Shouldn’t they be dancing around Snakes too?

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008

Sarah Palin’s Churches and The Third Wave from Bruce Wilson on Vimeo.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Sharon says:

    I really do hope y’all keep putting up stuff like this because it’s very important for the electorate to see how the Democrats actually feel about religious freedom.

    I had to compare what you have on your video with what Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright said. The video from Sarah Palin’s church shows people excited and dedicated to their religious faith, who want to go out and spread that to others. Jeremiah Wright, OTOH, was spending his time in the pulpit running down the U.S. and telling us that white people are racists. That’s quite a contrast. Thanks!

  2. delawaredem says:

    Sharon, you have really become ridiculous. She are almost as bad a liar as McCain is now. We are not attacking Religious freedom. We are making fun of Palin’s religion. She is free to worship that way, but we are still free to laugh at her and her comrades.

  3. pandora says:

    I think that video was one of the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Sharon – I have no problem with religious freedom. I do have a problem with electing someone to be VP when she is cavorting with people who are clearly mentally ill.

    Does she believe this as well? It appears she does. Hey, she is entitled to believe things that aren’t true, that’s just fine. But don’t expect people not to draw attention to it.

    As far as Obama and Wright, I didn’t like that either. That point is taken. But there are degrees of irrationality, no? Obama’s I can live with, the hot mess catalogued in the video… not so much.

  5. cassandra m says:

    Let’s remember that Palin tapped folks from her church for his Governor’s administration.

    Congress and Bush went on about the Terry Schiavo business because of this kind of thing.

  6. I’m taking clips from this video and will be broadcasting some this afternoon. Stay tuned!

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    If you’ll allow me, upon reflection I would like to alter my previous comment. There are not “degrees of irrationality”. Illogical is illogical and absurd is absurd. But the impact could possibly be more dangerous. A child believing in Santa Claus is equally as unfounded as this church of god foolishness, but the latter is certainly more perilous than the former.

  8. David says:

    Sharon is absolutely right. Now why is it that people of faith feel unwelcome in Liberal circles again? Could it be we are? Democrats are determined to lose an election they should be poised to win. Senator Obama will likely lose not because of his own failings, but because of his supporters. He has run a smart, tolerant campaign. It is those who support him, who will cost him.

    Keep it up. Every post you make equals more votes and volunteers for the GOP.

  9. Disbelief says:

    “I can see Russia from my house!”

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    • I love that GOP smug line, “keep it up”. So fucking glib. Yeah, you know, you may be right. The Democrats are better at truth than winning elections. Like McCain’s strategist said, it’s not about issues, it’s about personalities. How incredibly cynical!

    Politics is about fooling stupid people, not about who is right. You are absolutely disgusting.

  11. pandora says:

    DG, you are absolutely correct. Example: Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy know Palin is a horrible VP choice, but praised her on every political talk show… until they got caught speaking the truth.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Pandora, and at that moment they became part of the liberal media… 🙂

    David – I think you are being a little disingenuous when you embrace Palin’s church’s method of worship. I have been to a number of churches (even evangelical churches) and have never seen anything like this. If Obama’s church would have been doing things this far out of the mainstream, the media would be all over it.

    If Americans saw a similar scene about “spreading the word” and “starting a fire” coming out of a mosque in Iran, this would be hailed as an example of the jihad that the Islamofascists have been planning.

    Be honest, be fair. This is not mainstream, and to suggest that it is, is a lie.

  13. Dorian Gray says:

    You know, Pandora, I can almost accept some hayseed Christian rube from Nebraska being hoodwinked by this line of “reasoning”. It is the people who I am certain are smart enough to know better. These people are complicit in the degradation of the American intellect.

    Bill Kristol, Peggy Noonan, David Brooks, et al. all know we evolved from apes. They all know that religion is a quaint metaphor and simply social tradition (and not real). They all know that this nation was founded by east coast elites who were students of the European Enlightenment. Now we have to pretend that “real” Americans are small town, Christian, hockey moms.

    I think I am losing my mind.

  14. liz says:

    When I was 14 my girlfriend whose family were Pentecostal invited me to a church meeting. After about 15 minutes into their “meeting” I became paralyzed in fear. They actually brought out several snakes and women/children were handling them. I had a horrible fear of snakes and was unable to even get out of my seat.

    My friend saw the fear on my face and told me “oh there so cute they won’t bite”. They only bite “bad people”.

    This is not about religious freedom this is about religious lunacy. Palin in front of her church members telling parishoners how to vote is in opposition to the separation of church and state under our Consitution.

