City of Wilmington Races and Issues

Filed in National by on September 7, 2008

Andrew C in the Commenter’s Endorsement thread wanted to know why we were so limited in our endorsements and discussion of candidates — specifically that we did not cover Wilmington candidates.

Both Pandora and I live in the City, but I don’t have a sense that there are many readers and commenters here interested in the City comings and goings. So this post is to ask you about your interest in discussion of City politics. Yes? No? Why?


About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (14)

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  1. DPN says:

    Yes, I think you should expand coverage of Wilmington. It will give us a chance to talk about guns or talk about things we don’t know about. 🙂

    On a serious note, since many of us work in the city, it would be a good thing to expand DL coverage.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Since we are in the business of making suggestions, this out-of-state reader would love more pictures of the state and stuff going on as well.

    Just sayin’

  3. Andrew C. says:

    Yay i got mentioned.

    Well, i was looking forward to the endorsements, and they were good, i just figured… well we’re in such a small state, there aren’t THAT many more primary choices and it’d be neat to see opinions of some of the smaller races. I really just wanted to spur discussion more than anything, so now i got a thread devoted to it… so, yippie. 🙂

  4. mike w. says:

    Why not talk about city politics?

    As far as guns. I’ll bet the city government doesn’t view them very favorably, given the fact that Wilmington’s scum like to use them to kill each other. I’m just glad Wilmington hasn’t gone the way of Philly and gotten all “gun-control all the time” while blaming the State for the crime problems they refuse to address.

  5. jason330 says:

    I’ll bet the city government doesn’t view them very favorably,

    Gee. Ya think?

  6. mike w. says:

    Well when you’ve got KIDS shooting people in Wilmington you’ve got a serious problem. Gun control won’t fix it, since none of them can own guns anyway.

  7. MC Lurks-a-Lot says:

    If you consider that one day we will have a Governor from Wilmington, (Carney?) we should pay some attention to how they get there.

  8. Andy says:

    Epanded Coverage of the City as wll as below the Canal (Other than eastern Sussex) would be nice

  9. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I serve as the Communication Director for Let My People Know Coalition I sent DL our endorsements for the 2008 Primary race.

    I am not certain why it was ignored. Please advise.. unless this gets lost in DL’s overactive spam filter.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    For Andrew C — these are my personal endorsements for the City tomorrow:

    Mayor — Jim Baker – I hate his eminent domain spin and the lack of interest in better responsiveness by the police. He is getting better about thinking about neighborhoods and is receptive to people who are trying to help themselves. Bovell isn’t really a choice — he’s a clown.

    City Council President — no endorsement. Neither one of these guys strikes me as the strong leader this group really needs now

    Council At Large:
    Loretta Walsh (full disclosure — I am working on her campaign team)
    Bud Freel
    Darius Brown
    Both Loretta and Bud are amongst the most responsive people I’ve met in the city. Even if they have to turn down a request, they are good at getting with you quickly and brainstorming possibilities. Darius is new and he seems as though he has his head on straight.

    4th Council District — no endorsement. This is where I live and apparently this is the City Council’s equivalent of the perennial no show job.

  11. pandora says:

    I’m in agreement with Cassandra except for City Council President. Norm Griffiths has my support. (full disclosure — Norm has been my councilman for years and has been very responsive to the community.)

    2nd Council District — I’m on the fence, but leaning towards Devon Hynson. I’ve known Devon for years and what he lacks in experience he makes up for in passion and a sincere willingness to learn. Michelle Griffiths is great, but I’m uncomfortable with the husband/wife running together thing. As far as Larry Smith… I can’t get a handle on him. If anyone has some insight, please share!

    Going for Baker as well. Cassandra is correct. Bovell is a clown, and seems to enjoy the role.

  12. ANON says:

    OMG, you really don’t know anything…these are incredible choices. You support Baker who calls victims, fools. Baker who refused to submit to the Supreme Court decision that the City is responsible for sidewalks! Baker who wants to “build the new city” while saying screw you to the Old City?

    The Griffiths…duponters! Damn, this shows me that you “progressives” are the most centurist, right of center know nothing about the way the City operates.
    How many City Council meetings have you attended? Are you gonna stick with Chan 22 being closed to community groups? Bud Freel a left over Frawlyite. The only one worthy is Loretta.

    Please change your label…and admit you are blue dog democrats.

  13. cassandra m says:

    Liz, you really never met a paranoia you couldn’t adopt.

  14. thomas nicastro says:

    it is time to start a write in campaign in lieu of the fact that mant city contests for office are going unopposed in november.