Delaware Liberal

What are You Hearing

It’s getting into the afternoon, and I want to hear what you’re hearing, if anything.  

I have a love/hate relationship with election days.  I wake up all excited, ready to vote.  Indeed, the first thing I do after leaving the house is vote.  I am usually am the first one at the polling place.   And then I go to work and wait around all day long for any news from any where, no matter if it is true or not.  

I hate the waiting.

That is why we bloggers devour any possible exit poll (which would normally be leaked about right now if this were a national election).   Not because exit polls are accurate.   But because they are just something to fill the void. 

So I will be down tailgating in the parking lot by the Riverfront between the Carney and Markell headquartes/party locations, as Al Mascitti suggested.   Who wants to join me?

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