    Charlie Gibson was selected by the McCain campaign to interview her because he is a big supporter of the “dog races” in Alaska. Statistics prove those dogs are run to death, die on the trail and treated most inhumanely. The woman has no compassion for any animals, killing wolves and bears out of helicopters.

    We need to see immediately John McCains medical records. Why is he refusing to deliver them. This woman would be a heart beat away from Commander in Chief. My question is what is McCain hiding in his medical records?

  15. Von Cracker says:

    I praise Jeebus by smoking copious amounts of cannabis. So there!

    To me, there’s no difference between these exuberant wishful thinkers and the ones who show up at St. Anthony’s on Sundays.

    Both think that since we are human, we are so extra-special. Do other animals with 90%+ of our genome go to heaven too?

  16. Von Cracker says:

    And David, thank you so very much for your concern! That’s so special of you!!!!

    Keep it up!!!

  17. pandora says:

    DG, we can lose our minds together. I finally watched Bill Maher last night and he was begging John Fund to be honest about the Palin pick… to no avail. Guess we’ll have to wait for another “unguarded” moment to get the truth out of Fund.

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    Misery loves company.

  19. pandora says:

    Chin up, DG. I found some good news.

    Conservatives turn on McCain/Palin.

  20. Truth teller says:

    Oh yes Sharon wasn’t it in her church that a preacher stated during a sermon that the Jews deserved by the grace of God to have terrorist attacks on them because they failed to believe in Jesus Christ. I would prefer them to dance with snakes then to believe that crap. Also Sarah was present did not protest or leave her pew just sat there in agreement. I sure HOPE FLORIDA is watching.

  21. Sharon says:

    I disagree with you that Obama will lose because of his supporters, although I don’t think they help. Obama will lose because he isn’t the best candidate for the job. That’s it. Democrats, playing identity politics, picked him because they liked the fact that he was new and different. They didn’t bother worrying about what he’d actually done in his life, so they’ve had to defend all sorts of bad behavior (particularly towards Hillary Clinton) that they would excoriate Republicans for.

    Admittedly, the religious intolerance of the Democrat Party has been obvious for a long time now, as this thread shows. The condescension about Palin’s religion–comparing it to Islamic extremists–and the general disdain for religious people–the comments regarding the “extra special people”–are a large part of the reason that most religious folks don’t vote Democrat, even if they might agree with Democrats on other issues.

    I’ve been to fundamentalist services and they weren’t for me. I’m not all into high church, either. But I don’t feel required to call people who disagree with me about God “crazy” and “irrational.” But, here again, this is Delaware Liberal, after all.

    BTW, for those who can’t tell the difference between people excited at the idea of telling people about Jesus and radical Muslims who want to obliterate Israel and call the U.S. “the great Satan,” I have 2 words for you: suicide bombers. Any suicide bomber talk in the church service you watched? I didn’t see any.

    And Sarah Palin did not, in fact, get up and tell people how to vote. But that behavior is quite common in black churches. I’m waiting for the DL post, complete with video, mocking black churches for their worship style and denouncing them for endorsing certain candidates over others.

    You guys are absolute fools if you think mocking someone’s religion is going to get Barack Obama elected.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    OOOOOOOhhhh – “Democrat Party” – How biting and clever!!!

    Dems playing Identity Politics? Ha! that’s rich and creamy!

    And your Christians are better since they don’t blow people up is simply laughable and proves that you, Sharon, are a stupid, stooopid person.

    Go tell that to Sinn Fein, you blathering idiot! And that was against their ‘own’, just not the ‘right kind’ of own….

    Keep on praying; I don’t care. But if your prayers creep into public policy and laws, then yes, we’re going to the mat.

  23. liberalgeek says:

    Sharon – you do understand that one of the reasons that we don’t have suicide bombers is because we are the superior force? If America were invaded by a foreign, Islamic power, you can bet your ass that these churches would be doing suicide missions. And you know what, we would lionize (or maybe canonize) the martyrs.

    It’s all the same, only the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

  24. Dorian Gray says:

    I mock religion because it is an inane myth. What it may or may not mean for Obama’s election, I couldn’t care less. That’s the different between you and me. I’m honest. You just want to win.

    Oh, and I mock all followers. There are many DE Lib contributors who are religious. I find them just as silly. (Sorry, I do.)

    I love that Palin’s church is sponsoring a group that attempts to “heal” (convert?) homosexuals. Yea, Sharon, we shouldn’t ridicule that. That’s prefectly sane…

  25. cassandra_m says:

    Anybody supporting Sarah Palin has no business accusing anybody of identity politics.

