What are You Hearing

Filed in National by on September 9, 2008

It’s getting into the afternoon, and I want to hear what you’re hearing, if anything.  

I have a love/hate relationship with election days.  I wake up all excited, ready to vote.  Indeed, the first thing I do after leaving the house is vote.  I am usually am the first one at the polling place.   And then I go to work and wait around all day long for any news from any where, no matter if it is true or not.  

I hate the waiting.

That is why we bloggers devour any possible exit poll (which would normally be leaked about right now if this were a national election).   Not because exit polls are accurate.   But because they are just something to fill the void. 

So I will be down tailgating in the parking lot by the Riverfront between the Carney and Markell headquartes/party locations, as Al Mascitti suggested.   Who wants to join me?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Is it raining there? I’ll cut out of work early if it is dry.

  2. mike w. says:

    Damn, all you guys vote in the morning? I won’t be voting till this evening after work.

  3. delawaredem says:

    The radar right now looks like another band of thunderstorms and rain will hit us in 4 hours. So who knows?

  4. delawaredem says:

    For some reason, Democrats vote earlier.

    Mike, please vote for Protack.

    Just imagine the comedy gold.

  5. meatball says:

    Just curious, Mike. What do you do that you can post on goofy message boards all day?

  6. mike w. says:

    I sit in my parents basement eating cheetos and playing World of Warcraft…

  7. anon says:

    I sit in my parents basement eating cheetos and playing World of Warcraft…

    By God I think he is actually telling the truth this time…

  8. meatball says:

    nice gig if you can get it

  9. mike w. says:

    Hardly. It would be boring and embarrasing as hell. Besides, I have bills to pay.

  10. Yosemite Blam says:

    That ammo doesn’t pay for itself.

  11. meatball says:

    You must be crazy efficient so that your boss can keep you on board while you monitor and post on De Liberal all day long. Come on, what do you do?

  12. cassandra m says:

    I’m in the City at Loretta Walsh’s house and the weather is clear now. Turnout is reported to be light in alot of polling places tho.

    Feel free to stop by if you are around.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I’m out until 730ish. I will then make my way up to the Markell and Carney parties. Keep a beer cold for me and I’ll see you there.

  14. anon says:

    I am getting phone calls from clueless Carney workers, both of whom were reading from a script as if they were a machine, without stopping for anything and hanging up when they were done. Both of them sounded like they had marbles in their mouth. One of them actually mentioned “Joe Bidden.”

    By the way, Carney is promising 55,000 new jobs.

  15. anon88 says:

    Protack should promise 60,000.

  16. cassandra m says:

    Allan Loudell is estimating about a 20% turnout for Dems and 5% for Repubs today,which may change with the surge of voters everyone seems to think they will get after work today.

  17. PBaumbach says:

    I spent 3 hours at Downes Elementary (23rd RD, 6th SD), for Markell. The turnout seemed slow (perhaps 15 folks an hour?), the rain was spotty.
    I’m heading back for the 4-8pm shift.

    At http://politicsbythenumbersmostlydelaware.blogspot.com/ John Tobin predicts a 20% turnout.

  18. P.I. says:

    Morning greeting in Newport polling place. 23 voters in first 2 hours. One person of 16 I spoke to was voting for Carney. Two people didn’t indicate anything and the rest said they were there to vote for Markell. Several people volunteered they were voting for Gordon. Other than that, people were saying they didn’t have a clue who the other people were on the D side.
    How can people be so uninformed? Do you think they drive with blinders on? Don’t they read the paper? Geez…..

  19. delawaredem says:

    So is Loudell is predicting 20% at this moment, then turnout maybe higher Tobin’s projection.

    The Markell / Gordon cross over voter is a mystery to me. Doesn’t make sense.

  20. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’ve been at Thurgood Marshall Elem today. The turnout has been pretty steady all morning. I’m going back this afternoon to greet voters for Dunn. I have no clue what’s going on. The Markell worker didn’t know either. It was only Markell & me at this polling place. I haven’t seen any Carney people in Newark.

  21. pandora says:

    Just found a stack (approx. 80) Carney pamphlets dumped on my front porch. Bad, bad volunteer!

  22. anon says:

    Just found a stack (approx. 80) Carney pamphlets dumped on my front porch. Bad, bad volunteer!

