For those of you that care…

Filed in National by on September 28, 2008

It looks like Bush told Gonzo to go to Ashcroft’s bed that night.

Which is pretty significant. One of the succesful things to have come out of this Administration is Dick Cheney’s ability to apply his “lesson learned” from the Nixon Administration. Which is, keep the President away from as much as you can to protect him when the shit hits the fan.

It will be interesting to see how much spying was done on American Citizens and for how long it was being done illegally. Hopefully, when Obama wins, we will get the answers much faster and punish the guilty that violated our civil liberties.

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hiding in the open

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    This is chilling:
    Ultimately, confronted with the possible resignations of his own top aides, Bush backed down. The president agreed to address the concerns of the Justice Department and to make significant changes in the program so that it would be conducted within the law. But the president did not do so without first defiantly telling Comey, “I decide what the law is for the executive branch.”

    I have no words.

    But don’t count on an Obama administration to do much looking back at the non-stop bad behavior of BushCo.

  2. there are so many places to turn too and persue illegal activity it is mind numbing

  3. edisonkitty says:

    I read this and had a chilling thought. After 8 years of this, I am beginning to think like these people. My first thought? This information is being released to try to distract the media narrative, even if only for a few days. McCain is sliding in the polls. Obama is gaining in the polls. There is the VP debate this week. The economic bailout package is on everyone’s mind, and the taxpayers are angry. This “revelation” might get the pundits to talk about something else. Faux outrage for all. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! How bad is it if we are getting news of an impeachable offense, complete with corraborating evidence, and it’s just another gamble to try to turn the tide on the election; just one more desperate clutch for power?