Delaware Liberal

troll fyi

so, today, I plan on carrying out the same punishment for our resident troll as I did last night.  mike w. will answer questions posed to him to by me or any other Del Lib contributor. 

Any comment he makes that does not answer my question, attacks my readers or tries to be cutesy-wutsey will get deleted.  Hopefully by the end of the day, Mike W. will learn how to treat our readers and engage in a decent debate  once in a while. The occasional ad-hominem is ok, even the occasional Redproud comment is tolerable, but this has to end and I plan on doing it.

I need a little practice dealing with infants so I figured I would practice on someone elses child.  Mike is now my surrogate son for the day.  I will be leading him around on a lanyard all day. Please ignore him.  Much like the kid that throws a fit in the cereal aisle of Super G.  This needs to be done. 

So for the remainder of the day, do not engage Mike w.  If you feel the need to engage him. leave your comments in this thread. do not engage him in any other post please.  I will also delete any rebuttal he will make, so you can make all the comments you want in here and not worry about reading his comments. 

and so it begins…

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