Ed Rollins Calls It for Obama

Filed in National by on October 10, 2008



Ed Rollins was the Campaign Manager for Ronald Reagan’s campaigns — he was an adept practitioner of the Southern Strategy and Lee Atwater worked for him.  Rollins is a rat bastard, but he is a smart and politically astute rat bastard and he seems to be looking past this election now asking McCain to think of his legacy and to think about the long term consequences of whipping up the kind of anger he has been whipping up.

No counting chickens, though and make sure you do something this weekend to help Obama get elected.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I know this is off topic, but I saw this on Daily Kos and I think it’s a seriously good idea:

    I’ve spoken with Sen. Lugar’s office three times in the last three or four hours, both in D.C. and in Indianapolis. One of the staffers there, I actually knew from my hometown. He said they’ve been getting non-stop calls from supporters threatening to leave the party, not vote, or vote for Obama if the fear mongering doesn’t stop. They want to know what McCoward is going to do to get the economy on track. Dick Lugar is a decent guy, and he knows he’s losing potential votes in 2010 by staying mute on this issue. This is only having an effect on the wingnuts, and while they’re dangerous, it could easily result in a massive stay home and don’t vote insurgency from the moderate GOPers.

    We should all call Castle’s office and ask whether he supports the hate speech from McCain’s campaign and whether he will speak out against it. Maybe we should contact Bill Lee as well.

  2. pandora says:

    And now Christopher Buckley (son of WFB) weighs in with “Sorry, Dad, I’m voting for Obama.”


    Who’s left?

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    Even Rollins used the L-word. Hmmm. I’ll stay cautiously optimistic.