troll fyi

Filed in National by on October 7, 2008

so, today, I plan on carrying out the same punishment for our resident troll as I did last night.  mike w. will answer questions posed to him to by me or any other Del Lib contributor. 

Any comment he makes that does not answer my question, attacks my readers or tries to be cutesy-wutsey will get deleted.  Hopefully by the end of the day, Mike W. will learn how to treat our readers and engage in a decent debate  once in a while. The occasional ad-hominem is ok, even the occasional Redproud comment is tolerable, but this has to end and I plan on doing it.

I need a little practice dealing with infants so I figured I would practice on someone elses child.  Mike is now my surrogate son for the day.  I will be leading him around on a lanyard all day. Please ignore him.  Much like the kid that throws a fit in the cereal aisle of Super G.  This needs to be done. 

So for the remainder of the day, do not engage Mike w.  If you feel the need to engage him. leave your comments in this thread. do not engage him in any other post please.  I will also delete any rebuttal he will make, so you can make all the comments you want in here and not worry about reading his comments. 

and so it begins…

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hiding in the open

Comments (49)

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  1. pandora says:

    You are a man with a mission. However, this needs to be done. It’s past the point of disruption.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Agree pandora. I’m all for free speech, but I want to be able to have a discussion. Several recent threads have just devolved into something unreadable.

  3. Donsquishy says:

    i’m a man with about 10 hours of sleep over the past 96 hours too

  4. feces throwing monkey says:

    I throw feces at this troll’s moronic claims to be making “arguments.”

  5. pandora says:

    Let us know if you need a break and want us to man the delete button. 😉

  6. anonone says:

    Donsquishy, I hope you’re grumpy! (In a pleasant sort of way, of course.)

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    w00t! Obama’s up to 88.5% on!

  8. Donsquishy says:


    you betcha

  9. pandora says:

    UI, obviously we are two of the 5 “sick” votes in the DL poll. I love Nate!

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    OK – Consider him ignored. (You know this it difficult for me. Expletive laced personal insults, oh how I enjoy them so.)

  11. Donsquishy says:

    lol you can still call him names…he just can’t reply to you…go ahead belt out a few!

    think like the terrets (sp?) in Duece Bigalo

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    Great. I was wondering if I could still engage and insult that fucking piece of shit swine bastard Linoge. Because he’s a chicken cunt wanker.

    I’ll take that as a yes.

  13. Donsquishy says:

    chicken have c’s?

    who knew…

    my step dad alway’s calls my kid’s turkey lips….I wonder what he means now that I think of it.

  14. Linoge says:

    An echo chamber is what you sad, pathetic individuals here have always wanted, and an echo chamber is what you children will have.

    The funny thing is that all I really ask out of anyone is consistency, and yet you collectively fail on that count on a daily, if not hourly basis. The hypocrisy at this site flows freer than piss, and this post, and everything circling about it, is a shining, glorious example of its continuance.

    As such, much to your collective glee, I wash my hands of you and this site. I will help give you want you wanted all along – an uninterrupted circlejerk. Do, please, enjoy it.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    See ya! Don’t let the back door hit ya!


  16. Donsquishy says:


    sweet! one down

  17. Donsquishy says:

    .The funny thing is that all I really ask out of anyone is consistency, and yet you collectively fail on that count on a daily, if not hourly basis.

    kind of like the bush administration you support.

    you should like this site and defend us like crazy to the point of shouting Kill HIM

  18. pandora says:

    I don’t have a problem with honest debate. In fact, I think it makes us all better writers and debaters. I have learned a lot from people who comment here – not all who share my ideology. My problem has always been posters who hijack threads and spew talking points.

  19. Donsquishy says:

    nope…can’t troll on your own site dippy.

    back to the palin post…answer the questions little boy.

  20. Donsquishy says:

    nope it’s yours actually

  21. Dorian Gray says:

    I want the credit for running that prick out of town!

  22. Donsquishy says:


    and you can have a bowl of vc’s special ingredient to celebrate with

  23. Dorian Gray says:

    and boom goes the dynamite!

  24. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yep, pandora, I was one of the sick ones!

  25. Joanne Christian says:

    And it took having a baby to get you to this point? I’m all for free speech and guns..but why the inserted off topic correlation every stinkin’ post? I was ready probably in July, maybe earlier, and I don’t even own the joint. Bad houseguest he was–I did think he was getting better, and you guys were being just ultra tolerant watching him come around, abbreviate his posts, and even be more relative. I’m kind of surprised at this action now. So much for some Obama mentoring. Now you may have really hurt his chances. But it is your call.

  26. Donsquishy says:

    each case is a snowflake JC.

  27. Joanne Christian says:

    Won’t speak to the on-topic–but the off topic isn’t censored!!! That’s where you have it wrong-it’s just off topic. Censorship is about not permitting the thought, the word at all. It’s not about–Whoa, you’re in the wrong chapter of the book!! The comments crowded the subject matter of topic-that’s all. But like I said, I really thought you were doing better, and could address the header topic, instead of your own. Stick with it, and good luck to you.

  28. Joanne Christian says:

    DV-are you doing that?

  29. Donsquishy says:

    finish your homework troll

    then you can comment freely

  30. Donsquishy says:

    answer my questions troll…you know…the ones you won’t elaborate on and the one where you tried to compare Obama to Hitler…back to little boy

  31. Joanne Christian says:

    mike–he’s doing the best he can as your father in this blog–and if it’s his house he makes the rules. now let’s just all try to get along–Daddyviti has explained the rules, and if you don’t like them you can leave–and in your house you can make the rules, and never have Daddyviti over. Owner’s privilege, not visitor’s right. Not to be harsh-but can I be any clearer?

  32. Donsquishy says:

    you had me at daddyviti

    now….who’s your DADDYVITI!

    i LIKE IT!

  33. pandora says:

    This is so sad. I honestly can’t believe it’s still going on. Geez, DV, are you going to monitor DL while you live blog?

  34. Pudding says:

    Why would you rejoice in something you suck at?

  35. Pudding says:

    While the cat’s away…..

  36. pandora says:

    The cat obviously is back.

  37. Gelatinous Monk says:

    We want Mikey!

    We want Mikey!

    We want Mikey!

    We want Mikey!

  38. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Whew…..just in time!!!

  39. Gelatinous Monk says:

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

    We still want Mikey!

  40. cassandra_m says:

    This kind of post can be considered SPAM and is subject to deletion.

    Fair Warning.

  41. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

    Liberals using policy!!!!


  42. Gelatinous Monk says:

    I’ll be honest sweetie (Hey, Obama uses it….)

    I enjoy reading the way you respond to Mike W.

    So, you’re depriving us all of YOU as well as Mikey.

    Smell that one under the covers for awhile.

  43. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Damn, Mikey. I feel like I’m in a bad SciFi channel movie where we’re trapped in parallel dimensions and we almost get everything back in alignment, but then SNAP (err….delete) some heavy with a porn mustache shuts down the thingamajig, spouting off about policy and bureaucratic nonsense!!!!

  44. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Arrggggh….damn you porn mustache bureaucratic dude!!!!!

  45. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Where’s the large piece of tippy machinery when you need it?

    C’mon….you’ve seen those SciFi movies too…..

    Can’t you see DV as cattleprod guy in “Cat People”?

    Hey…that was Ed Begley Jr…….I just won liberal celebrity bingo!!!

  46. Gelatinous Monk says:

    What’s that Mikey?

    You’re breaking up….the transmission didn’t come through.






  47. Egads……the time space continuum is not only misaligned…’s EVAPORATING!!!!