McCain needs to man up or shut up

Filed in National by on October 9, 2008

Sometimes someone says exactly what you want to say… only better.

John Cole nails it.

John McCain is not man enough to own his shit. John McCain will not openly confront Obama with his smears and lies and innuendo. John McCain will not come out and talk about Ayers, he has to be asked. That is why he goes to places like Fox News, so he can be asked. What a coincidence.

John McCain is a coward. John McCain would rather hide behind his wife and Sarah Palin than say it himself. He would rather produce 2 minute ads that his campaign will never pay to air anywhere, and hope that the tire-swinging media will bring up the topic so he doesn’t have to do it himself.

John McCain just wants to throw shit out there, and “raise questions” about Obama, and hope his supporters connect the dots, because he is too much of a coward to directly push this toxic stew. He would rather hide behind right-wing bloggers, surrogates, and scummy websites staffed with wingnut welfare recipients like the NRO and the Weekly Standard.
John McCain had 90 minutes to bring this stuff up to Obama, to his face, and passed.
John McCain is a coward.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Josh Marshall also has a post with similar sentiments.

    McCain’s moral cowardice has been one of the subtexts of this campaign ever since he wound up the nomination and turned his attention to Barack Obama. But I did not realize it would reveal itself in such a physical dimension.

    The tell came this week as McCain unearthed the Ayers story which, for whatever its merits, was fully aired months ago and has no clear relation to the particulars of October other than McCain’s collapsing poll numbers. He’s on it. Palin’s on it. He’s releasing slashing new TV ads like this one. Both of them are ginning their crowds up into spiraling gyres of right-wing delirium — a ready-made Lord of the Flies (and let’s admit that’s a gentle allusion, given the tone of these barnburners) if Obama happened into one of the auditoriums at the wrong moment.

    He ever swaggered on for a couple days about how he was going to ‘take the gloves off’ when he met up with Obama in Nashville. But when the two of them were there in each others physical presence … nothing. By a myriad of gestures and reactions Obama owned him.

    Nor is it a matter of shifting off the tactics, because as soon as McCain made his hasty retreat from the stage at Debate #2 he was right back at it. In every other aspect of life, high and low, refined and unlovely, we have a word for that kind of behavior: cowardice.

  2. pandora says:

    John cites Josh post as well. Both are excellent.

  3. cassandra m says:

    John McCain is a coward, much like his angry mobs.

    There is a piece of a Charlie Gibson interview out today that shows Obama taunting McCain over this ever so lightly.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I hope this catches on in the media. Obama practically dared McCain to bring it up in the next debate. If our lizard brains really vote for who’s the manliest man, doesn’t Obama win this one?

  5. pandora says:

    Saw the Gibson video. Oh yeah, McCain has to man up… without losing his temper?

  6. Mike Protack says:

    By far this post is the dumbest thing I have read today.

    McCain is a coward? You folks have no clue about the world.

  7. anonone says:

    “By far this post is the dumbest thing I have read today.”

    Yeah, Mike, but did you look in the mirror?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Mike – Did you have the guts to stand up to your opponents? Hell, you practically called Bill Lee a coward for not debating you.

    So McCain wants to talk shit before the debate. Then he walks into the debate and says nothing. Finally, he leaves the debate and talks shit again. If Bill Lee ever gave you the chance to debate and behaved that way, he WOULD be a coward.

  9. pandora says:

    Please notice Protack doesn’t address the content. Come on, Mike, man up and stand by your guy.

  10. Donsquishy says:

    By far this post is the dumbest thing I have read today.

    McCain is a coward? You folks have no clue about the world.

    boy, if that aint a Mike W. comment.

    Please Mike. Enlighten us. How is he not a coward?

  11. Puzzler says:

    “McCain is a coward? You folks have no clue about the world.”

    Maybe the word “coward” is an unfortunate stretch. But McCain is a spectacularly desparate “panderer.” “Panderer” is a noun that many people disrespect as much as ‘coward.’

    What nouns would you like to go for Mike? Shill?

  12. Von Cracker says:

    i prefer ‘wavering opportunist’.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I like wussist.

    But, no. Coward is apropos (sorry for the French, Dom). If someone talks shit when you aren’t around then clams up in your presence, they are afraid of you.

    Granted, McCain should be afraid. He ain’t going against a chump, he is going against an opponent that’ll knock his block off. McCain knows it, and that is why he is afraid.

    You can be a former POW and be a coward. QED (That’s Latin, Dominique).

  14. pandora says:

    McCain may be walking into a fight (he started, btw) he can’t win, and Obama upped the ante today.

    After all his trash talk, if McCain doesn’t bring up the smears the coward label will be carved in stone. If he does bring them up he risks a counter punch that may cost him the election.

    Once again, Obama has the upper hand. Any counter punch Obama throws will be viewed as self defense.

