Archive for September, 2008


Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 3 Comments

tribal rythms move me close your eyes don’t watch me feel the numbness over whelm you then feel nothing your limbs burn from the inactivity being static hurts why did money have to be invented? I want to be me if you watch I can’t being me is hard I’ll be your huckleberry  

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Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 21 Comments

Who won the debate? What line stuck with you?

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Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 15 Comments

For those of you not watching the debate.  Here is the question: Once a woman becomes a wife, is there a secret class they are whisked away too, that teaches them to move your shit somewhere?  And when you ask where “said shit” is, they are programmed to say, “I don’t know” which leaves you […]

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Join us for the Debate Liveblog

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 2 Comments

Click on the link in the menu above.

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Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 1 Comment

[youtube][/youtube] nahhh,nothing sexist here. 

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Because they asked me to

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 2 Comments

banging my head trying to get off sitting in a circle listening to the echoes everyone is funnny wine is flowing prostate is growing feeling mellow head is like jello economy is tanking party is just cranking

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Pre-Debate Predictions Thread

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 27 Comments

Expectations for McCain have to be pretty low given his horrible, terrible week. Expectations for Obama, of course, are always sky high. So how does it play out? I say Obama plays it tight. He does not want to make a mistake as the McCain campaign implodes on its own. Obama will take the high […]

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UPDATED IX: $1,640 Raised FOR Rebecca Young !!!!

Filed in Delaware by on September 26, 2008 32 Comments

AWESOME!!! Netroots activism rocks! Frieda Berryhill put us over the top. Now make sure you follow up and send those checks. Your donations will help the 22nd RD Dems elect a great Democrat.

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The All Knowing, All Seeing John McCain Campaign

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 17 Comments
The All Knowing, All Seeing John McCain Campaign

Direct pickup from a Devil’s Tower Diary at Kos: Barack Obama might as well go back to his suspiciously unsuspended campaign, because John McCain has already won tonight’s debate. “McCain Wins Debate!” declares the ad which features a headshot of a smiling McCain with an American flag background. Another ad spotted by our eagle-eyed observer […]

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And While You Weren’t Looking

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 1 Comment

The House has passed a $25 billion loan guarantee scheme for the Auto industry. And the Senate seems poised to agree to this too. Senator Carl Levin notes that there will be another round of these low-interest loans early next year. A spokesman for the German car industry has this piece of magic to contribute: […]

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The Irony is Amazing if you think about it….

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 39 Comments
The Irony is Amazing if you think about it….

Almost exactly 7 years later, he let it happen to our Country again.  But it wasn’t a Mushroom Cloud or a few Saudi’s with Box Cutters.  It was people in our own country, with wallets that weren’t fat enough. “I like to tell people when the final history is written — my point is, there’s […]

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Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 28 Comments

Imagine George Bush cancels the 2008 elections for “security” reasons. Would Republicans put down their partisanship to join Democrats and independents in protesting that action through a general strike?

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Leadership involves more than just showing up (or not showing up)

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 6 Comments

McCain swooped into Washington yesterday in the name of “Country First”.  Now, I’m not sure I’m for the bailout or against it, but guess what?  Neither is McCain.  Seriously, where does he stand on this bailout?  What is his plan? A statement from the campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.: “At today’s Cabinet meeting, John […]

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