New Delaware Voters Chose Democratic Party By 10 to 1 Margin

Filed in National by on October 8, 2008

Just hang it up Delaware Republicans. You suck and nobody likes you. Case closed.

VIA WBOC DOVER, Del.- New numbers released from Delaware’s Department of Elections show the Democratic Party is growing its lead over Republicans among registered voters.

According to registration numbers released by the Department of Elections, between July of this year and Oct. 1, more than 6,000 people switched their affiliation to Democrat or registered as Democrats.

Meanwhile, that same registration report shows Republicans only gained around 600 total voters state-wide.

That brings the total number of registered Republican to 180,078. As of Oct. 1, there are 270,387 registered Democrats.

BTW – thanks George Bush and Mike Castle. Heck of a job party building!!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (23)

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  1. Tom S. says:

    Yeah, that damned Republican Ruth-Ann administration and the Republican congress have really been fucking up. Delaware should totally swing harder to the left – that has been working for so many New England economies.

  2. jason330 says:

    At last we agree.

  3. jason330 says:

    to the adults out there I would say that the fact that 60% of Delaware voters are now Demcorats bodes ill for people like Donna Stone and Dick Cathcart.

    Just saying. There were plenty of chances for the Republicans to stand up to Bush, but they NEVER did it.

    Too bad for the Delaware Republicans. Too bad for America.

  4. anon says:

    Obligatory: Bush is a uniter.

  5. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Whatcha gonna do when there ain’t no Bush to kick around?

  6. Tom S. says:

    Just saying. There were plenty of chances for Democrats to stand up to Ruth-Ann, but they NEVER did it.

    Too bad for Delaware.

  7. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Definitely proves the GED is *not* equivalent…..

  8. anon says:

    There were plenty of chances for Democrats to stand up to Ruth-Ann, but they NEVER did it.

    What the hell do you think the Dem primary was about?

    When are you arch-conservatives going to primary Castle?

  9. Gelatinous Monk says:

    “What the hell do you think the Dem primary was about?”

    Blogging masterbation.

    “When are you arch-conservatives going to primary Castle?”

    I thought you said the Republican party was dead. Who would they have to primary in that case?

  10. jason330 says:

    Tom S has been pwned…..again….

  11. ..and again…discussing the Norm Coleman video on air now!!

  12. Tom S. says:

    “What the hell do you think the Dem primary was about?”

    Ruth-Ann was in that primary?! Damn. I need to get out more.

  13. FSP says:

    “What the hell do you think the Dem primary was about?”

    One guy with personal ambition and millions of dollars beating another guy with personal ambition and far less money.

  14. anon says:

    One guy with personal ambition and millions of dollars beating another guy with personal ambition and far less money.

    I have two words for you:

    Mitt Romney.

  15. RSmitty says:

    to the adults out there I would say that the fact that 60% of Delaware voters are now Demcorats bodes ill for people like Donna Stone and Dick Cathcart.

    Dude, look next to you in your bed in the morning and ask if registration makes a difference once that voting booth curtain closes.

    I’ll let all of your readers wonder what in the hell I am talking about. 😛

    BTW, I don’t think we will get a true-intent number again until the next primary season. I think a lot of switching happened for the primary, but there is no motivation to really switch back until it matters.

  16. Donsquishy says:

    Yeah, that damned Republican Ruth-Ann administration and the Republican congress have really been fucking up. Delaware should totally swing harder to the left – that has been working for so many New England economies.

    delaware is Left? or we are Dem’s?

    I drive by Wilmington all the time and it doesn’t look left to me. I drive by AZ on 202 and that doesn’t look left to me either.

    I drive through Middletown (used to take 10 seconds, now takes an hour) and that doesn’t spell left for me.

  17. Donsquishy says:

    I’ll let all of your readers wonder what in the hell I am talking about.


  18. RSmitty says:

    I drive through Middletown…

    and you just keep on driving, pal.

  19. Donsquishy says:

    that Mcdonald’s bag you saw the other day…

    was from me!

  20. Joanne Christian says:

    No RSmitty-let him gas up at WAWA–I want to see the baby!!!! Otherwise, pay that toll with a smile on your face, to come and visit!!!

  21. Donsquishy says:

    my son will not be infected with GOP germs. You can pull into my driveway. I will hold him up to the window for 15 seconds.

    nude so you can see a penis the way god intended it too

    that’s all you get

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    So which one’s nude?