Elite? you decide

Filed in National by on September 21, 2008

NEWSWEEK looked into the candidates’ cars. And based on public vehicle-registration records, here’s the score. John and Cindy McCain: 13. Barack and Michelle Obama: one.

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    Thirteen cars?????

    Are you kidding me? Who needs – or even wants – 13 cars?

  2. pandora says:

    I rest my case.

  3. jason330 says:

    People would rather watch a football game with Obama. That is good sign that this idiotic GOP elitist meme is not taking hold.

  4. Tom S. says:

    The Obama’s don’t have a car……..?

    How does that work?

  5. 1 dumb ass…

    typical, a gop’r can’t read 🙂

  6. DPN says:

    How many cars do you have?

    1, plus another we’re paying off.

  7. JohnnyX says:

    Personally my wife and I don’t own any cars – Ford Credit and Chrysler Financial do. Someday they’ll actually be ours – and on that day I fully expect them to break down.

  8. DPN says:

    JohnnyX, what the hell are you buying American for? 🙂

    I’ll wait till the US gov’t retools Detroit, then I’ll switch.

  9. JohnnyX says:

    Well believe me, the Chrysler (wife’s car) was bought before we were married – needless to say now that I have a choice in the matter we will never buy one again.

    The Ford is mine and is a Focus which I bought used because it was rated quite well in Consumer Reports. I suppose I could’ve gotten a Civic that’s a couple years older with a bunch more mileage for the same price but that just didn’t make sense to me.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    McCain has a least one car for every house.

  11. pandora says:

    LOL! Good catch, UI!

  12. G Rex says:

    Is Joe Biden still taking the train to work?

  13. mike w. says:

    “Is Joe Biden still taking the train to work?”

    Probably, and he’s been doing it at the taxpayers expense all these years.

  14. Mike,

    Don’t all Senators and Reps. have their transportation paid for by the taxpayers when going to and from Washington (even the ones who live there pretty much year round)? I could be wrong.

  15. Linoge says:

    Elite to own that many cars? No. Unnecessary? Probably. Every person has his hobby, and if that is how McCain decides to spend his money, more power to him.

  16. X Stryker says:

    Every 4 years we’ll get a brand new definition of what makes someone elite by the GOP. And every single one of them will apply to the conservative movement’s messiah, William F. Buckley.

  17. pandora says:

    LOL, X! Too true.

    And let’s not forget Christopher Hitchens!

  18. HOBBY?


    MCCain’s hobby?

    HOBBY? owning 13 cars is his HOBBY? but not Elite?

    I assume the countless pieces of art that decorate his multiple houses are a hobby too?

    AS if a hobby can’t be elite.

    Pathetic Linoge, truly pathetic.

  19. feces throwing monkey says:

    Someone did the math. It would cost over $750 dollars to gas up McCains fleet of cars once.

    The average renter in this country pays $750 per month.

  20. Linoge says:

    Nowhere did I say “hobby” and “elite” were mutually exclusive. Thanks for playing, though.

    I simply do not find him owning 13 cars to be indicative of “eliteness” (31337ness!). All depends on your definitions (and your sense of martyrism) I suppose.

  21. uh ok. Black is white and white is black. You go ahead a define elitism for me and I will just agree to whatever you want it to be today.

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    Well Hef–How about a 3rd floor master suite that Pandora’s redoing?

    No offense Pandora–but I was kinda hoping when this all shakes out, my family moves into your suite, we pay the 750 average rent so you can continue renovations…and it’s a win–win–win all around. It would be transitional housing, before the tent….and you wouldn’t have to let the floor man go….think about it…and no government agency involved!!!!

  23. pandora says:

    Psst, Joanne… the floor man is Mr. Pandora.

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    Well like I said..you wouldn’t have to let him go!

  25. pandora says:

    I just pulled the Home Depot card!

  26. mike w. says:

    “I simply do not find him owning 13 cars to be indicative of “eliteness””

    Agreed. I’m a huge car guy. If I had the money to own 13 cars I would.

  27. and if you had the money you would be elite….

  28. mike w. says:

    Biden is elite then too right? Particularly given that he has quite a bit of money, a huge house, and gives almost nothing to charity.

  29. based on your ad hominem arguement, I will go ahead and assume that you think McCain is elite since I feel that Biden is elite.

    fish in a barrel.

  30. liberalgeek says:

    Ummm. Except that he’s not. He is like the 2nd least wealthy Senator. OpenSecrets has the breakdown. He has paid a good deal of money to put his kids through school, so he doesn’t really have that much in the way of wealth. I’d link it, but I gotta get out of here and go to MNF.