Huge Obama Leads in Battleground

Filed in National by on October 1, 2008

From Quinnipiac University poll:

FLORIDA: Obama 51, McCain 43

OHIO: Obama 50, McCain 42

PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 54, McCain 39

According to the internals, these polls were conducted entirely after the debate last Friday, on September 27-29.  The margin of error is 3.4%, which is standard  Now, given that polls taken on weekend tend to skew more towards Republicans (just because we Democrats have lives and are out doing stuff), the lead for Obama may be even larger.  The polls were also taken on Monday, the day of the bailout failure and stock market collapse, so maybe that gave Obama too much of a bounce.   Either way, I like these numbers. 

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  1. jason330 says:

    Headline: McCain to suspend campaign in protest over bad poll results

  2. pandora says:

    Chuck Todd referenced a poll on new voters. Obama was beating McCain (approx. 2 to 1).

    And, Jason, your headline might not be too far off. There’s another stunt on the horizon. I can feel it in my bones.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    What’s the worst that can happen ???McSame takes ill Sarah takes over.

    We would then be governed by a Dip Shit.

    Wait a minute don’t we already have one in the WHITE HOUSE????

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    “given that polls taken on weekend tend to skew more towards Republicans (just because we Democrats have lives and are out doing stuff),”

    HA! It’s funny because it’s true! 🙂

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Those numbers are pretty incredible. I’m skeptical, though.

  6. vyllyness says:

    ACORN. vote early – vote often…. yeah, you guys got it sewn up.. because of the despicable practices. All I can say is that you will reap what you sow…

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Time/CNN battleground polls are confirming these results:

    FLORIDA: Obama 51, McCain 47
    MINNESOTA: Obama 54, McCain 43
    MISSOURI: Obama 49, McCain 48
    NEVADA: Obama 51, McCain 47
    VIRGINIA: Obama 53, McCain 44