Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue — Update on Camp Obama

Amy on the Camp Obama thread comes back to update us on this weekend’s activities at Delaware’s Camp Obama:

I attended yesterday’s training Camp Obama training session. It’s not too late! This coming weekend is a registration drive for Pa. and Va., both states that Delawareans can be of help with. Delawareans are in a unique position to help in two critical swing states.

The DE beaches group is going to Va. Go to and join your local group. The Wilmington and Newark groups are going to Pa this weekend.

If you can’t do anything else, the clock is definitely ticking for voter registrations. Please contact your local group and offer to help!

I thought the same thing about the lack of signs – I love yard signs!

Yesterday, it was explained that in this campaign, people are the signs. Direct voter to voter contact is important. Most of us are not thrilled about knocking on stranger’s doors or making phone calls, and I like you, don’t know where to find any extra time, but this is important! Ask everyone you know if they are registered to vote AND if they are voting.

My husband and twelve-year-old daughter went knocking on doors in Kennet Square, Pa. yesterday. It’s a conservative area much like parts of DE. People there, like here, need to feel solidarity with other Obama-Biden voters. It empowers us.

Don’t be discouraged. Do what you can so we can all share in the victory on Nov. 5th.

Thanks Amy! We really appreciate the update and your work. So get out there De Liberal readers! There are plenty of opportunities to work for Obama in the next month or so.

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