.  If I had no answers, I wouldn’t want to be questioned either. 

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  1. Joe C says:

    Well, duh. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! That’s the way the administration has been run for the past >8 years.

  2. mike w. says:

    Yeah, because the press reallly throws all kinds of hardball substantive policy questions at Obama.

    The MSM (other than fox) have been lofting softballs at Obama for months

  3. DPN says:

    Mike, try to stay on topic. Geez.

  4. Mike,

    Stop going off on ridiculous tangents. Answer the post. I don’t know which news you’ve been watching, but no one in this race has been more seriously questioned and put under the microscope than Obama.

  5. Pandora says:

    Obama was on Bill O’Reilly last night. Joe Biden will be on Meet the Press this Sunday.

    Personally, I love this new mavericky strategy. I think it’s going to play really, really well. Don’t you?

  6. delawaredem says:

    What is the color of the sky in your world Mike? Seriously, if you think the media has treated Obama well, then why did Rev. Wright and the Ayers even get mentioned? Remember the Bittergate controversy?

    The facts are the press has been very hard on Obama as much as they have been light on him.

    And once again, you are shown to be completely ignorant of facts.

  7. delawaredem says:

    Now, getting back to Sarah Palin, how do you defend her cowardness, Mike?

    If you do not answer that question, you are a troll.

  8. Joe C says:

    (and you can thank Pandora for this)

    The grown ups are talking about the VP pick, not the presidential nomination. Its different!
    For your edification, Sen.Obama has been through the press wringer for YEARS now. Take time away from the ballistics schedule to focus on current events.

  9. Pandora says:

    Sorry, Joe… what am I being thanked for?

  10. mike w. says:

    “And once again, you are shown to be completely ignorant of facts.”

    Says the guy who denies what the “gun-show loophole” actually is when he’s got the facts staring him in the face. Ignorance.

    The other two? In politics longstanding associations with unsavory characters are fair-game. The fact that Wright wanted to be in the spotlight didn’t help Obama any.

    Pot, meet kettle.

    Why did Bittergate get mentioned? because Obama made ignorant, disparaging comments about a large swath of America. That’s his fault.

  11. Joe C says:

    Pandora, you are being thanked for the insight you gave me last night regarding our friend from the NRA. I have realized that speaking the truth is a just excercise even if the truth doesn’t reach the rational.

  12. Chris says:

    “The facts are the press has been very hard on Obama as much as they have been light on him. ”

    Better check you own sky. Even Hillary is still smarting from the MSM moving her softball game to Obama.

    But you are right about one thing. Palin should appear in the media and answer questions about foreign and domestic policy. I presume the reluctance has more to do with the certainty that the press will never get around to asking policy questions…well except abortion of course. All they will do is poke and prod about her daughters pregnancy and never get around to policy.

    That said though, I say let her loose on the media. the more she talks the angrier the left will get!

  13. Pandora says:

    All posts lead to the 2nd Amendment… eventually. Exhibit 1: comment #10

  14. Joe C says:

    Wow. Is that some kind of universal law? That idiot Newton was a piker. I’d have thought at least the Framers wouldn’t set such a trap.

  15. mike w. says:

    “All posts lead to the 2nd Amendment… eventually. Exhibit 1: comment #10”

    DD called me out as “ignorant of facts.” So I called him out his own blatant ignorance and hypocrisy. The fact that the example of his abject ignorance involved the 2nd Amendment is merely tangental to the point I made.

    Try again Pandora, or maybe try discussing something substantive.

    Oh, and wasn’t bittergate mentioned by someone other than me? Hmm, so who exactly brought up the 2A?

  16. cassandra m says:

    Candidates who won’t speak to the media are hiding from voters AND trying to manipulate the media. remember GWB2004 anyone? Minimal speaking to any media other than locals and even then highly controlled. So that the only thing that ever gets reported is what the daily spin.

    An admission that their candidate is not ready for prime time, I’m thinking. And you’d thing that a tough-talkin’ soccer mom wouldn’t need to be treated as such a delicate flower.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Mike – last time.

    Sociology professionals agreed with Obama’s “bitter” comments as a reason why some people vote against their own interests.

    With that said, the Truth, by definition, cannot be disparaging or ignorant.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    and about Palin….IT came back and said the programming will take a few more weeks….

  19. Pandora says:

    Palin’s giving a speech in Wisconsin right now. She’s reading off note cards, rarely looking up, and stumbling a lot. Obviously not enough prep time.

    McCain is standing silently next to her.

  20. JadeGold says:

    I’ll bet Mikey doesn’t even know what Obama’s “bitter” quote concerned.

  21. mike w. says:

    “With that said, the Truth, by definition, cannot be disparaging or ignorant.”

    Someone should tell that to the liberals who jumped all over Geraldine Ferraro.

    “Sociology professionals agreed with Obama’s “bitter” comments as a reason why some people vote against their own interests.”

