Listen, running a college is big business…

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008

It isn’t about an education anymore.

Two dozen college presidents and policy experts defended the rising costs of tuition on Monday and argued against forcing colleges to spend more of their endowments.

I picture a Tobacco and Oil CEO moment.  They all stand up and swear then lie their asses off and are never held accountable.

“Tuition has risen at twice the rate of per capita income,” Mr. Welch said, “and this year it will cost just under $50,000 to attend the average private college. If the cost of milk had risen as fast as the cost of college since 1980, a gallon would be $15.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. Phantom says:

    Where did you pull this from cause I want to read about it further.

  2. G Rex says:

    …and that’s why Obama’s idea to further subsidize college tuition is so short-sighted.

  3. Tom S. says:

    Don’t worry about, he is the messiah.

    16,000 dollars of your tax money to every kid that stumbles out of high school will totally cover it.