    Volunteers wouldn’t dump leaflets. Carney has an army of low-motivation paid out of state workers today, on the streets and on the phone. The expense reports should be interesting.

  23. DPN says:

    The Markell / Gordon cross over voter is a mystery to me. Doesn’t make sense.

    It just points to an twicely-uninformed voter. 🙂

  24. Truth Teller says:

    The Question what am i hearing. BAD NEWS McSame leads Obama among white women 58% to 43% ABC Washington Post Poll This guy better get off his ass and start acting like a leader instead of a pussy. I told you folks during the primary that he didn’t appear to be a fighter. So if he doesn’t get it together soon we will be stuck for 4 more years of Bush and who knows what the Supreme Court will look like

  25. jason330 says:

    Chicken little.

  26. cassandra m says:

    TT, we are worried about the State today.

    Did you vote yet?

  27. cassandra m says:

    I was definitely confused by the Markell/Gordon crossover too.

    But am hearing that turnout is abit stronger in East Wilmington.

  28. jason330 says:

    What I’m hearing.

    I had no idea who any of those people on the ballot were or what they plan to do once in office. I came to vote for Markell (or Carney) and just crossed my fingers and guessed on the rest.

  29. cassandra m says:

    Oy — listening to the radio and some woman says that if Carney wins, she is voting Repub or Independent.

  30. kavips says:

    Truth about Carney workers…

    They are hired out of the city, told not to answer anyone questions, and paid $10 an hour with your contributions to the Democratic Party….

    Most have disappeared as soon as they got their check, leaving the pamphlets in the rain, red lettering on blue, that say Carney Jobs 55,000.

    I’m thinking they went home to bathe…..

  31. delawaredem says:

    With a 5% Rethug turnout, I now predict that Mike Protack will win the GOP Nomination.

    Jason looks like a genius.

  32. jason330 says:

    Looks like…?

  33. pandora says:

    That’s a shame, especially considering I live in Carney’s neighborhood. I was just going to dump the pamphlets into the recycling bin, but I think I’ll save them and give them to John.

  34. El Somnambulo says:

    With a 5% Rethug turnout, Lee still wins. Why?

    This is one race where a couple of down-ballot contests might boost turnout more than the Guv race. The Rethug shootout in the 4th SD means that Chateau Country is turning out. That ‘ll help Lee. El Somnambulo is sticking with 77% Lee, 23% Pornstache.

  35. kavips says:

    Turnout for Dem’s is at 30% at noon, and in a heavily Democratic district, about 30% of Republicans… as well…

    Exit polls show Lee taking a bath, and Gordon is doing better than expected…. Much better..

    In areas involved with UDC controversies, Clark is well known as Mr. Pam Scott. He is not doing well..

    Most undecideds are going to Markell, because they are pissed at Carney for calling them at home….

    Carney’s excessiveness may have suppressed the Democratic turnout…. I met one person who was not leaving their house to vote… they got 5 calls on their unlisted number….

    That’s all, back to the streets……

  36. Unstable Isotope says:


    What are your sources? Are you doing exit polling?

  37. Joanne Christian says:

    At 8:15 this AM I was only the 5th voter at Townsend Early Childhood Center….Markel and Lee worker active and chipper. Carney worker..sitting across the parking lot in the back of a pick-up, as if he was fishing…but in a parking lot…
    Townsend Fire Hall pretty brisk all around….

  38. JohnnyX says:

    Just heard a woman call into WDEL talking to Selander and the other guy (can’t remember his name but he was a big time Carney supporter) saying that she was wearing a Markell shirt in Rodney square and a group of Carney yellow-shirts (Working Families PAC or whatever they are) spat on her.

    Obviously take that with a grain of salt because anyone can call a radio station and just make shit up. But she was claiming that she was filing a police report and a complaint with the Carney campaign so she seemed pretty serious about it. If it’s true it certainly doesn’t reflect well upon Carney – even if the yellow shirts aren’t “officially” on his side.

  39. jason330 says:

    I find that very difficult to believe even if these yellow shirts are from New Jersey as reported.

  40. delawaredem says:

    Carney hired dirty political goons.

    If there was ever any doubt as to who the true progressive in this race was, there isn’t any more.

    Carney is a dirty machine politician.