    If people vote against Obama because they’re “clinging” to their guns I’d hardly say they’re “voting against their own interests.” In fact, I’d say they’re doing the exact opposite. They’re “clinging” because certain folks (like Obama/Biden) do consistenly attack those values they hold dear. Those sociology folks you cite might want to get a clue.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    there you go again with taking the effect and making it the cause.

  23. Steve Newton says:

    Is that some kind of universal law? That idiot Newton was a piker.

    Joe, I really hope you meant Isaac.

  24. mike w. says:

    “there you go again with taking the effect and making it the cause.”

    So you’re saying that they’ve been clinging to guns & religion over the past 25 years because of economically induced hardship, as Obama claims?

    You and he are both wrong. They are deeply rooted cultural values, NOT a product of economic bitterness. Obama doesn’t get it because he doesn’t hold those values and comes from a place (chicago) where such values are not deeply rooted & widespread.

    – Steve – That was good. I laughed.

  25. Art Downs says:

    From the record, it appears that the voters of Alaska selected their Governor more on the basis of her brains than her looks. Regrettably, Delaware did things the other way around.

  26. Joe C says:

    Steve, if most of my kind of Dems went anywhere, it would be Libertarian. The problem lies in getting Libertarians getting anywhere.
    I respect you as much as I respect Newton. If you start getting into alchemy like Isaac, though, count me out.

  27. Von Cracker says:

    Economic interests, sorry….and it’s been going on for more than 25 years….

    You just don’t get it…keep on looking through that keyhole. It’s not about Cultural Values, right or wrong, but the reason why single-issue voters come about. They feel government doesn’t care about economic conditions, so they fall back to one or two issues they feel are important (and I’m not saying they’re not!).

    BTW – Are you trying to say Chicagoans do not possess deeply rooted religious values?

    Guns? Who knows?

  28. Chris says:

    “Economic interests, sorry….and it’s been going on for more than 25 years….”

    Quite enlightening since 25 years or more would more than cover the Clinton Years, which everyone around here would have you believe was the most prosperous in history. So are you now saying that it wasn’t the Golden Years?

  29. X Stryker says:

    Gotta love the gun dodge – no one can possibly defend Sarah from hiding from the press and the American people.

    It’s basically like saying, “Uhhhh… So’s your mom!”

    So really, Mike, what do you think of Palin hiding from the media? I know it’s not personal cowardice, after all the woman shoots moose in the face. And as a former sportscaster with a journalism degree, I’m sure she knows how to take questions – probably better than even Dana Perino. That leaves only one answer – she simply can’t answer any questions about economic or foreign policy with any kind of depth, because she’s largely ignorant of such matters. So they’ve sequestered her to avoid exposing her ignorance. Do you agree with that strategy, Mike?

  30. mike w. says:

    McCains aid said,

    “The American people don’t care whether Sarah Palin can answer specific questions about foreign and domestic policy”

    I’d say that’s absolutely true. Look at how far Obama has come with very little substance or depth to anything he says. McCain is taking a page out of Obama’s playbook. Anytime something came up that Obama didn’t like he would change the subject and say ” we need to focus on real issues” and then he’d avoid going into detail on the real issues too, at least the ones that might hurt him.

    I think Palin will do what politiicans do. She’ll avoid discussing extraneous things that she doesn’t want to discuss.

    I’m interested to see how she handles things. A few days in is too early to tell. Hell, the Media and everyone else were fawning over Obama from the get-go, so he was in the unique position of being able to avoid tough questions and policy issues for quite some time until his messianic aura wore off.
    I unfortunately can’t watch the embedded video right now since I have no sound.

  31. X Stryker says:

    According to the spokesperson, she won’t be taking any questions from anyone until after the election. So I guess maybe we’ll never know.

    Obama has taken thousands of questions on policy, answered many of them in depth. If you were sincerely interested, you could find them rather easily at the following site.

    I don’t doubt that you’d find plenty to disagree with, but if you have any kind of objectivity, you’ll find plenty of substance there to be disagreeing with him about. It’s actually fairly specific, without getting too detailed to read.

    In any case, I think you have a low opinion of America if you don’t think people care about issues. Do you care about issues, Mike? Do you think you’re better than the voting public in that regard?

  32. Phantom says:

    Wow Mike,
    Thanks for the tour of la-la land. Now back to reality where Obama has had to face questions and so has Biden. If they have dodged questions that is due to the interviewer and not the candidate. However, since Biden and Obama have been on numerous interviews with the media (including O’Reilly and Wallace) they can’t all be that sentimental (at least not if they work at Fox). Look, the simple truth is Palin doesn’t know a thing which already 50% of Americans have deduced that she isn’t ready to be president. What she does know are hardcore conservative responses that play well in Alaska but would alienate numerous individuals and groups throughout the rest of the U.S.
    Ultimately, I can’t say this is cowardice but rather cynical political manuvuering to avoid having to address her policies, beliefs, and experience as a candidate for Vice President of the United States.

