9/11 QOD

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008

Did we find WMD’s in Iraq?

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hiding in the open

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  1. mike w. says:

    Doesn’t matter. Saddam had WMD’s. We saw him use them in GW1, We know he did, he wasn’t shy about telling the world he did, and he refused to abide by the post GW1 weapons resolutions set forth by the UN. He violated them for 13 years before summarily kicking out weapons inspectors entirely. Not exactly the actions of a man with no WMD’s and no plans to produce weapons. His actions, combined with what we knew prior to the Iraq war practically screamed “I HAVE WMD’s.”

    Saddam even said himself he didnt’ think we’d come after him. I wonder why? Maybe because from GW1 on we’d admonished him, said “you can’t do that, you’re a bad man” and lobbed a few cruise missles his way.”

  2. pandora says:

    You do realize that there is another side of your story? The one where weapons inspectors, other world leaders and Intel all said that Saddam did not have WMDs. You know, the people who were right, ignored, mocked, and – in some cases – had their patriotism questioned.

  3. cassandra m says:

    No we did not. And nor did the UN inspectors before we went in.

    And it does matter — it means we were lied to for this business.

  4. meatball says:

    And we already controlled nearly two thirds of Iraq via the US/Britain patrolled no-fly zones.

  5. Mike R. says:

    Saddam said he didn’t have them, Bush said he did. Bush lied, Saddam died (along with a few thousand US troups).

    Not that getting rid of Saddam was a bad thing, but not worth billions of dollars and thousands of American lives, not to mention what will end up being catastrophic numbers of Iraqi dead by the time any sentiment of stability comes to that country.

    The notion that this was a worthwhile use of our countries time and resources is idiotic at best and criminal at worst.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    You suckers fell for the ‘ol Bait n Switch!!!!

    HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA….you’re sooo effing stooopid!!! Hope none of your friends or relatives got blown up for nuttin’

  7. anonone says:

    Mike W.

    Why aren’t you in Iraq? Or have you already been there?

  8. mike w. says:

    Really fucking classy Anonone and Von…..

  9. anonone says:

    Mike W.

    Really classy is cheerleading for a war that you won’t fight in and letting others fight and die for you. The word “chickenhawk” comes to mind. So what is your excuse, Mike W.? Tell us all – we’re all interested.

  10. mike w. says:

    You know, I’ve had a few of you assholes make similar comments.

    I have cerebral palsy asshole.

    And seriously, tellng people “why aren’t you in Iraq fighting?” is a real asshole move. Are you sure you’re not Truth Teller in disguise?

  11. Von Cracker says:

    I’m classy like Freddie Blassie!

    Keep tellin yerself we did the ‘right thing’. Rationalization is a bitch!

  12. anon says:

    Scott Ritter, WMD inspector said, “they got all the wmd”, and what little was left had no shelf life. Global Systems can read a car tag from space, if they had tried to move them they would have seen them. Rummy, “we know where they are”, they all lied and no our intell agencies couldn’t and wouldn’t back up the Bush intel. Cheney went to the CIA many times to get them “to find something”. Ray McGovern (who was here at Pacem) a veteran CIA for 4 presidents said, “there were no WMD and they all knew it”. Many of the veteran intell people resigned rather than lie to the american people”, they are the true heros.

    Bush sent in his own man Butler who came back after 6 months and said, “there are no WMD, WE WERE ALL WRONG”. All those troops there for 6 years, and still didn’t find anything, they lied and millions have died.

    Sadaam was surrounded and boxed in with no fly zones. The republican plan “Project for a New American Century” laid out all their details of the american hegemony in the middle east. It was a war for lies, its was an invasion/occupation that is in violation of international law.

    I can’t believe there are still people who believe after the republicans themselves said, “they were wrong”, their are some who can’t believe their own party. So why are we still there the same reason we went in…for their oil.

    Its incredible the same liars who sold us the wars, destroyed the treasury, got millions of innocents killed, uprooted and destroyed hundreds of thousands of families, didnt protect the troops while there or after they came home, are the same republicans trying to come through the back door as “reformers” and change agents.

  13. mike w. says:

    Do you really think we’re there to because of US hegemony in the region and oil?
    If we were acutally imperialists we would have invaded the country with no regard for Iraqi citizens, we wouldn’t be re-building infrastructure and helping people and we’d simply steal all of their oil rather than pay them for it.

  14. anon says:

    Surge was a tactic not a plan!

  15. mike w. says:

    And a tactic is not a plan?