  41. Dana Garrett says:

    I went to Delcastle Vo Tech to vote This AM and I was the only one there.

  42. JohnnyX says:

    Delawaredem – don’t go off the deep end. Again, I am simply reporting on what one woman who called into WDEL says happened to her. There is no way to conclusively confirm or deny whether it really happened. I’d like to think that Carney supporters aren’t scummy enough to spit on people – and I’d also like to think Markell supporters aren’t scummy enough to formulate lies and announce them on radio stations. Unfortunately at least one of those two things did happen.

    Disclaimer: I voted for Markell, take that for what you wish.

  43. delawaredem says:

    Johnny….I don’t play in the shallow end.


  44. FSP says:

    Carney hired dirty political goons.

    If there was ever any doubt as to who the true progressive in this race was, there isn’t any more.

    Carney is a dirty machine politician.”

    It really is interesting from my point of view to see you guys being the victims of Democratic machine politics. We are the victims of it every two years, but it is fascinating to see actual Democrats being the victims.

  45. jason330 says:

    I don’t mind so much whne you are the victim. I kinda like it infact.

  46. Joanne Christian says:

    My sister reports from the Unitarian Church off Concord Pike….all talk is Fleming for the Senate seat…..

  47. jason330 says:

    BTW – I was about to say, except when Joanne Christian is involved.

  48. Joanne Christian says:

    Why Jason..I’m speechless….NOW do you want a T-shirt?

  49. FSP says:

    He should have known it when he interviewed you. It should have been love at first sight. But, alas, he was tainted by his partisan glasses. Bad Jason.

  50. rsmitty says:

    Jason is a twice published star today, btw, made a radio appearance (“vote for donviti!!!”*ahem*), AND will be on TV tonight.

    Freaking wannabe. 😛

  51. Call It says:

    My brother and I were just at Bethany Beach Fire Hall to vote. It was pouring and we were the only two there. The election workers also commented that we were the two youngest to vote so far today (He is 28, I am 24).

  52. jason330 says:


    My “sound off” for tomorrow (or the next day) is my best work to date.

  53. rsmitty says:

    You need a real job.

  54. liz allen says:

    I would like to know “who” is doing your exit polls….I think they are off base. Where I have been today, there was no exit polling going on by any candidate. Some workers tried to get folks to tell, but they wouldn’t. Its anybody’s guess, but I believe Gordon is winning thats pretty obvious here in the city.

    People are very turned off at the yellow shirts, which I believe will make voters vote Jack.

  55. Truth Teller says:

    Yes Cassandra i voted the fist thing this morning. Voted against everyone that this blog supported.

  56. delawaredem says:

    Hahahaha. How irrational. Your family dinners must be fun.

  57. mike w. says:

    “Mike, please vote for Protack.

    Just imagine the comedy gold.”

    Protack and Lee both suck and neither will win the general election

  58. Joe M says:

    How dare you insult the Pornstache?

  59. cassandra_m says:

    Well, at least you are on topic now, TT.

  60. Susan Regis Collins says:

    6:40 P.M.

    Carney worker at my door asking if I had voted. I was at the polls @ 7:10. This tells me the Carney’s do not have a solid ‘GOTV’ strategy or workers wouldn’t be going door to door trying to GOTV.

    As for candidates appearing at polling places…it’s always been traditional, here in the city anyway), for candidates to take a well deserved rest on election day…..even go out of town (Philly, etc.) to help relieve some of the anxiety of the day. If a candidate has not ‘won’ before election day blocking the path to the poll won’t help.

    Did anyone spy Markell, Gordon, Baker, Reed, etc. at a polling place? Probably not because it’s considered ‘bad form’.

    It’s the ‘mistake of an amateurs ‘; not ready for prime time, and all that.

    I heard that woman on WDEL re: yellow shirts… Tom Pazzi surely gave the impression they were from out-of-town.

  61. Downstate in the Dover area, (Magnolia) there were a couple of Markell workers and someone signing up Obama volunteers. Looked like steady turnout at 6:30 PM, but the school we were voting at had an open house this evening so some people may have just drove past the polling place as the parking lot was overflowing.

  62. mike w. says:

    Pandora – Damn, you sure are a fan of the *sigh* response.

  63. Gharmon says:

    Dear Liz,

    30 point win for Chris Coons. Need I say more?