Open Thread 10/01

Filed in National by on October 1, 2008

Let’s give this a try on this most beautiful first day of October.

Thomas Friedman on our broken government.
Workforce Housing bill to be suspended?
Phillis v. Brewers.
Bill Maher pitching his new movie about that crazy thing called religion here and here.
Michael Gerson on why our broken government is scarier than bank failures.

Any ideas or comments you may have that don’t fit anywhere else, post them here. Links to articles or videos that you think the DL community might find interesting, post them here.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (7)

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  1. nemski says:

    Phillies will beat the Brewers but lose in the next round.

  2. jason330 says:

    William Bell and Bill Powers know that their political careers hang in the balance.

  3. anonone says:

    “If I were dictator, which I always aspire to be.”

    John McInsane

    Said with an absolute straight face at 36 seconds into “Economic Bill Failure” video. Why do repubs hate freedom?

  4. anonone says:

    “If I were dictator, which I always aspire to be.”
    John McCain, September 30, 2008

    Why do repubs hate freedom?

    See at about 36 seconds of the “Economic Bill Failure” video here:

  5. RSmitty says:

    Jason – read that entire article. Bell all but admits he will bring up the stay because he was beaten down into doing it. He then goes on to BLAME Cathcart and Lofink for getting involved at all. At least (and I do mean the least Bell has done so far) was admit that his constituents have valid points (yet he’s pissed about it), but look what Penrose Hollins has to say about those legitimate points Bell points out. Councilman-at-large Hollins says they are NOT legitimate.

    That whole council is an ILlegitimate piece of shit, top to bottom. Pompous asses!!!

  6. Nancy Willing says:

    RSmitty is on the money. This council and executive like the ordinance.

  7. RSmitty says:

    The key to that article is to read it all the way through and not skim it. The headline and first few paragraphs are OK for Bell, then the truthfulness of their attitudes towards their constituents comes out loud and clear. Unfortunately, in the dead-tree version, all that happens after the jump.