    And if McCain loses his temper…

  15. Donsquishy says:

    I heard McCain sent out postcards smearing Obama…but when asked, he denied it was him…even when everyone and i mean EVERYONE knew it!

    is that cowardice?

  16. Pudding says:

    Bristol and Trig Palin story…..


  17. liberalgeek says:

    Is Jenga the new baby’s proposed name? It fits.

  18. Pooping Left Wing Troll says:

    My poops are braver than John McCain.

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m feeling sorry for Mike P. now. It must be depressing to have to try to sell McCain to the masses now. McCain is the most pitiful candidate that I can remember.

  20. Mike Protack says:

    Here is what you do not and can’t understand. You seem to think if someone has a different strategy than you approve of they are a coward. No wonder mostof you use anonymous names on these blogs.

    A Town Hall debate is a community style debate and being over aggressive is not only in poor taste but ineffective. Let’s face it, McCain did go after Obama on one occasion with the “that one” comment and all of the uninformed people of the world call racism.

    Obama has never been truthful during the entire campaign about his past associations. Obama has no resume, no experience and no chance of being a decent President-none.

    Obama is the closest thing to an empty suit there is in politics. Former President Clinton was right when he said, “are you kidding me?”

  21. cassandra m says:

    We all know what a Town Hall debate is. We all heard McCain say he was taking the gloves off for that debate too.

    And McCain did what most bullys do when the moment comes — they back off. Demonstrating in front of a live audience that he is a coward.

    See if this works, gang:

    Protack has never been truthful during the entire campaign about his past associations. Protack has no resume, no experience and no chance of being a decent Governor-none.

    Protack is the closest thing to an empty suit there is in politics. Former Governor Castle was right when he said, “are you kidding me?”

  22. pandora says:

    Are you trying to be funny, Mike? Poor taste?

    What would you call someone who trashes you every chance they get and then plays nicey-nicey to your face?

    Two-faced, coward comes to mind. And, make no mistake, this universal theme is going to play well with Independents and undecideds. We’ve all lived this experience. We’ve all said, “why doesn’t he/she say it to my face.”

  23. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Actually, I think Protack is more qualified to be president than Obama.

    Quick background check, Mike:

    Any mobsters finance your house?
    Ever join the PTA with domestic terrorists?
    Did your preacher ever espouse the downfall of the USA during the 20 years you faithfully attended services?
    Ever live as a Muslim in Indonesia?
    Ever do drugs and practice unsafe “congress” with a buddy?

  24. shortstuff says:

    Quick Background check on McCain/Palin:

    Who’s under investigation right now for Abuse of Power?

    Who was investigated and “used poor judgement” in one of the biggest financial downfalls of all time?

    Who was involved/confirmed to be a member, admitted to being a member of an organization tied to former Nazi sympathizers and Death squads during the Contra’s?

    Ever got the devil taken out of you by a witch doctor during a live service?

    This is ridiculous… Seriously, you’re faulting him for being a muslim? Wow, talk about denying our fundamental freedom to practice whatever religion we want.

    I did respect John McCain before he started on this path… As a fellow service member, you have to especially since he was a fellow squid… There is something wrong though with the fact that he has not and WILL NOT bring this up face to face because he knows somewhere in there deep inside him he knows it’s all BS. I think deep inside as a soldier he knows it isn’t right…

  25. Jockim Alberton says:

    Guess who votes for Obama?????

  26. shortstuff says:

    Since we’re throwing the whole he’s an extremist thing around and that he’s been financed and all of that which of course is unfounded, let’s look at something with some substance and with some known and admitted associations with Palin herself, since she just loves to label people as “Palling around with”…. I can’t even type it because it’s so bogus so here’s a look at who Palin was Palling around with….

  27. Jockim Alberton says:

    Don’t be so sure about the financing stuff!!!! 😉

  28. Donsquishy says:


    Ever live as a Muslim in Indonesia?

    even if it was true, why would it matter?

  29. Donsquishy says:

    I lived as a muslim for a few weeks. I also had dinner with an Indian couple for a few hours and had their food. Now, I guess I have lived as a Buddhist….

    you really are a sad person

  30. Jockim Alberton says:

    “you really are a sad person”

    Says the guy so desperately seeking affiliations for his soul…..

    My poor donviti….what did those priests do to you?

    And did anyone capture it on VHS?

    If so, please post it on YouTube.

  31. Geezer says:

    “Obama has no resume, no experience and no chance of being a decent President-none.”

    Comedy gold, considering the source.

  32. Donsquishy says:

    My poor donviti….what did those priests do to you?

    they broke my trust as has all organized religion

    way to deflect the question though.

    Why does it matter if he was muslim for a few years of his life?

  33. jason330 says:

    FYI – He wasn’t.

  34. Donsquishy says:

    what? are you fucking kidding me!

    I got a freaking email that says he was though