  33. mike w. says:

    “Now back to reality where Obama has had to face questions and so has Biden. If they have dodged questions that is due to the interviewer and not the candidate. ”

    So Obama / Biden dodging questions is now the fault of the interviewer and not the candidate?! Holy Shit! Talk about a trip into la la land.

  34. X Stryker says:

    Don’t dodge my questions, Mike. Do Americans care about issues? Do you? Are you better?

  35. Pandora says:

    I think keeping her away from the media is a huge mistake, unless the McCain camp has decided she’s a complete train wreck. By keeping her away from the media McCain is allowing the press and Dems to define her. Big mistake.

  36. Truth Teller says:

    I see our stupid teenager is backl playing with his gun leave it alone Mike it will grow

  37. X Stryker says:

    This reminds me of the time McCain was so undone by the Viagra/birth control funding question, his response was literally, “Uhhhh….. Uhhhh….” The frightened look on his face was priceless.

  38. mike w. says:

    “Don’t dodge my questions, Mike. Do Americans care about issues? Do you? Are you better?”

    This is going to piss some people off.

    No, many American’s DONT care about issues. They’ll vote for the 1st asshole who comes along and promises them the most “free” shit. That’s why politicians on both sides pander and lie so much. Most folks couldn’t tell you a damn thing about the Candidates positions on issues, their voting record, nor do they know much of anything about the Constitution and their rights. (you can thanks schools, and the incremental redefining of the concept of “rights” for the latter)

    That’s why soundbites, being a good speaker, and making vague promises of “change” plays so well in the political arena. It’s why energy, exposure, and “feel-good” policy soundbites are so important. Most people will say “Oh, that sounds wonderful, I like him!” without digging further and asking “how?” “why?” and “what are the unintended consequencecs?”

    Right now voters know “Bush is Bad” therefore they want “change” Generally (historically) when people are ripe for a mass movement it doesn’t matter so much what that “change” really means as much as that it’s NOT the status quo. To be honest I think Obama’s use of the Hope & Change rhetoric is brilliant political oratory, and given the circumstances I’m afraid it might just work.

  39. Phantom says:

    So Mike,
    You are telling me it is not a journalists job as an interviewer to press for clairifications and answers when politicians avoid the questions?

  40. mike w. says:

    “By keeping her away from the media McCain is allowing the press and Dems to define her. Big mistake.”

    I certainly agree with that assessment Pandora. Then again I can’t say I’m surprised given how badly McCain has run his campaign to this point.

  41. mike w. says:

    No Phantom, but that is NOT what you said in your previous comment.

  42. X Stryker says:

    Well, Mike, I have to say, that is certainly ONE explanation as to how Bush was elected twice. I maintain that in 2000, both candidates moved too far to the center for America to make a clear distinction, and in 2004, Bush used 9/11 and the Antrax attacks to stir fear and paranoia to keep him in office. The former is a lack of distinction on issues, while the latter is certainly an issue, if perhaps a highly distorted one. Furthermore, I think Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 due to economic issues, rather than personal charisma. The same goes for Reagan in 1980. Nixon had virtually no charisma whatsoever, but the Vietnam War was a serious issue that America wanted an answer on. Government corruption, a la Watergate, was an issue that propelled Carter into office.

    Today, the economy and the Iraq War are the big issues that are propelling Obama’s candidacy. You’re welcome to question America’s judgement on these issues (I often do), but I find it absurd to suggest that this campaign isn’t being driven by issues. After all, it isn’t Bush’s lack of charisma that Americans are unhappy with; it’s the total failure of the administration in virtually all areas of operation that is the problem.

  43. Sharon says:

    Why on Earth should McCain and Palin go to the press? The press is ridiculously anti-GOPers right now, so there’s no advantage to doing so. Like Ronald Reagan, who went around the press to speak directly to the American people, McCain and Palin will be smart not to take a bunch of press questions designed to embarrass them.

    And make no mistake; any interview by the Republican candidates would be designed to embarrass them.

    Oddly, 60 Minutes did a rather fawning piece on Obama and Biden after the v.p. announcement. No such offer for McCain and Palin. Oprah won’t allow Sarah Palin to appear on her show (since she’s in the tank for Obama).

    While Obama has had to deal with some questioning, by and large, the MSM has salivated over Obama, too lost in “the moment” to behave like the skeptics they are supposed to. Even Obama’s interview with Bill O’Reilly was designed to try to steal McCain’s thunder.

  44. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! Stop whining about the evil, leftist press.

    If she can’t face a tenacious press, then that’s one more reason why her nomination is a joke….

    fucking ‘victim’ card….pathetic

  45. Andy says:

    Sharon’s drunk the Koolaide and btw Oprah is not a news outlet

  46. mike w. says:

    Sharon – No use. The folks here will never accept that there’s liberal bias in the MSM.

    Hell, they even post “proof” of conservative bias that is completely bunk.