Archive for September, 2008

Bailout or No Bailout?

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 29 Comments

I get the sense that opinions on any kind of bailout, or rescue plan, of Wall Street run the gamit around here, whether you are a Republican or Democrat, whether you are a liberal, moderate or conservative.    It is much like the immigration issue, where there really was never any unified Democratic v. Republican stance […]

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Lee is feeling burned

Filed in Delaware by on September 26, 2008 13 Comments

NBC 10 is out with its own poll on Delaware’s gubernatorial race this morning, and its findings confirm the SurveyUSA and FDU/PM polls also released this week.  Markell 64%, Lee 29%   (703 LV) The above linked News Journal article makes the point that Lee has come back from being down in the polls before.  In […]

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Top 10 REAL Reasons McCain Wants to Skip the Debate

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 17 Comments

This thread suggested by a loyal reader (not sure yet if he wants the credit) and starts the reasons: 10.  I have to wax all 13 cars that night. 9.   I found a set of house keys, and I have to try them out in each of my 8 to 12 houses. 8.   9/11 7.   […]

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Filed in National by on September 26, 2008 4 Comments

So how stupid do you Bush voter’s feel now?  War on Terror…Mushroom Cloud….Shoe Bomber…Dirty Bombs…Gay Marriage….Privatize Social Security…Illegal Immigration…Border Fence….Drill, Drill, Drill….

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Because I can

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 1 Comment

I stand and feel it the waves want to crash on me total blackness no clouds at night see the moon see the stars who’s there? can you hear me? Who am I?  what am I supposed to do? why are humans so evil at times?  

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Perspective on this one?

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 12 Comments

I need some perspective here. 1. Why is what the Dems doing right? Right for the country? Right for me? Why are they trusting Bush and a guy that ran Goldman Sachs and was appointed by Bush? 2. Why is it that the Republicans are the ones saying we shouldn’t be bailing Wall St out? […]

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Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 4 Comments

Tomorrow is going to be a bad day on Wall Street.   A week ago, on Monday and Tuesday of last week, it was noted somewhere (and I can’t remember where) that the market was 500 trades away from a 4,000 point loss.   That is a massive crash. The market rose today on optimism about a […]

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Deep Thought

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 5 Comments

McCain doesn’t campaign like I don’t blog.

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McCain Has Not Suspended His Campaign

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 2 Comments

And Jeffrey Toobin calls Bullshit on the media nonsense of the day: [youtube][/youtube] Good for him.  I wrote NPR for being bamboozled by this earlier today.  This campaign is not suspended if your VP nominee is campaigning at Ground Zero, if you are appearing at scheduled events in the morning, and showing up on all […]

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McCain’s Last Minute Deal Breaking Plan (UPDATED)

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 24 Comments

For 26 years, John McCain was a deregulator.   When it became obvious that deregulation was in part or mostly responsible for the money market meltdown, last week John McCain revised history and became the universe’s greatest regulator and champion for the working people.   And now, at the least minute, when a bipartisan deal was imminent, […]

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Oi Vey

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 5 Comments

Some interesting new data from the AJC. Critical: Regarding the vice-presidential candidates, 73 percent of American Jews “approve” of Obama’s selection of Sen. Joseph Biden as his running mate, 15 percent “disapprove,” and 13 percent are “not sure.” In contrast, 54 percent of American Jews “disapprove” of McCain’s selection of Gov. Sarah Palin as his […]

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I’m curious

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 7 Comments

If McCain doesn’t attend the debate tomorrow what will he be doing instead?  For that matter, what is he doing tonight?

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Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 16 Comments

**Warning**  You may actually feel sorry for her after watching this.

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