  26. JohnnyX says:

    I’m with Dorian Gray on this one. If you insist on being religious, go for it. I don’t care which type suckers you in, whether it’s the magic gold plate Mormons or the Islamic jihadists or the Wasilla wackjobs or whoever. I have no desire to prevent anyone from following any religion, though in my opinion they’re all equally silly. That said, if you’re going to buy into the silliness hook line and sinker and start doing off the wall shit like in this video (or far worse like suicide bombings…) then don’t expect me to not at the very least poke fun at you and at the worst condemn you for the things you’ve done in the name of some nonexistent magical skybeing.

  27. Sharon says:

    Dems playing Identity Politics? Ha! that’s rich and creamy!

    But that’s precisely what you do. Everyone has to be categorized precisely by race, ethnicity, religion, and sex. Why not be honest? You picked Obama, not because of any policies, because there isn’t a hair’s breadth of difference between him and Hillary Clinton, but because (a) you hate Hillary and (b) you figured it would be really cool to elect the first black president. I say that because more than half the time, for the first 6 months of the campaign, that’s about all that was being said (or intimated). Now you’re all pissed off because the Republicans did you one better and have a woman on their ticket and it’s splitting off some of those “let’s make history” voters (hey, I’ve told people that when they talk about making history).

    The Democrat Party is all about identity politics. It’s not like I’m saying something you don’t know. That’s why your primary process was so screwed up. That’s why your conventions are carefully orchestrated because you have to make sure you have enough of every identifiable group. Or isn’t that why you do it that way?

    And your Christians are better since they don’t blow people up is simply laughable and proves that you, Sharon, are a stupid, stooopid person.

    Well, my point wasn’t merely that Christians don’t blow themselves up. Mainly, I was pointing out that American Christians don’t do this, which is why it is so obvious and offensive every time you try to equate Christian = Islamic terrorist.

    You won’t see me defending Sinn Fein, but that wasn’t merely a Catholic-Protestant thing, although that was about half the problem. Damn, you need a history lesson, as well?

    Sharon – you do understand that one of the reasons that we don’t have suicide bombers is because we are the superior force? If America were invaded by a foreign, Islamic power, you can bet your ass that these churches would be doing suicide missions.

    Given it’s your hypothetical, you can create Christian suicide bombers out of thin air. But I doubt this would happen anyway because there isn’t any history backing this argument. Heck, the video you showed doesn’t even contain the usual talking points about Dominionists and crap like that. You might as well go pick on the Amish. It makes about as much sense.

    I mock religion because it is an inane myth. What it may or may not mean for Obama’s election, I couldn’t care less. That’s the different between you and me. I’m honest. You just want to win.

    Well, not that’s not really the difference. Your behavior shows an amazing intolerance, while mine just points out that your behavior drives voters (and probably anyone else) away.

    I’m not simply about winning the election. Barring something catastrophic, that case is closed. But for all the snotty “Of course we tolerate different religions!” arguments that float here occasionally, this post and thread just prove that’s a big, fat lie.

    I’m still waiting for the post mocking Obama’s church.

  28. Sharon says:

    Anybody supporting Sarah Palin has no business accusing anybody of identity politics.

    Says a member of the Identy Politics party.

  29. Von Cracker says:

    “BTW, for those who can’t tell the difference between people excited at the idea of telling people about Jesus and radical Muslims who want to obliterate Israel and call the U.S. “the great Satan,” I have 2 words for you: suicide bombers. Any suicide bomber talk in the church service you watched? I didn’t see any.”

    Hummm….I don’t see any reference here to American Christians. Sorry, I’m many things, but a mind-reader isn’t one of them!

    Nice try at defecting your douchebaggery. Didn’t work. And, of course the N. Ireland thing was more than just religion. I didn’t say otherwise, you moron. Just plain ‘ol occupation by a foreign force will cause such a reaction that you think only muslims are capable of doing….

    Come on now, admit it! You think you’re just so extra-special because you came out of an American-christian vagina! Right?

  30. Dorian Gray says:

    #1 I said Obama’s religion is just as stupid as Palin’s brand. Palin’s is simple more dangerous. Read my fucking post lady. So I’m not a liar. I am many things but I am not that. (See comment #4)

    #2 I never said I was tolerant of immature stupidity. Nor do I feel the need to be. I am tolerance of neither alchemists nor astrologers as well, in case you are wondering.

    Stop trying to defend it.

  31. Von Cracker says:

    “There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch.”

    – Nigel Powers

  32. anon3 says:

    Aaaaah but Christians do blow people up. Blew up over 1.6 million in Iraq, killed 2 million in Vietnam, and conditions in Afganistan are getting worse everyday. We have the Christian Army don’tcha know. Onward Christian soldiers and all that horse pucky. What we really have is the United States military being used by Corporate America to commit wars against anyone who just happens to have oil.

    They hypocrisy is mindless.